Revision 9775 trunk/libraries/libUI/src/org/gvsig/gui/beans/textBoxWithCalendar/

View differences:
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191 191
	 * Sets the maximum width for this component, according a percentage of the width of the screen
	 * Sets the maximum width for this component, according a percentage of the width resolution of the screen
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	 * (If the parameter isn't > 0.0 neither -1.0 neither <= 1.0, this method doesn't apply the changes)
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	 * @param max_width_screen_percentage A float number > 0, or -1 if there is no limit
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	public void setMaximumWidthScreenPercentage(double max_width_screen_percentage) {
	public void setMaximumWidthScreenResolutionPercentage(double max_width_screen_percentage) {
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		int max_width = (int) Math.ceil(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width * max_width_screen_percentage);
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		if ((max_width > 0) || (max_width == -1)) {
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	 * Sets the minimum width for this component, according a percentage of the width of the screen
	 * Sets the minimum width for this component, according a percentage of the width resolution of the screen
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	 * (If the parameter isn't > 0.0 neither -1.0 neither <= 1.0, this method doesn't apply the changes)
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	 * @param min_width_screen_percentage A float number > 0.0 neither -1.0 neither <= 1.0, or -1 if there is no limit
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	public void setMinimumWidthScreenPercentage(double min_width_screen_percentage) {
	public void setMinimumWidthScreenResolutionPercentage(double min_width_screen_percentage) {
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		int min_width = (int) Math.ceil(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width * min_width_screen_percentage);
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		if ((min_width > 0) || (min_width == -1))
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	 * Sets the maximum height for this component, according a percentage of the height of the screen
	 * Sets the maximum height for this component, according a percentage of the height resolution of the screen
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	 * (If the parameter isn't > 0.0 neither -1.0 neither <= 1.0, this method doesn't apply the changes)
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	 * @param max_width_screen_percentage A float number > 0.0 neither -1.0 neither <= 1.0, or -1 if there is no limit
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	public void setMaximumHeightScreenPercentage(double max_height_screen_percentage) {
	public void setMaximumHeightScreenResolutionPercentage(double max_height_screen_percentage) {
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		if (((max_height_screen_percentage > 0.0) && (max_height_screen_percentage <= 1.0)) || (max_height_screen_percentage == -1.0)) {
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			int max_height = (int) Math.ceil(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height * max_height_screen_percentage);
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			this.maxDimensionOfJDialog.height = max_height;
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231 231
	 * Sets the minimum height for this component, according a percentage of the height of the screen
	 * Sets the minimum height for this component, according a percentage of the height resolution of the screen
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	 * (If the parameter isn't > 0.0 neither -1.0 neither <= 1.0, this method doesn't apply the changes)
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	 * @param min_width_screen_percentage A float number > 0.0 neither -1.0 neither <= 1.0, or -1 if there is no limit
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	public void setMinimumHeightScreenPercentage(double min_height_screen_percentage) {
	public void setMinimumHeightScreenResolutionPercentage(double min_height_screen_percentage) {
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		if (((min_height_screen_percentage > 0.0) && (min_height_screen_percentage <= 1.0)) || (min_height_screen_percentage == -1.0)) {
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			int min_height = (int) Math.ceil(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height * min_height_screen_percentage);
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			this.minDimensionOfJDialog.height = min_height;

Also available in: Unified diff