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Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2584gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentAl cargar algunos WMS tarda varios minutos en habilitarse el boton de siguiente.Joaquín del Cerro Murciano07/02/2014 04:37 AM
2437gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentFallo al unir tablasJoaquín del Cerro Murciano03/28/2014 01:06 PM
2434gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentRefresco de tabla y campo Geometry al editarJoaquín del Cerro Murciano03/28/2014 01:13 PM
2344gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentPreparar traduccionesJoaquín del Cerro Murciano04/22/2014 05:13 PM
2234gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentEl numero de build no sale correctamente en el acerca-deJoaquín del Cerro Murciano03/28/2014 12:04 PM
2201gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentgvSIG 2.1 beta fails to start (build 2215)Joaquín del Cerro Murciano03/10/2014 09:45 AM
1191gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentInstaller should allow install the icon for all user or the current userJoaquín del Cerro Murciano02/17/2016 10:03 AM
975gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentCan't choose the packages of a specific gvSIG build number in the installation from URLJoaquín del Cerro Murciano09/06/2012 01:38 PM
506gvSIG feature requestsClosedUrgentmodificar el addonsmanager para que intente descargar primero los paquetes del pool por defecto.Joaquín del Cerro Murciano10/01/2012 10:11 AM
262gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentAdd any object to the layoutJorge Piera11/07/2012 01:37 PM
112gvSIG feature requestsClosedUrgentChange the name of some flaps within the New Layer wizardJorge Piera11/15/2012 01:22 PM
111gvSIG feature requestsClosedUrgentReorganize parameters of the New layer wizardJorge Piera01/25/2012 12:33 PM
110gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentFields that shouldn't be enabled when defining a new layerJorge Piera11/12/2012 10:12 AM
518gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentThe main window is not maximized by defaultJose Manuel Vivó Arnal08/30/2012 02:11 PM
2297gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentImposible crear un documento tipo gráficaJosé Badía02/18/2014 10:54 PM
5216gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentFaltan traducciones en ficha de búsqueda, pestaña accidentes.José Olivas04/16/2020 01:52 PM
5210gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentFalla la inicializacion de bookmarks e historico si no existe la capete en home/gvSIGJosé Olivas05/14/2020 08:16 PM
5179gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentComprobación de librerías duplicadas en el sistemaJosé Olivas07/14/2020 06:46 PM
2367gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentRegisters can't be filled out when several fields are inserted on the tableJuan Lucas Domínguez03/10/2014 11:00 AM
2244gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentAñadir localizador: no se pudieron añadir panelesJuan Lucas Domínguez02/01/2014 01:26 PM
2215gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentDeshacer unión bloquea gvSIGJuan Lucas Domínguez02/01/2014 01:26 PM
2160gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentgvSIG freezes creating the fifth DB table documentJuan Lucas Domínguez01/28/2014 09:17 AM
2133gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentproblem joining tablesJuan Lucas Domínguez01/27/2014 06:10 PM
2120gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentBoolean fields aren't identified correctly on PosgreSQLJuan Lucas Domínguez01/28/2014 09:27 AM
1939gvSIG bugsClosedUrgent[New plugin structure 01/07/2013] Error when accessing Postgis DBJuan Lucas Domínguez01/28/2014 09:29 AM
1822gvSIG feature requestsClosedUrgentAutopolygon digitalize line should be shownJuan Lucas Domínguez01/27/2014 04:45 PM
1815gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentError when creating event themeJuan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:41 PM
1772gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentSalta error al minimizar carpeta con subcarpetas desplegables en gestor de símbolos Juan Lucas Domínguez01/27/2014 06:47 PM
1771gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentWFS: Redundant error dialog when URL is not validJuan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:41 PM
1721gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentGrid shows after closing editing sessionJuan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:41 PM
1717gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentError en la persistencia al guardar una capa exportada postGISJuan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:41 PM
1673gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentFuncionamiento incorrecto Snappers sobre build 2063Juan Lucas Domínguez01/27/2014 06:57 PM
1657gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentError exporting layers to SHP formatJuan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:32 PM
1642gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentVarios errores detectados en el build 2063Juan Lucas Domínguez01/28/2014 09:33 AM
1617gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentCan't edit properties of a default symbol (basic)Juan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:32 PM
1544gvSIG feature requestsClosedUrgentLabeling: Allow to draw labels with HaloJuan Lucas Domínguez01/27/2014 06:05 PM
1509gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentTools cause errors or not working when using on-the-fly reprojectionJuan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:34 PM
1495gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentMejoras en la desinstalacion.Juan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:35 PM
1491gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentJoin attribute tables does not workJuan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:34 PM
1454gvSIG feature requestsClosedUrgentGeoBD wizard should show SCHEMA.TABLE in table listJuan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:34 PM
1451gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentconnection to postgis fails - missing geodb managerJuan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:35 PM
1450gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentError al definir autopoligonos con lados cruzadosJuan Lucas Domínguez01/28/2014 09:36 AM
1449gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentDrawing internal arcs in polylines are not curvedJuan Lucas Domínguez01/28/2014 09:38 AM
1437gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentEl arranque de gvSIG no gestiona correctamente la variable JAVA_HOMEJuan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:35 PM
1436gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentSe generan mal los proyectos con el asistente de creacion deplugins.Juan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:41 PM
1431gvSIG feature requestsClosedUrgentdo not force closing of editing session when renaming fieldJuan Lucas Domínguez12/17/2012 12:23 PM
1412gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentError after removing fields in a tableJuan Lucas Domínguez02/26/2014 12:34 PM
1408gvSIG feature requestsClosedUrgentBotón derecho sobre capa: Abrir tablaJuan Lucas Domínguez01/27/2014 06:18 PM
1407gvSIG bugsClosedUrgent'Group layers' works wrongJuan Lucas Domínguez04/16/2013 01:38 PM
1365gvSIG bugsClosedUrgentDoes not persist the prefix of the first table after a Join of two tablesJuan Lucas Domínguez11/15/2012 09:43 AM

1 2 3 4 5 (101-150/212) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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