Revision 1809 org.gvsig.raster.wmts/trunk/org.gvsig.raster.wmts/org.gvsig.raster.wmts.ogc/org.gvsig.raster.wmts.ogc.impl/src/main/java/org/gvsig/raster/wmts/ogc/impl/struct/

View differences:
30 30
import java.util.ArrayList;
31 31
import java.util.List;
32 32

import org.gvsig.raster.wmts.ogc.struct.WMTSTile;
33 34
import org.gvsig.raster.wmts.ogc.struct.WMTSTileMatrix;
34 35
import org.gvsig.raster.wmts.ogc.struct.WMTSTileMatrixLimits;
35 36
68 69
		return bboxTileMatrixSet;
69 70
70 71

    public class InternalTileImpl {
    public class InternalTileImpl implements WMTSTile {
72 73
    	public int       wPx, hPx;
73 74
    	public int       row, col;
74 75
    	public double    ulx, uly, lrx, lry;
103 104
    		return p;
104 105
105 106
    	public InternalTileImpl cloneTile() {
    	public WMTSTile cloneTile() {
107 108
    		InternalTileImpl status = new InternalTileImpl(wPx, hPx, row, col, ulx, uly, lrx, lry);
108 109
    		status.file = file;
109 110
    		return status;
219 220
     * intersects then this will be added to the list.
220 221
     * @deprecated this method was for grid subsets.   
221 222
	public ArrayList intersects(boolean projected, WMTSTileMatrixLimits tileMatrixLimits, Rectangle2D request, Rectangle2D extentLayer) {
	public List<WMTSTile> intersects(boolean projected, WMTSTileMatrixLimits tileMatrixLimits, Rectangle2D request, Rectangle2D extentLayer) {
223 224
    	double widthMtsTile = getWidthWCTile(projected);
224 225
    	double heightMtsTile = getHeightWCTile(projected);
225 226

226 227
		double ulx, uly, lrx, lry;
    	ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
    	List<WMTSTile> list = new ArrayList<WMTSTile>();
228 229
    	Rectangle2D r = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 0, 0);
229 230

230 231
    	//Recorre la matriz de tiles calculando las coordenadas de cada tile
260 261
     * This function will check if the request coordinates intersects with the tiles in the matrix. If a tile
261 262
     * intersects then this will be added to the list.  
262 263
	public ArrayList intersects(boolean projected, Rectangle2D request, Rectangle2D extentLayer) {
	public List<WMTSTile> intersects(boolean projected, Rectangle2D request, Rectangle2D extentLayer) {
264 265
    	double widthWorldCoordTile = getWidthWCTile(projected);
265 266
    	double heightWorldCoordTile = getHeightWCTile(projected); 
266 267

267 268
		double ulx, uly, lrx, lry;
    	ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
		List<WMTSTile> list = new ArrayList<WMTSTile>();
269 270
    	Rectangle2D r = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 0, 0);
270 271

271 272
    	//Recorre la matriz de tiles calculando las coordenadas de cada tile
331 332
     * This function will check if the request coordinates intersects with the tiles in the matrix. If a tile
332 333
     * intersects then this will be added to the list.  
333 334
	public ArrayList contains(boolean projected, Point2D point, Rectangle2D extentLayer) {
	public List<WMTSTile> contains(boolean projected, Point2D point, Rectangle2D extentLayer) {
335 336
		double widthMtsTile = getWidthWCTile(projected); //getWidthMtsTile(projected);
336 337
    	double heightMtsTile = getHeightWCTile(projected); //getHeightMtsTile(projected);
337 338

338 339
		double ulx, uly, lrx, lry;
    	ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
		List<WMTSTile> list = new ArrayList<WMTSTile>();
340 341
    	Rectangle2D r = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 0, 0);
341 342

342 343
    	//Recorre la matriz de tiles calculando las coordenadas de cada tile
371 372
     * This function will check if the request coordinates intersects with the tiles in the matrix. If a tile
372 373
     * intersects then this will be added to the list.  
373 374
	public ArrayList contains(boolean projected, WMTSTileMatrixLimits tileMatrixLimits, Point2D point, Rectangle2D extentLayer) {
	public List<WMTSTile> contains(boolean projected, WMTSTileMatrixLimits tileMatrixLimits, Point2D point, Rectangle2D extentLayer) {
375 376
		double widthMtsTile = getWidthWCTile(projected);
376 377
    	double heightMtsTile = getHeightWCTile(projected);
377 378

378 379
		double ulx, uly, lrx, lry;
    	ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
		List<WMTSTile> list = new ArrayList<WMTSTile>();
380 381
    	Rectangle2D r = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 0, 0);
381 382

382 383
    	//Recorre la matriz de tiles calculando las coordenadas de cada tile

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