gvSIG feature requests #4217

Update JTS to 1.14 version

Added by Antonio Falciano about 8 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Status:Closed% Done:


Priority:NormalSpent time:-
Target version:2.6.0-3240
gvSIG version:2.3.0 Add-on resolve version:
Keywords:jts, geoprocessing Add-on resolve build:
Has patch: Proyecto:
Add-on name:Unknown Hito:
Add-on version:


Updating the JTS library to 1.14 version (released in January) would add new capabilities to gvSIG, e.g. the new LineDissolver class or the new methods of the PreparedGeometries, just to cite some of them. It may have some positive impact on geoprocesses and improve the whole robustness of gvSIG. For instance, I've rewritten the old Polygonize geoprocess in a Jython script following a different approach based on a precision model. It runs faster than the old one (hundred of thousands of polygons generated in few seconds, considering also the time for I/O operations) and avoids the blocking TopologyExceptions thanks to the precision reduction.
Here's a useful Source compatibility report for the jts library between 1.13 and 1.14 versions in order to understand quickly the new features of JTS.


#1 Updated by Álvaro Anguix almost 8 years ago

  • Category set to Application

#2 Updated by Álvaro Anguix over 4 years ago

  • Target version set to 3.0.0

#3 Updated by Álvaro Anguix over 2 years ago

  • Target version changed from 3.0.0 to 2.6.0-3240
  • Status changed from New to Closed

Por lo que he visto aquí http://redmine.gvsig.net/redmine/versions/271 se ha actualizado JTS. Cierro ticket

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