gvSIG bugs #788

Modify values resort rows in table

Added by Andrés Maneiro almost 12 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Status:New% Done:


Target version:-
Severity: Add-on name:Unknown
gvSIG version:1.12.0 Add-on version:
gvSIG build: Add-on build:
Operative System: Add-on resolve version:
Keywords: Add-on resolve build:
Has patch:No


Steps to reproduce the bug:

  • Open a Table document from a PostGIS database.
  • Start editing the table.
  • Update a value in a row.
  • Close edition.

The row modified is moved to last position. That not happen if we do the same with a layer, instead of a table.

Discovered from https://github.com/navtable/navtable/issues/39

This happens in a vanilla gvSIG 1.11 as well as in gvSIG 1.12 build 1411.


#1 Updated by Andrés Maneiro almost 12 years ago

This behaviour doesn't happen with layers. My preliminar researches seems to point to the use of VectorialEditableDBAdapter in layers while Table documents use EditableAdapter. Seem that VectorialEditableDBAdapter (a grandchild subclass of EditableAdapter) keep information relative to row position in mapFID2index hashmap, while EditableAdapter does not.

#2 Updated by Álvaro Anguix over 10 years ago

  • Project changed from Application: gvSIG desktop to | gvSIG desktop 1

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