Expresion Field Plugin version 1.0 (Build number #build.number#): Before starting, check the following points: 1.- Download the sources for gvSIG v1.0.2. Follow the procedure described in the “Readme.txt” file to setup a working development environment. *** Compilation 1.- Uncompress the pilot package into the source folder just created (gvSIG-1_0_2-src). Note: some files in the 'binaries' folder must be overwritten. 2.- (Only if using Eclipse) Import the projects: *1: Pick the the File/Import menu command. *2: Choose 'Existing Projects into workspace' and hit 'Next' *3: With the option 'Select root directory' press 'Browse...' *4: Locate the workspace folder (normally, this should be the default) and hit 'Accept'. *5: Click on 'Deselect All' *6: Mark the following project from the list: extExpresionField. *7: Click on 'Finish'. 3.- Run the 'build.xml' in the project 'extExpresionField' (using Ant or Eclipse). For further assistance, please subscribe to the gvSIG developer list and send your questions there (see in http://www.gvsig.gva.es). Thanks for developing on gvSIG. Regards, The gvSIG Team