

# Date Author Comment
37 10/13/2015 10:14 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Abreviada entrada al menú general

36 10/13/2015 09:57 AM Daniel Martinez

Change in units length

35 10/13/2015 09:44 AM Daniel Martinez

Changes done to calibrate route to work properly

34 10/13/2015 08:47 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Eliminado codigo comentarizado

33 10/08/2015 05:37 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí


32 10/08/2015 02:14 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Arreglados lo problemas al cerrar las ventanas de los dialogos.

31 10/08/2015 01:34 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Updated parent version to 2.0.104-SNAPSHOT

30 10/08/2015 01:34 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Arreglados lo problemas al cerrar las ventanas de los dialogos.

29 10/06/2015 01:21 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

- Renamed panel to panelSelectId
- Fixed ComponetHidden method.

28 10/05/2015 08:49 AM Daniel Martinez

Some common methods are extracted from CreateRoute to Utils.

27 10/01/2015 09:33 AM Daniel Martinez

Changes in Algorithm Create Route. It works almost properly, but has errors when selecting the correct route between two or more.

26 10/01/2015 09:05 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Generate dynamic segmentation algorithm.

25 09/30/2015 04:32 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Reordenadas las extensiones

24 09/30/2015 04:32 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Añadida pregunta al usuario sobre si desea cargar la capa tras realizar el proceso.

23 09/30/2015 04:30 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí
22 09/28/2015 05:40 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

ShowMeasuresExtension and WiperMeasuresExtension

21 09/25/2015 09:36 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

EditRouteCalibration: Restringido a una única instancia de la extension.

20 09/24/2015 05:39 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Comprobación de que las capas sean con componente M

19 09/24/2015 04:21 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

- Changed name of class JLrsUtilsController by JLrsUtils
- Cleaned graphics clossing JLrsEditRouteCalibrationController.

18 09/24/2015 02:46 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Finished (perhaps) EditRouteCalibration

17 09/23/2015 05:23 PM Daniel Martinez

Changes in create route y edit route to adapt to M-geometries and development of the algorithms.

16 09/17/2015 04:25 PM Daniel Martinez

Extracted validation methods, and others common methods, to utilities classes. Begins Calibration Route Algorithm.

15 09/17/2015 09:08 AM Daniel Martinez

Changes in create route algorithm. New layer is created correctly and geometries are copied and grouped by selected feature attribute.

14 09/15/2015 12:59 PM Daniel Martinez

Desarrollo y correcciones al edit route. refs #16861

13 09/09/2015 11:05 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

1 ... 40 41 42 43 (1026-1050/1062) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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