#Translations for language [en] #Tue Jan 20 17:39:04 CET 2009 abrir_memoria=Open in memory accept=Accept accumulated=Acumulate activar=Activate activar_tablas_color=Activate color table activar_uso_nodata=Active NoData add-point=Add point add_errors_csv=Add errors to CSV file addband_error=Bands haven't been added to selected dataset. addlibrary_supera_limite=The piece number is too big. It could take too much time. Would you like to go on? adjust_to_rois=Adjust to maximun extension defined by layer ROIs affine_algorithm=Afin transformation Agudeza=Sharpness ajustar_limites=Limits adjust algorithm=Algorithm alpha=Alpha alto=Height anadir_filtro=Add filter analysisview=Analysis View ancho=Width ancho_alto=Width x Height ancho_x_alto=Width x Height aplicando_filtros=Applying filters aplicar_capa=Apply on layer aplicar_transf=Set transformation aplicar_vista_previa=Apply on preview apply=Apply apply_all=Apply selected option to all files archivo=File ask_end_georef=Do you want to close georeferencing aplication? ask_for_projection=Ask for projection when the raster loaded has different projection from view aviso_salir_salvando=There is changes in georeferencing data. Would you like to save and overwrite raster layer's georeferencing data? aviso_write_transform=The raster layer georeferencing is going to be changed. Would you like to go on? b_splines=B-Spline back_transf=Go to last transformation band=Band banda= bandas=Bands bands_number=Bands number bands_panel=Bands bicubico=Bicubic bilinear=Bilinear bloques_procesos=Process blocks borrar=Delete borrar_libreria=Delete library boton_limpiar=Clean boton_mostrar=Show all brightness=Brightness Brightness=Brightness brillo=Brightness brillo_y_contraste=Brightness and Contrast byte_order=Byte order cache=Cache calculando_estadisticas=Calculating statistics calculando_histograma=Calculating histogram cambiar_ruta=Change... cancel=Cancel cancelando=Cancelling cancelando_espere=Cancelling. Wait a moment, please... capa=Layer capa_a_reproyectar=Reproject layer capa_nueva=New Layer capa_raster=Raster layer carga_capas=Load layers cargar=Load cargar_en_toc=Load layers cargar_rois=Load ROIs from shp file cargar_toc=Would you like to load layer? celda=Cell center_raster=Center raster layer on View center_view=Center view to selected point cerrar=Close change_view_proj=Change the view projection to raster projection clase=Class clip=Clip clip_raster_again=Would you like to cut raster again? close=Close closeanalysisview=Close analisys view cmyktorgb=CMYK->RGB color=Color color_interpretation_continue=It's going to change default color interpretationlor for this raster. Would you like to go on? colorbalancecmy=CMY balance colorbalancergb=RGB balance colores=Colors adjust combinacion_no_asignable=It's not possible to save this selection of bands as default.\n A band only can to have one color interpretation Compare=Compare compress=Compression comprimir_paleta=It's possible to compress color palette. Would you like to do that? confirmacion=Confirm that... confirmar=Confirm contraer=Contract contrast=Contrast Contrast=Contrast contraste=Contrast coor_center=Center coor_down=Down coor_geograficas=Geographic coordinates coor_left=Left coor_right=Right coor_up=Up coordenadas_erroneas= coordenadas_pixel=Pixel coordinates coordenadas_reales=Real coordinates coordenadas_recorte=Coordinates corners=Corners crear_1_capa_por_banda=Create a layer for each band crear_tabla= data_type=Data type datatype_not_byte=Would you like a stretch selection? datos_visualizados=Visualize data de=of desactivado=Deactivate desea_borrar_librerias=Would you like to delete libraries? desea_guardar_cambios=Would you like to save changes? dest_file=target file dest_proj=target projection deteccion_bordes=Border detection dif_proj=Projection of selected raster is diferent
that view projection. Please, select an option. distancia_inversa=Inverse distance drawing_type=Drawed duplicar_libreria=Duplicate library el_fichero=The file elementos=Elements eliminar_extremos=Remove edges eliminar_filtro=Delete filter eliminar_puntos=This operation will delete all points \n in point table.\n Would you like to go on? enabled=Active end_georef=Exit to georeferencing endinfo=End statistics enhanced=Enhanced enhanced_rad=Radiometric enhanced equalization=Equalization equidistar=Middle distance error_abrir_fichero=Error opening file error_adding_filters=Selected filters are causing problems.\n Processes won't be executed. error_aplicando_filtro=Error adding filter error_carga_capa=Error loading layer error_cargar_capa= error_creando_filtro=Error creating filter error_create_overviews=It was not possible to create overviews error_creating_rois=Error creating ROIs. error_cutting=An exception has been throwed cutting the raster error_dont_exists_layer=The layer don't exists. It was not possible show preview. error_escritura=It's not possible to write in this path error_extensiones_soportadas=Error getting supported extension list. The layer can't be exported error_file_not_found=File not found error_file_not_valid=File not valid error_file_not_writable=Could not create output file. error_filtering=An exception has been throwed adding filters error_lectura=It's not possible to read in this path error_load_layer=It was not possible load layer. We can try it by hand error_lookingfor_view=Selected view not found.\n It's not possible to load georeferencing view error_point_file=Selected points file is not valid error_preview_render= error_processing=An exception has been launched.\n The process was aborted.\n (gvSIG.log for more information) error_props_show=It's not possible to operate with the layer now. Wait a moment please. error_props_tabs=Properties panel was closed because it wasn't panels error_render_preview=Error rendering preview error_reprojecting=Reprojecting error error_rois_table=ROIs Table error. error_rowtable=Error adding row to the table error_salvando_rmf=Error writing in rmf file error_set_view=Error setting load view parameters error_setview_preview=Error setting preview error_transformacion=Error in transformation parameters error_transformacion1=It's not possible to calc inverse transformation of any point error_view_not_found=Error\: View not found error_write_overviews=It was not possible to save overviews escala_maxima=Maximum scale escala_minima=Minimum scale escale=Scale espaciales=Spatial functions espectrales=Spectral functions espere=\=Wait a moment, please... esta_formato_desconocido=is in a not recognized format estadisticas_calculadas=Calculated statistics. expandir=Expand exponential=Exponential export_libreria=Export library exportar=Export extension_no_soportada=Selected format is not supported extents_no_coincidentes=Extent of the selected image does not match with the origin image. file=File file_doesn_exists= file_size_in_bytes=File size file_too_big=Input raster is too big to create a TIFF file (> 4GB).\n The result of the process will be compress to JPEG2000. files=Files filter_raster_again=Would you like to process raster again? filtro_de=Filter of filtros=Filter first_transf=Go to first transformation formato=Format freichen=Freichen full_view=Full zoom fullExtent=Full layer extent gauss=Gauss generacion_overviews=Create overviews when load a raster general=General general_info=Dataset information generando_bloque=Creating block generando_histograma=Generating histogram. Wait a moment, please ... generando_recorte=Clippping generar_fichero=Create file generar_overviews=Overviews geo_raster=GeoRaster geolocation=Geolocalization georef_algorithm=Georeferencing algorithm georef_file=Georeferencing file georef_loading=Loading georeferencig module georef_type=Georeferencing type georref=Georeferencing georreferenciacion=Georeferencing global=Global grayconversionscale=B/W Conversion grayescaleconversion=Gray Scale Conversion grayscaleconversion=Gray Scale green=Green guardando_capa=Saving layer guardar_como_predeterminado=Would you like to save current color table as default of this layer? guardar_en_disco=Save on disk automatically guardar_predeterminado=Save as default guess_image_geometry= hasta=to header_Size=Header size height=Height help= highpassfilter=High Pass filter histogram_error=Error calculating histogram histogram_type=Type histograma=Histogram histograms=Histograms hsltorgb=HSL->RGB ignore_raster_proj=Ignore layer projection and load imagen_completa=Full image import_libreria=Import library increase=Cursor Zoom increase_statistics=Increment calculating statistics incremento_overview=Increase in overviews generation incremento_recorte=Progress increment inf_der=Lower right info=Information informacion_adicional=Aditional information input_hist=Input interpolacion=Interpolation interpolado=Interpolated interpolando=Interpolating inversa=Inverse LadoVentana=Window side layer=Layer layer_not_loaded=There isn't a valid layer. Select a raster layer, please layer_without_georref=This layer has not geographic information.
Would you like to introduce it manually? levels=Levels leyendo_raster=Reading input data raster. \u00a1Warning\!. This operation could to take a few minutes. Wait a moment, please... libreria=Library limites=Limits lineal_directo=Direct linear lineas=Lines linf_der=lower right X ll=Lower left load_from_ascii=Load control points from CSV file load_from_xml=Load from XML file (.rmf) load_parameters=Load parameters loadlayer_aplicar=When load a DEM set loadstretch=Load Stretch logarithmical=Logarithmic logaritmic=Logarithmic lr=Lower right lsup_izq=Upper left luminosity=Luminosity mascaras=Masks maximo=Maximum maximoRGB=RGB maximum mayor_de=Greater than media=Mean media_phase=Media Mag/Phase median=Median mediana= menor_de=Less than metadata=Metadata metodo= minimo=Minimum minimoRGB=RGB minimun moda=Mode modefilter=Filtero de Moda mostrar_estadisticas=Show statistics move_image=Move image msg_save_raster=The operation will be canceled. Would you like to continue? mtspixel=Mts/pixel n_intervalos=Number of intervals nbandas=Bands number next_transf=Go to next transformation no=No no_driver_escritura=It's not possible to get write driver. The raster is not in disk yet. no_existe_fichero=File doesn't exists no_mostrar_la_capa_cuando_la_escala_sea=Not show the layer when the scale no_puede_abrir_fichero=The file can't be opened no_rows=There isn't entries in point table no_rows_selected=There aren't selected entries in points table no_selected_points=It isn't possible center view to a point.\n There aren't selected points nodata=NoData nodata_modificado_continuar=Default NoData value is going to be change. Would you like to go on? nograyscale=It wasn't possible to add\n gray scale filter noisefilter=Noise filter nombre=Name nombre_capa=Name of the layer nombre_capas=Layer names nomedian=It wasn't possible to add\n median filter noposterization=It wasn't possible to add\n posterization filter normal=Normal not_load=Don't load the layer npixeles= nueva_libreria=New library nueva_libreria_title=New library nuevo=New num_clases=Number of classes num_overviews=Overviews Number ocultar_estadisticas=Hide statistics onSharpening=Activate pansharpening opacidad=Opacity opciones=Options open_raw_file=Open RAW File operation=Operation options=Options origen= origin=Origin otras_opciones=Options output_header_format=Header output format output_hist=Output outputscale=Output Scale overviews=Overviews overviews_generating=Generating pyramid paginas_grupo=Pages x Group panel_preview_not_available=Preview not available for this panel pansharp=Pansharp pasoalto=High pass pasobajo=Low pass path=Path path_not_valid=Path not valid pedir_coordenadas_georreferenciacion=Ask for coordinates when a raster without georeferencing is loaded personalizado=Custom pixeles=pixels poligonos=Poligons polynomial_algorithm=Polinomial transformation porarea=Area selection porroi=ROI selection posterization=Posterization pow=Square preference_cache_warning=
WARNING\: You mustn't to change this section if you're not sure what are you doing
preferencias=Preferences prev=Last prev_zoom=Last zoom preview_not_available=Preview is not available previsualizacion=Preview previsualizar_automaticamente_raster=Preview automatically changing properties prewitt=Prewitt process=Process process_raster=Raster process proj_options=Projection options projection=Projection properties=Properties proporcion_overviews=Ratio props=Properties puntos=Points px=Pix X py=Pix Y radio=Radio radiometricos=Radiometric enhanced rampa=Gradient range_wrong=Wrong range values.\n rango_de_escalas=Scale range raster_error_file_exists=File already exists. Would you like to overwrite it? raster_export=Export to raster rasterizando=Rasterizing realce=Enhance realces=Enhancement recalc_stats=Recalc statistics recorte=Clipping recorte_de_colas=Clipping tail(%) red=Red regionalpha=Transparent area regiones_interes=Area of interest RemoveEnds=Remove ends reproject=Reproject raster to view projection reprojecting=Reprojecting reset_transf=Inicializate with disk transformation resolucion_espacial=Resolution resolution=Resolution restablecer=Restore RGB= rgbtocmyk=RGB->CMYK rgbtohsl=RGB->HSL roberts=Roberts rois_needed=Warning\: It's necesary some ROI to
apply this filter. Please, go to the dialog
"Interest regions" and select at least one. rotX=X Rotation rotY=Y Rotation ruta=Directory rutas=Paths rx=Rot X ry=Rot Y salvando_bloque=Saving block salvando_imagen=Saving image salvando_raster=Save to raster salvar=Save salvar_raster_geo=Save view to georeferenced raster salvar_rois=Save ROIS to shp file salvar_transf=Save current transformation as default save_parameters=Save parameters save_to_ascii=Save control points in CSV file save_to_xml=Save to XML (.grf) saveas=Save as scale=Scale scale_panel=Scale seleccion_bandas=Bands seleccionar_capas_raster=Select raster layers seleccionar_directorio=Select directory seleccionar_fichero=Select file select=Select select_image_geometry=Raster geometry selection select_proj=Select projection select_rgb=Select RGB clicking on view select_tool=Select from view select_zoom_area=Zoom selecting area selectarea=Selection selectBandaRefinado=Pancromatic Band Selector selectROI=ROI selection sharpen=Sharpen show_number=Show control point number graphically si=yes size=Size sobel=Sobel sobreescribir_datos_overview=Generate overview process could
overwrite the file. Would you like to go on? sobreescribir_overviews=The image already has overviews.
Would you like to overwrite them? sobreescribir_puntos=This function will delete all control points\n in raster metadata file.\n Would you like to go on? solo_visualizacion=Only on visualization source_too_big=Source layer is too big.\n Would you like to go on? square_root=Square root src_proj=source projection start_save=You can begin to select a area on the view statistics_generation=Statistics generation stats=Statistics stretch=Stretch suavizado=Smooth sup_izq=Upper left tabinterpolated_color=Color tabla=Table tabla_actual=Current table tabla_color=Color tables tablas_color=Color table table_not_initialize=Table not initialize TailTrim=Clipping tail (%) tamano_intervalo=Interval size tamanyo=Size tamanyo_celda=Cell size tamanyo_pagina=Page size tamPixX=Pixel size X tamPixY=Pixel size Y tarea_en_progreso=Running process temporales=Temporary tfw_load=To load georeferencing coordinates from tfw file threshold=Threshold time=Time tipo=Type tipo_dato=Data type toc_reproject=Reproject layer todos_soportados=All supported tolumsa=HSL balance transf=Transformation transformaciones_geograficas=Geographic transformations transp_by_pixel=Transparency by pixel transp_selection=Transparency by selection transparencia=Transparency transparente=Transparent tratar_nodata_transparente=Set NoData value to transparent type_of_interleaving=Type of interleaving ul=Upper left Umbral=Threshold ur=Upper right ux=X uy=Y valor=Value valor_general=General value value=Value value_not_valid=Value not valid in one cell varianza=Variance vecino_+_proximo=Nearest neighbourhood vecino_cercano=Nearest neighbourhood vectbbox=Select all inside bounding box vectinside=Set nodata in all outside regions values vector_generation=Vector generation vectorization=Vectorization vista_datasource=View extension vista_previa=Preview width=Width with_map=With reference cartography without_map=Without reference cartography yes=Yes zoom_mas=Increase zoom level zoom_menos=Decrease zoom level Zoom_pixel=Zoom to raster resolution