#Translations for language [en] #Mon Sep 21 10:02:04 CEST 2009 abrir_memoria=Open in memory accumulated=Acumulate activar=Activate add-point=Add point add_errors_csv=Add errors to CSV file affine_algorithm=Afin transformation Agudeza=Sharpness ajustar_limites=Limits adjust algorithm=Algorithm ancho_x_alto=Width x Height aplicar_capa=Layer CRS aplicar_transf=Set transformation aplicar_vista_previa=Apply on preview apply=Apply archivo=File ask_end_georef=Do you want to close georeferencing aplication? ask_load_view=Would you like to load georeferenced layer in the view? ask_save_transformation=Would you like to save the new transformation\n as default for this raster? aviso_salir_salvando=There is changes in georeferencing data. Would you like to save and overwrite raster layer's georeferencing data? aviso_write_transform=The raster layer georeferencing is going to be changed. Would you like to go on? b_splines=B-Spline back_transf=Go to last transformation background_color=Background color band=Band bicubico=Bicubic bilinear=Bilinear borrar_libreria=Delete library boton_limpiar=Clean cache=Cache calculando_histograma=Calculating histogram calculando_transformacion= cancelando=Cancelling cancelando_espere=Cancelling. Wait a moment, please... capa=Layer capa_nueva=New Layer carga_capas=Load layers cargar_en_toc=Load layers celda=Cell cellsize=Pixel size center_locator= center_view=Center view to selected point Compare=Compare confirmacion=Confirm that... confirmar=Confirm coor_center=Center coor_down=Down coor_geograficas=Geographic coordinates coor_left=Left coor_right=Right coor_up=Up coordenadas_pixel=Pixel coordinates coordenadas_reales=Real coordinates coordenadas_recorte=Coordinates corners=Corners datos_visualizados=Visualize data degree=sexagesimal degrees desea_borrar_librerias=Would you like to delete libraries? desea_guardar_cambios=Would you like to save changes? distancia_inversa=Inverse distance eliminar_puntos=This operation will delete all points \n in point table.\n Would you like to go on? enabled=Active end_georef=Exit to georeferencing end_test_georef=End test error_abrir_fichero=Error opening file error_carga_capa=Error loading layer error_clone_layer=Error copying layer error_creando_filtro=Error creating filter error_escritura=It's not possible to write in this path error_file_not_found=File not found error_file_not_valid=File not valid error_file_not_writable=Could not create output file. error_georef=It wasn't possible set georeferencing information error_lectura=It's not possible to read in this path error_leyendo_rmf=Error reaing rmf file.\n The file must exist and be readable. error_load_layer=It was not possible load layer. We can try it by hand error_lookingfor_view=Selected view not found.\n It's not possible to load georeferencing view error_point_file=Selected points file is not valid error_rowtable=Error adding row to the table error_salvando_rmf=Error writing in rmf file error_set_view=Error setting load view parameters error_setview_preview=Error setting preview error_transformacion=Error in transformation parameters error_transformacion1=It's not possible to calc inverse transformation of any point error_writer=Writer not found. error_writer_notsupportedextension= escale=Scale espere=\=Wait a moment, please... export_libreria=Export library file=File files=Files filtro_de=Filter of first_transf=Go to first transformation formato=Format full_view=Full zoom fullExtent=Raster layer zoom to full extent general=General generando_histograma=Generating histogram. Wait a moment, please ... generar_fichero=Create file geolocation=Geolocalization georef_algorithm=Georeferencing algorithm georef_file=Georeferencing file georef_loading=Loading georeferencig module georef_type=Georeferencing type georref=Georeferencing georreferenciacion=Georeferencing georreferenciacion_process=Georeferencing process georreferencing_log_message=Georeferencing image. This may take a while. Please be patient... global=Global green=Green guardando_capa=Saving layer guardar_como_predeterminado=Would you like to save current color table as default of this layer? guardar_en_disco=Save on disk automatically guardar_predeterminado=Save as default height=Height histograma=Histogram imagen_completa=Complet import_libreria=Import library incremento_recorte=Progress increment informacion_adicional=Aditional information interpolacion=Interpolation interpolado=Interpolated interpolando=Interpolating LadoVentana=Window side layer_not_loaded=There isn't a valid layer. Select a raster layer, please layer_without_georref=This layer has not geographic information.
Would you like to introduce it manually? limites=Limits lineas=Lines linf_der=lower right X ll=Lower left load_from_ascii=Load control points from CSV file load_from_xml=Load from XML file (.rmf) logaritmic=Logarithmic lr=Lower right lsup_izq=Upper left X maximo=Maximum metadata=Metadata minimo=Minimum more_points=It's necessary to introduce more control points\n for selected polinomy order.\n Minimun number of points\: move-point=Move point move_image=Move image msg_save_raster=The operation will be canceled. Would you like to continue? n_intervalos=Number of intervals next_transf=Go to next transformation no_existe_fichero=File doesn't exists no_rows=There isn't entries in point table no_rows_selected=There aren't selected entries in points table no_selected_points=It isn't possible center view to a point.\n There aren't selected points no_view_found=The selected view is not active.\n Select other view, please. nombre=Name nombre_capa=Name of the layer nombre_capas=Layer names normal=Normal num_clases=Number of classes options=Options origin=Origin otras_opciones=Options out_pixel_size=Output pixel size output_file=Output file points_panel=GCP panel polynomial_algorithm=Polinomial transformation prev_zoom=Last zoom preview_not_available=Preview is not available proceso_georreferenciacion=Georeferencing process process=Process px=Pix X py=Pix Y rango_de_escalas=Scale range raster_error_file_exists=File already exists. Would you like to overwrite it? raster_not_created=Raster result has not created.\n You should execute the process before loading on view. rasterizando=Rasterizing recalc_stats=Recalc statistics recorte=Clipping reset_transf=Inicializate with disk transformation resolucion_espacial=Spatial resolution restablecer=Restore rotX=X Rotation rotY=Y Rotation ruta=Directory rutas=Paths rx=Rot X ry=Rot Y salvando_imagen=Saving image salvar_transf=Save current transformation as default save_gcp_to_xml=Save control points in raster metadata file save_to_ascii=Export table of points into a text file. save_to_xml=Save to XML (.grf) seleccion_bandas=Bands selection seleccionar_capas_raster=Select raster layers seleccionar_directorio=Select directory seleccionar_fichero=Select file select=Select select_color=Select color select_tool=Select from the view select_zoom_area=Zoom selecting area show_number=Show control point number graphically si=yes size=Size sobreescribir_puntos=This function will delete all control points\n in raster metadata file.\n Would you like to go on? statistics_generation=Statistics generation stats=Statistics tablas_color=Color table table_not_initialize=Table not initialize tamano_intervalo=Interval size tamanyo=Size tamanyo_celda=Cell size tamPixX=Pixel size X tamPixY=Pixel size Y tarea_en_progreso=Running process temporales=Temporary test_georef=Test georeferencing text_color=Text and markings time=Time tipo_dato=Data type todos_soportados=All supported transf=Transformation transformacion=Transformation... transp_by_pixel=Transparency by pixel transp_selection=Transparency by selection transparencia=Transparency transparente=Transparent ul=Upper left Umbral=Threshold umbral_error=Error threshold to show warning ur=Upper right ux=X uy=Y valor_general=General value value_not_valid=Value not valid in one cell vecino_+_proximo=Nearest neighbourhood view_panel=Georeferencing view views_panel=View vista_datasource=View extension vista_previa=Preview width=Width with_map=With reference cartography without_map=Without reference cartography zoom_mas=Increase zoom level zoom_menos=Decrease zoom level zooms_control=Zoom control poly_order=Order