Nacho Varela

  • Email:
  • Registered on: 01/16/2012
  • Last connection: 02/21/2014


Reported issues: 7


02:28 PM | gvSIG desktop 1 gvSIG bugs #1174 (New): PostGIS- bucle error when unknown geometry
I create a layer on PostGIS like that:
CREATE TABLE test( gid integer NOT NULL);
select addGeometryColumn('public...
02:24 PM | gvSIG desktop 1 gvSIG bugs #1173 (New): WFS refresh
Refresh option of the ToC is not working for WFS layers. Overmore, the layer is not refreshing when changing "max_fe...


02:32 PM | gvSIG desktop 1 gvSIG bugs #795: Error when trying to change symbology on a new vector layer
Apparently solved!!
I've remove "C:\Documents and Settings\myuser\gvSIG" folder and reinstall.
01:21 PM | gvSIG desktop 1 gvSIG feature requests #796 (New): Create a group on the ToC for a single layer
Sometimes I want to create a group on the ToC but just with a single layer. Actually, it is not possible.
01:16 PM | gvSIG desktop 1 gvSIG bugs #795: Error when trying to change symbology on a new vector layer
I've reinstalled on "C:\" and problem persists.
Attached the new log...
12:33 PM | gvSIG desktop 1 gvSIG bugs #795 (New): Error when trying to change symbology on a new vector layer
An error is launch when trying to change symbology on a new vector layer.
1.- Create a new Shapefile (poly...


07:58 PM | gvSIG desktop 1 gvSIG bugs #556 (New): GVP is not open
Steps to get the error:
# unzip gvSIG-1.12 build and open,
# change EPGS to 23029 and create a new view
# add a ...


10:35 AM | gvSIG desktop 1 gvSIG feature requests #405 (Closed): OGC resources updatables via ExtensionManager
Would be nice to update the list of URL with OGC services (WMS, WFS, etc-) gvSIG through the extensions manager packa...
10:33 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG feature requests #404 (Outdated): OGC resources updatables via Addons Manager
Would be nice to update the list of URL with OGC services (WMS, WFS, etc-) gvSIG through the extensions manager packa...


06:31 PM | gvSIG desktop 1 gvSIG bugs #381: Reuse the cursors on postgis driver
Hey! I think that a new sql query is executed in actions like "change color" or similar. Please, check it because av...

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