gvSIG bugs #2413

Updated by Álvaro Anguix about 10 years ago

- We load a layer in a view (for example esp_provincias in EPSG23030, that is available from http://downloads.gvsig.org/download/testing/test_plan/gvsig_1x/data/vector/shp/espana/), and we access to the Gazetteer service.
- We connect to http://inspire.cop.gva.es:80/deegree/wfsg.
- We look for "Burriana" and at the results we select "Port de Burriana, el".

It shows the text, but the toponym point is not shown. It doesn't make a zoom to the toponym, only it moves the view to it. If we make a zoom to the toponym, the text disappears.
