#Translations for language [en] #Tue Jun 05 16:07:12 CEST 2007 _google_maps=Google Maps _select_map_type=Select Map Type _map_type=Map Type _use_api_key=Use API key _google_static_maps_use_api_key_tooltip=An API key for Google Static Maps can be requested to Google _api_key=API Key _roadmap=Roadmap _satellite=Satellite _terrain=Terrain _hybrid=Hybrid _zoom_lvl=Zoom level _zoom_lvl_tooltip=Maximum zoom level. Depends on zone and map type. _zoom_lvl_not_valid=Not valid zoom level _api_key_needed=An API key is needed _google_maps_disclaimer=This tool uses Google Static Maps API.
For its proper use, an API key should be requested to Google.
More information about its terms of use can be found at:
_google_disclaimer_url=https://developers.google.com/maps/ _crs_warning=The projection of the view is not appropriate to load layers of this service.