| Revision:

gvsig-vectorediting / org.gvsig.vectorediting / trunk / org.gvsig.vectorediting / org.gvsig.vectorediting.lib / org.gvsig.vectorediting.lib.impl @ 405

# Date Author Comment
405 03/13/2015 09:57 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.vectorediting-1.0.3

393 02/06/2015 12:40 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

391 02/06/2015 12:40 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.vectorediting-1.0.2

379 01/29/2015 04:24 PM Lluís Marqués

Deleted useless methods.

377 01/29/2015 02:51 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Arreglado para que el DefaultEditingProviderManager lleve un registro de valores por defecto y pueda "recordar" el último valor introducido por el usuario en la sesion actual de gvSIG y lo utilice posteriormente como valor por defecto.

352 01/19/2015 02:20 PM Lluís Marqués

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

350 01/19/2015 02:20 PM Lluís Marqués

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.vectorediting-1.0.1

322 01/13/2015 11:25 AM Lluís Marqués

Added MapContext parameter to getEditingService because it could be necessary for some editing provider.
Modify all provider factory classes.

319 01/09/2015 09:23 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

- Añadido registro de symbolos para edición

294 12/16/2014 09:26 AM Lluís Marqués

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

292 12/16/2014 09:26 AM Lluís Marqués

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.vectorediting-1.0.0

289 12/16/2014 09:17 AM Lluís Marqués

[maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of org.gvsig.vectorediting-1.0.0

288 12/16/2014 09:06 AM Lluís Marqués

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.vectorediting-1.0.0

272 12/12/2014 02:27 PM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Fixed EllipseEditingProvider and added FilledEllipseEditingProvider

264 12/11/2014 05:43 PM Lluís Marqués

Implemented Splitline provider.

262 12/10/2014 04:59 PM Lluís Marqués

Changed return type to line.

253 12/10/2014 10:00 AM Lluís Marqués

Implemented deleteFeatureFromFeatureStore.
Fixed fixme comments.

251 12/10/2014 09:57 AM Lluís Marqués

Added InvalidEntryException exception to start method.
Changed test try catch.
Added message when service finalizes.

247 12/09/2014 02:00 PM Lluís Marqués

Implemented createCircle from three points.

241 12/04/2014 05:12 PM Lluís Marqués

Added method that creates console message provider with a pretex and options at EditingProviderServices

238 12/04/2014 10:37 AM Lluís Marqués

Fixed use of method shouldValidateTheFeature.

227 12/02/2014 09:54 AM Lluís Marqués

Clean up code.

207 11/27/2014 01:12 PM Lluís Marqués

Added new service: createSpline.

202 11/27/2014 10:04 AM Lluís Marqués

Added createLine(Point p1, Point p2) method to EditingProviderServices.
Code refactor to use new method.

188 11/24/2014 10:01 AM Lluís Marqués

Implemented ellipse provider.

178 11/18/2014 08:38 AM Lluís Marqués

Changed API. Before feature store received as parameters was been used to get subtype. Now, methods has subtype parameter instead of feature store.

Moved protected methods of polyline to EditingProvider due to they can be useful to other providers.

169 11/17/2014 07:52 AM Lluís Marqués

Fixed error at getSubType. If it can not get subtype of feature store it should return SUBTYPE.UNKNOWN.

166 11/17/2014 06:42 AM Lluís Marqués

Added exception to logger.

159 11/14/2014 02:44 AM Lluís Marqués

Changed all class headers.
Source formatting.

130 11/04/2014 03:36 AM Lluís Marqués

Corregidos mensajes de error.
Añadidos mensajes de error.
Cambiado el logging de error a info.

128 11/03/2014 06:50 AM Lluís Marqués

Añadido mensaje al log cuando ocurre algun error al obtener un editing service.

114 10/30/2014 11:29 AM Lluís Marqués

Implementación del método de utilidad usado por los proveedores para registrar sus iconos.
Eliminadas dependencias con los proveedores.
Eliminado el registro de los proveedores. Ahora cada proveedor se registra asimismo.

97 10/13/2014 03:12 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Cambiado el nombre al método draw por getDrawingStatus

95 10/10/2014 07:21 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Separador los proveedores de createPolyline y createPolygon (irregular).

89 10/08/2014 05:55 AM Lluís Marqués

Implemented EditingContext.
Added ServiceInformationException to be thrown when somebody tries to get information of service.

88 10/08/2014 02:55 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Separadas las herramientas de crear círculos y circunferencias.

87 10/07/2014 08:39 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Cambiado nombre del método value por setValue

80 10/06/2014 11:55 AM Lluís Marqués

Implemented Internal polygon provider.

78 10/06/2014 05:18 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Añadido EditingCompoundBehavior que permita entrar en modo selección cuando un servicio lo requiera.

74 10/03/2014 06:24 AM Lluís Marqués

Removed unused methods to create geometries.

72 10/03/2014 06:21 AM Lluís Marqués

Changed activateTool to activateService.
Deleted useless comments and unused variables.

71 10/03/2014 02:51 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Added StopServiceException

68 10/02/2014 06:11 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Movido el método getFeatureCopyWithoutPK al DefaultEditingProviderServices

63 10/01/2014 11:56 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Symmetry extension

62 10/01/2014 11:39 AM Lluís Marqués

Deleted InvalidOption and Invalidvalue. Now there is a common exception.
Fixed bug when user insert points by console.

61 10/01/2014 10:58 AM Lluís Marqués

Changed how exceptions are thrown and captured.
Generated message errors with a logger.

59 10/01/2014 06:28 AM Lluís Marqués

Implemented polyline extension.

58 10/01/2014 06:26 AM Lluís Marqués

Code refactor. Deleted useless comments and changed provide name polyline.

57 10/01/2014 03:50 AM Lluís Marqués

Implemented polyline provider.

56 10/01/2014 03:49 AM Lluís Marqués

Changed return type of draw operation.
Code refactor.

55 09/26/2014 05:15 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

- Movidos los métodos de utilidad a EditingService.
- Creado DrawindStatus.

50 09/25/2014 04:23 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Arreglados poms

48 09/25/2014 03:14 AM Lluís Marqués

Moved refreshMenus to extension from manager.
Changed castor validation exception for an Exception of Java.
Deleted all references to DefaultViewPanel in DefaultEditingBehavior and DefaultEditingSwingManager.

47 09/25/2014 03:12 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

- Cambiados nombres y cadenas de circle2P a circleCR.
- Modificado segundo parámatero de circleCR, de point a value.

46 09/24/2014 11:21 AM Francisco Díaz Carsí

Creación de circulos en capas de lineas y de polígonos

45 09/24/2014 06:54 AM Lluís Marqués

Changed layer parameter for featureStore.
Changed provider name. Now action-command and provider name is the same.

42 09/23/2014 11:22 AM Lluís Marqués

Added swing api and impl to dependency management.
Moved activateTool and beginEdition to swingManager.
Moved EditingBehavior to swing.api
Moved DefaultEditingBehavior to swing.impl
Added swingManager, locator and library.

39 09/23/2014 07:33 AM Lluís Marqués

Changed equals method to override equals method of Object.
Deleted attribute console message to simplify EditingServiceParameter class.
Changed name and description of provider params because console message was deleted.

38 09/23/2014 07:19 AM Lluís Marqués

Refactored names of some operations.
Changed how to insert providers stores values.
Implemented getParameters of providers.

37 09/23/2014 06:49 AM Lluís Marqués

Changed the use of java.awt.geom.point2d for org.gvsig.fmap.geom.primitive.Point.

36 09/23/2014 05:56 AM Lluís Marqués

Changed layer parameter for featureStore.

35 09/23/2014 05:46 AM Lluís Marqués

Implemented set last tool selected when active layer changes.

34 09/23/2014 02:57 AM Lluís Marqués

Set caret position when activated service is changed.

33 09/23/2014 02:16 AM Lluís Marqués

Implemented when user press Esc cancels the tool.

31 09/22/2014 10:53 AM Lluís Marqués

Fixed bad name.

30 09/22/2014 10:52 AM Lluís Marqués

Added cleanBehavior method at EditingBehavior.

29 09/22/2014 08:01 AM Lluís Marqués

Implemented getServiceInfo.
Implemented common operations at BaseEditingExtension to set if each extension is enable or not.
Changed return type of getSupportedPrimitiveGeometryTypes operation to int[].

28 09/22/2014 06:19 AM Lluís Marqués

Changed version of org.gvsig.desktop to 2.0.58.
Added dependency management of prov.circle2p project.
Added prov.circle2p dependency to projects.
Added project to plugin package.
Changed structure of extensions. Now BaseEditingServiceExtension is abstract and each editingextension extends this class....

27 09/19/2014 05:01 AM Lluís Marqués

Removed isValidValue from interfaces and services. This method should be called in an internal way.
Removed getName() at InsertPoint provider because name is static.

26 09/19/2014 03:28 AM Lluís Marqués

Implemented the display of coordinates.
Implemented error message when behavior receives bad values by console.
Set caret position when the edition starts.


25 09/18/2014 11:43 AM Lluís Marqués

Implemented method to get points by console.
Added message console parameter in EditingServiceParameter.

23 09/18/2014 07:27 AM Lluís Marqués

Implemented EditingExtension and InsertPointExtension.
Provisional config to test.
Fix: InserPointProvider now creates Point2d not java.awt.Point.
Changed featureSotre parameter field at InsertPointProvider to layer field.

22 09/18/2014 07:24 AM Lluís Marqués

Commented main module to test plugin in gvSIG.
Added app.mainplugin dependency to app.mainpluign and lib.api.
Create common operations on BaseEditingServiceExtension. This operations can be used for each extension.
Added beginEdition to EditingManager (API) and implemented (IMPL)...

19 09/17/2014 03:19 AM Lluís Marqués

Refactoring and formating code. Added start method to service that permits us to reset values of service.
Added incomplete new abstract class to extract common functionality of providers.
Added new functionality to Main.

17 09/16/2014 05:26 AM Lluís Marqués
  • Changed parameter "InsertPoint" to name variable.
  • Implemented getService to obtain default editing service linked with appropriate provider.
  • Implemented activeTool that obtain editingBehavior and call activateTool.
  • Override createProvider
  • Delegated service functionality to provider...
16 09/15/2014 06:37 AM Lluís Marqués
  • Deleted concrete impl of service. There is one generic service that delegates all functionality to providers.
15 09/15/2014 06:00 AM Lluís Marqués
  • Added provisional imageCursor
14 09/15/2014 04:18 AM Lluís Marqués
  • Changed type of getParametersMethod to Set.
  • Added method getParameterInfo at EditingServiceInfo
  • Added equals method in order to compare parameters at Maps.
  • Added attributes at InserPointService
  • Added isValidvalue method to validate values
13 09/15/2014 02:35 AM Lluís Marqués

Added default constructor at DefaultEditingContext

10 09/12/2014 02:59 AM Lluís Marqués
  • Moved types of ServiceParamerts to interface
  • Added mouse events in EditingBehavior
  • Changed DefaultEditingManager constructor
  • Added postInitialize in EditingProviderLibrary
9 09/11/2014 11:03 AM Lluís Marqués
  • Moved EditingBehavior to lib.api
  • Changed type to interface and created DefaultEditingBehavior that implements it.
  • Added autoregister at ProviderLibary
  • Added new method to activate tools.
8 09/11/2014 11:01 AM Lluís Marqués
  • Changed prov dependency management for prov.insertpoint
  • Changed name of mainplugin project in pom
  • Set prov.insertpoint at gvsig-plugin-package
  • Added prov.insertpoint dependency in impl project and main project
  • Added attributes to InsertPoint provider
6 09/11/2014 07:57 AM Lluís Marqués

Added dependencies among projects. Chanded type of lib.prov pom to pom and added insertpoint provider as submodule.

4 09/11/2014 07:25 AM Lluís Marqués

First commit.