# Geocoding Extension geocoder=Geocoder geocodertip=Geocoder address geocoding=Geocoding geocodingrun=Geocoding ... indexingrun=Indexing data store ... new_geocoding_pattern=New geocoding pattern preference_file=Address elements preference_location=File path preference_edit=You can edit the list with new address elements nolayersinview=None layers in View combodefaulttext=... combonamefields=fields names comboaddresselements=Address elements pattern_geoco_file=Geocoding pattern file (*.xml) load_geoco_pattern=Load geocoding pattern save_geoco_pattern=Save geocoding pattern geocoerrorloadingfile= Error loading file geocoerrorreadingfile= Error reading file geocorrorsavingfile= Error saving file tablestructureelement=Element tableelementname=Name #main panel patternpath=File pattern=Geocoding pattern gtype=Select geocoding type atype=Complete address elements type=Select geocoding type gsimple=Simple gsimpletip=Geocoder one address gtable=Table gtabletip=Geocoder all table registries butnewpattern=Build new pattern buteditpattern=Modify settings pattern butloadpattern=Load pattern from file literalempty=New pattern hasn't address elements that it allows geocoding process street1=Address street2=Address street3=Address cancel=Cancel ok=Ok exit=Exit save=Save export=Export search=Search adrelements=Address elements valuename=Values valuefield=Field xcross=Crossing paths xbetween=Path section between two path settings=Search parameters maxresults=Results number score=Score higher than maxresultstip=Maximum number of search results scoretip=Level of search score results=Results previoustip=Previous registry oktip=Select result nexttip=Next registry ##New pattern panel datasource=Select data source selectedlayer=Vectorial layer components=Define pattern elements xfield=Data source fields xelement=Elements xvalue=Address xvalue1=Address 1 xvalue2=Address 2 xvalue3=Address 3 xmainvalue=Main address xnumAddress=Door number xidfield=Identifier field simcenstyle=Geocoding geometries by centroid. \n[Layer of points, lines and polygons] rangesimstyle=Geocoding path that this has single numeric range (odd and even number). \n [Layer of lines] rangedoustyle=Geocoding path that this has double numeric range, pairs number on the right and odd number on the left or vice versa. \n [Layer of lines] compostyle=Geocoding on the cross paths or the stretch of path between two paths . \n [Layer of lines] fid=Id fsel=Ok fscore=Points fx=X fy=Y flong=Long flat=Lat fnumber=Number row=Row loadlayer=Do you want load the layer related with geocoding pattern? nolayer=The datasource linked to pattern aren`t in the view. The pattern selected hasn't been loaded correctly. nolayertitle=Error loading pattern nopatternlayer=You haven't selected the layer related with geocoding pattern nolayers=To build new geocoding pattern you must load vectorial layer on the gvSIG view on which geocodified rangenum=Path numeric range numright=Right numeric range numleft=Left numeric range fromnum=From tonum=To rightfromnum=(Right) From righttonum=(Right) To leftfromnum=(Left) From lefttomnum=(Left) To #styles composedstyle=Composite geocoding doublerangestyle=Simple geocoding by double range simplerangestyle=Simple geocoding by single range simplecentroidstyle=Simple geocoding by centroid #process addressgeocoded= address geocoded addressesgeocoded= addresses geocoded featuresindexed= features indexed #export exportresults=New results layer shp_file=*.shp geocoding_all_results=All results table managerresults=Results manager managerresultstip=All results manager of geocoding process #relate table extension relate_table=Relate layer / table relateresultstip=Relate geocoding layer with all results table relateresults=Relate results #relate table extension relatelayer=Relate results to layer relateresultstip=Relate geocoding layer with all results table relateresults=Relate results butrelate=Relate butcancel=Cancel pantable=with results table message1=Results table message2=has been related with layer