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Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1874gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalROIs architecture refactoring04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1799gvSIG bugsNewLowExistent subfolders of Symbols library are not shown01/28/2015 12:05 PM
1630gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalAllow user to set default encoding for DBF files (not simply one by one)01/15/2014 12:20 PM
1591gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalAmpliación del recorte de capas ráster con recorte por capa vectorial04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1590gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalPropiedades de un conjunto de rásters04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1589gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalVectorización de capas ráster04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1588gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalCapa raster mosaico04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1587gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalIcorporación del filtro temporal para capas ráster04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1585gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalUnificación de realces radiométricos04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1583gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalLeyendas de capas agrupadas en servidor WMS04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1582gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalBorrado de caché de teselas04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1581gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalSelección de niveles de resolución para capas tileadas04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1579gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalReproyección al vuelo de ráster04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1578gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalIncluir en preferencias opciones de realce.04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1576gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalLeer proyecciones del formato ECW04/04/2014 10:39 AM
1465gvSIG bugsNewNormalCreate plugin wizard fail when back to first step01/28/2015 12:05 PM
1411gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalAdd gvSIG version in the desktop link08/27/2016 10:59 AM
1280gvSIG feature requestsNewLowAdding a geoDB in view it is not necessary that appears table with out geometry10/19/2012 02:52 PM
1176gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalAdd support for WCS 2.0.202/24/2014 10:24 AM
1140gvSIG feature requestsNewLowImportador de símbolos: no se puede borrar un símbolo01/15/2014 12:25 PM
1094gvSIG feature requestsNewLowVentana de usar la cache de tiles en capas raster10/30/2012 04:52 PM
1049gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalBuild three layers at the same time in Geoprocesses04/04/2014 10:39 AM
957gvSIG bugsNewLowUnion of multigeometry/dxf layer with selected records and save in temporary file doesn't works01/28/2015 12:05 PM
861gvSIG feature requestsNewLowAyuda en lugar incorrecto.03/25/2015 11:19 AM
550gvSIG feature requestsNewNormalProgress bar seems blocked reading data04/04/2014 10:39 AM

1 ... 14 15 16 17 (376-400/406) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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