gvSIG bugs #257

problems arround size intheworld / roblemas con tamaños en el mundo

Added by Mario Fevre over 12 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Status:Closed% Done:


Priority:NormalSpent time:-
Assignee:Juan Lucas Domínguez
Target version:2.1.0-2217-devel
Severity: Add-on version:
gvSIG version:2.0.0 Add-on build:
gvSIG build:2043 Add-on resolve version:
Operative System:Windows Add-on resolve build:
Keywords: Proyecto:
Has patch:No Hito:
Add-on name:Unknown


When symbol size (like meters) refers to a size in the world, works great in the view. But the symbol in the TOC and de leyend displays a unapropiate size, wich does not refers to the view size. I guess TOC and legends always shows size in "pixels y the screen".
Addig things like character symbols, displacing, and line decoration; it becomes even worse as long as each feature seems to respond to diferent size references.
print screen attached

cuando el tamaño de un símbolo se fija en relación al mundo (por ejemplo metros en el mundo) funciona perfecto en la vista, pero a la hora de insertar una leyenda en el mapa el tamaño del símbolo de referencia no responde a la representación el a vista. Creo que tanto en la TOC como en la leyenda el símbolo se muestra en pixels en la pantalla, lo cuan muchas veces da pésimos resultados visuales.
Si incorporamos desplazamientos y decoraciones de líneas la cosa se complica aún más en tato cada recurso parece tomar un criterio distinto, escalándose el símbolo de manera no uniforme.
adjunto pantallazo de referencia.

leyend_size.jpg (215 KB) Mario Fevre, 02/06/2012 07:08 PM



#1 Updated by Manuel Madrid over 12 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to Low

#2 Updated by Manuel Madrid about 11 years ago

  • Category set to Symbology

#3 Updated by Álvaro Anguix over 10 years ago

  • Assignee set to Juan Lucas Domínguez
  • Priority changed from Low to Normal

#4 Updated by Álvaro Anguix over 10 years ago

  • Target version set to 2.1.0-2218-testing

#5 Updated by Juan Lucas Domínguez over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed

Changing symbol size when drawing inside a rectangle. This is not thread-safe (we already have a case like this when using the 'setCartographicSize' method). In order to prevent problems, the symbol is cloned when drawing it in the TOC. Also, there is a small change to improve how the decorator is drawn, to prevent a half-hidden image at the corner of the rectangle.


#6 Updated by Joaquín del Cerro Murciano over 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2.1.0-2218-testing to 2.1.0-2217-devel

#7 Updated by Álvaro Anguix over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Fixed to Closed

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