#Translations for language [en] #Thu Sep 28 13:19:48 CEST 2006 add_connection=Add connection all=All almacenar_sc_de_vista=¿Store with the view's coordinate system? area_trabajo=Working area aviso_sin_extent_de_referencia=To use this option you need to have one already added layer to use as reference back=Previous bd=db capa_importada=Imported layer. Do you want to create the spatial index? connect=Connect connection_parameters=Connection parameters conectar_jdbc=You are trying to connect to database with these parameters confirm_remove=Are you sure you want to remove it? Remove=Remove connection_error=Conenction error reconnection_error=Error while reconnecting connection_name=Connection name database_connection=Database Connection DBManager=DataBase Manager disconnect=Disconnect driver=Driver driver_name=Driver name dbname=DB name edit_settings=Edit enter_connection_pw=Enter password error_conexion=Error connecting to data base exporting_=Exported so far exportando_features=Exporting geometries... features=geometries gestor_jdbc=Geographic database connections wizard geo_field_not_available=Error while getting valid geometry fields geo_field_error=Geometry fields error geodb_connections=Geographic DB connections geometries=geometries host=Computer id_not_available=Error while getting ID of table id_error=ID error ids_leidos=IDs read importar_extent=Import actual view extent insertar_en_la_vista_la_capa_creada=Would you like to add the table to the current view? insertar_capa=Add layer intro_tablename=Type in the name of the table to create. WARNING\: If table exists, it will be deleted. layer_name=Layer name maxx=max.x maxy=max.y minx=min.x miny=min.y next=Next no_indexes_on_declared_geo_fields=No spatial indexes found on geometry fields of table nombre_capa=Name of the layer nombre_no_valido=Invalid name. nombre_demasiado_largo=Name is too long (max. 27 characters) none2=None oracle_spatial=Oracle Spatial password=Password puerto=Port seleccion_de_campos=Field selection seleccione_tabla=Table select select_all=Select all select_geom_field=Select field with geometry select_none=Remove all select_unique_field=Select unique field usuario=User error=Error tabla_esta_vacia=That table has no records table_fields=Table fields oracle_spatial=Oracle Spatial exportar_capa_a_oracle_spatial=Export layer to Oracle Spatial new_layers_name=New layer name choose_jdbc_datasource=Choose datasource choose_table=Choose table specify_table_settings=Specify layer settings xmin=X min xmax=X max ymin=Y min ymax=Y max working_area=Working area sql_restriction=SQL restriction geo_field=Geometry field id_field=ID field get_view=Get view connection_name=Connection name connected=Connect server_url=Server URL password=Password user=User database_name=DB name port=Port driver=Driver connection_params=Connection settings choose_connection=Choose connection open_connections=Available connections