
osgVP is a complete Open Software (GPL) framework that helps in the creation of 3D GIS Planets or Terrains. It Is designed to be completely dynamic allowing you to visualize Raster Layers (Texture and Elevations), and in the near future we will include efficient and multirresolution management of Vectorial Layers. osgVP was created inside the project gvSIG, and also provides bindings to Java allowing the integration with it.


  • Written in C++ with wrappers and utilities in Java using JNI.
  • Wrappers the most useful classes of OSG to Java.
  • Easy integration with Swing/AWT/SWT through a viewer library that makes use of JOGL and osgViewer libraries.
  • Allow the creation of planets and terrains with dynamic pagination without creating previously the database.
  • Supports dynamic management of raster layers per planet.
  • Supports the creation and management of GIS features(3D Text, Pixel and Meter Points, PolyLines and Tesselated Polygons, extrusion and shapes).
  • Support for 3D object manipulation.
  • Gives a complete set of examples for help in the development and testing.
  • Developed around a set of unit tests to validate the functionality.

SVN repository: https://devel.gvsig.org/svn/osgvp
Maven repository: http://devel.gvsig.org/m2repo/j2se-osgvp/

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Project manager: Cesar OrdiƱana