Revision 315 org.gvsig.geoprocess/trunk/org.gvsig.geoprocess/org.gvsig.geoprocess.algorithm/org.gvsig.geoprocess.algorithm.fusespatially/src/main/resources/help/FuseSpatiallyAlgorithm_en.xml

View differences:

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28 28
		<element name="DESCRIPTION" text="This geoprocess works with one only input layer, whose geometry type must be polygon. This process analize each input geometry and builds a unique polygon with all geometries which intersects each other. The attribute table will have an identifier field of each feature. <BR> Furthermore, other layer with only alphanumeric data will be created. This alphanumeric table will contain the table of the input layer and it will include a identifier field with a reference to the polygon in the first layer. In this way, each polygon in the first layer will have a reference to each feature in the second layer." description="Descripci&#243;n" type="0">
			<image description="" file="dissolvedesc.png">
			<image description="" file="fusespatiallydesc.png">
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31 31
32 32
		<element name="ADDITIONAL_INFO" text="" description="Informaci&#243;n adicional" type="0">

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