--set JAIIO_installed to --set better_uninstall to set but1 to localized string "Keep It" set but2 to localized string "UninstallÉ" display alert (localized string "JAI-ImageIO is installed") message (localized string "Previous gvSIG versions needed it and offered to install it. But it has been found to cause problems with Java applets in web browsers like Firefox, Camino and Opera. Therefore, we recommend JAI-ImageIO to be uninstalled. Current and future versions of gvSIG do not need it. Do you want to uninstall it?") buttons {but1, but2} default button but2 as warning set theResult to result if button returned of theResult is but2 then do shell script "rm ~/Library/Java/Extensions/jai_imageio.jar" --display alert (localized string "Uninstalled correctly.") message (localized string "JAI-ImageIO has been uninstalled.") as informational else set but1 to localized string "Launch gvSIG" --set but2 to localized string "Ask Again Next Time" display alert (localized string "JAI-ImageIO has not been uninstalled.") message  (localized string "If you want to uninstall it in a future, you can do so by hand. To uninstall, delete the file jai_imageio.jar contained in: your Home folder -> Library -> Java -> Extensions.") buttons {but1} default button but1 as warning --set theResult to result --if button returned of theResult is but1 then do shell script "defaults write ~/gvSIG/launcher \"Keep installed JAI-ImageIO\" -bool yes" --end if end if