project(jecw) # Looking for arch extension! SET(LIB_POSTFIX "32") IF(UNIX) IF(NOT APPLE) IF(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "8") SET(LIB_POSTFIX "64") ENDIF(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "8") ENDIF(NOT APPLE) ELSE(UNIX) IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES Windows) IF(CMAKE_CL_64) SET(LIB_POSTFIX "64") ENDIF(CMAKE_CL_64) ENDIF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES Windows) ENDIF(UNIX) SET(platform_dir) IF(WIN32) IF(NOT CYGWIN) SET(platform_dir "w${LIB_POSTFIX}") ENDIF(NOT CYGWIN) ENDIF(WIN32) IF(UNIX) IF(APPLE) SET(platform_dir "mac") ELSE(APPLE) SET(platform_dir "linux") ENDIF(APPLE) ENDIF(UNIX) IF(UNIX) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O -DNDEBUG") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O -DNDEBUG") ENDIF(UNIX) #IF(WIN32) # SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "/O /D N_DEBUG") # SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "/O /D N_DEBUG") #ENDIF(WIN32) SET(GVSIG_BINARIES_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../binaries/${platform_dir}/raster/ecw") SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules;${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib-dist) #FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin-dist) set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib-dist) #set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin-dist) #set(CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH TRUE) IF(APPLE) SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR @executable_path/../Resources/NativeLibs CACHE STRING "Executable Path for MacOS X" FORCE) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR) ENDIF(APPLE) SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ${GVSIG_BINARIES_PATH} CACHE STRING "Forcing install path" FORCE) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) # This is for an advanced option to give aggressive warnings # under different compilers. If yours is not implemented, this option # will not be made available. IF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) # To be complete, we might also do GNUCC flags, # but everything here is C++ code. # -Wshadow and -Woverloaded-virtual are also interesting flags, but OSG # returns too many hits. # FYI, if we do implement GNUCC, then -Wmissing-prototypes in another # interesting C-specific flag. # Also, there is a bug in gcc 4.0. Under C++, -pedantic will create # errors instead of warnings for certain issues, including superfluous # semicolons and commas, and the use of long long. -fpermissive seems # to be the workaround. SET(AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS "-Wall -Wparentheses -Wformat=2 -Wno-long-long -Wno-import -pedantic -Wreturn-type -Wmissing-braces -Wunknown-pragmas -Wunused -fpermissive") ELSE(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) IF(MSVC) # FIXME: What are good aggressive warning flags for Visual Studio? # And do we need to further subcase this for different versions of VS? # CMake variables: MSVC60, MSVC70, MSVC71, MSVC80, CMAKE_COMPILER_2005 SET(AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS "/Wall /W4") ELSE(MSVC) # CMake lacks an elseif, so other non-gcc, non-VS compilers need # to be listed below. If unhandled, OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS should # remain unset. ENDIF(MSVC) ENDIF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) # This part is for the CMake menu option to toggle the warnings on/off. # This will only be made available if we set values for OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS. IF(AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS) OPTION(USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS "Enable to activate aggressive warnings" OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS) IF(USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS) IF(NOT "${OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WAS_SET}") SET(OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" CACHE INTERNAL "Old CXX flags") SET(OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WAS_SET 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Old CXX flags was set") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS}" CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE) ENDIF(NOT "${OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WAS_SET}") ELSE(USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS) # FIXME: This will lose any changes made after OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS was # set. The better way would be to parse the string and remove each # option explicitly. IF("${OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WAS_SET}") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE) SET(OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WAS_SET 0 CACHE INTERNAL "Old CXX flags was set") ENDIF("${OLD_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WAS_SET}") ENDIF(USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS) ENDIF(AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS) # Set defaults for Universal Binaries. We want 32-bit Intel/PPC on 10.4 # and 32/64-bit Intel/PPC on >= 10.5. Anything <= 10.3 doesn't support. IF(APPLE) # These are just defaults/recommendations, but how we want to build # out of the box. But the user needs to be able to change these options. # So we must only set the values the first time CMake is run, or we # will overwrite any changes the user sets. # FORCE is used because the options are not reflected in the UI otherwise. # Seems like a good place to add version specific compiler flags too. IF(NOT CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) # This is really fragile, but CMake doesn't provide the OS system # version information we need. (Darwin versions can be changed # independently of OS X versions.) # It does look like CMake handles the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT automatically. IF(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/10.5.sdk) SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "ppc;i386;ppc64;x86_64" CACHE STRING "Build architectures for OSX" FORCE) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -ftree-vectorize -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE) ELSE(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/10.5.sdk) IF(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk) SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "ppc;i386" CACHE STRING "Build architectures for OSX" FORCE) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -ftree-vectorize -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE) ELSE(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk) # No Universal Binary support # Should break down further to set the -mmacosx-version-min, # but the SDK detection is too unreliable here. ENDIF(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk) ENDIF(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/10.5.sdk) ENDIF(NOT CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) ENDIF(APPLE) SET(JECW_VERSION "0.0.5" CACHE STRING "JECW_VERSION") find_package(JNI) find_package(ECW) link_directories(${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}) add_subdirectory(src/main/native/jecw) # This needs to be run very last so other parts of the scripts can take # advantage of this. IF(NOT CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) SET(CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Flag to track whether this is the first time running CMake or if CMake has been configured before") ENDIF(NOT CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE)