
From 11/12/2018 to 12/11/2018


09:25 PM gvSIG bugs #4957 (Closed): spatial join no result / enlace espacial sin resultado
spatial join between this to layers has no output (temporal or defined file)
(closest neighbor)
enlace espacial e...
Mario Fevre


12:25 AM gvSIG bugs #4956: error in crs at exporting to user defined crs / error al exportar capa a crs es...
and, .prj file content is no readeble leter for gvSIG (even for EPSG type)
Mario Fevre
12:21 AM gvSIG bugs #4956: error in crs at exporting to user defined crs / error al exportar capa a crs es...
also... crs origin and context are swap
también.. el crs de origen y contexto están cruzados.
Mario Fevre
12:18 AM gvSIG bugs #4956: error in crs at exporting to user defined crs / error al exportar capa a crs es...
one more.
When export ends, it waits for click on "cancel", witch is no the same that finish, and still has no much ...
Mario Fevre
12:10 AM gvSIG bugs #4956 (Closed): error in crs at exporting to user defined crs / error al exportar capa...
h1. EN:
Exporting layer to selected crs, has 4 problems:
#does not re-project, keeps actual projection (tested ...
Mario Fevre
11:58 PM gvSIG feature requests #4955 (New): asume wrong crs al creating event layer / asume crs incorrect...
h1. EN:
Minor problem (no exactly a bug). The extended behaviour 2.x not asuming current view as default, brings s...
Mario Fevre


01:40 PM gvSIG bugs #4954 (Closed): Añadir tipos Long y Datetime en los desplegables de nuevo campo
Mario Carrera


10:59 AM gvSIG bugs #4953 (Invalid): When we add new layers it opens the home folder, not the folder of th...

When we add new layers it opens the home folder, not the folder of the last file added
Cuando añ...
Mario Carrera


02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #4952 (Outdated): Error al guardar proyecto en gvSIG 2.5
Me ha saltado error al guadrar un proyecto en gvSIG 2.5.
Tenía en él una capa temporal y dos capas más.
Mario Carrera


07:45 PM gvSIG bugs #4951 (New): representación raster desplazada / displaced raster representation
h1. ES:
AL aplicar el geoproceso rasterizar, este toma los datos de el extramos superior izquierdo de una celda pa...
Mario Fevre

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