gvSIG bugs #785

añadir a los menus las operaciones de edicion que solo tienen atajos de teclado.

Added by Joaquín del Cerro Murciano about 12 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Status:Closed% Done:


Priority:NormalSpent time:-
Assignee:Juan Lucas Domínguez
Target version:2.0.0-rc2
Severity: Add-on version:
gvSIG version:2.0.0 Add-on build:
gvSIG build: Add-on resolve version:
Operative System: Add-on resolve build:
Keywords: Proyecto:
Has patch:No Hito:
Add-on name:Unknown


Hay varias opciones de edicion que solo estan en atajos de teclado no estando disponibles a traves de los menus ni de la barra de botones.
Añadir a los menus estas operaciones. Las operaciones que he detectado son:

- F3 - Refent (?)
- F7 - Grid
- F8 - Orto (
- F9 - ForceCursor

(Ver metodo initialize de CADExtension)

toggle.jpg (30.5 KB) Juan Lucas Domínguez, 08/20/2012 10:57 AM



#1 Updated by Joaquín del Cerro Murciano about 12 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#2 Updated by Joaquín del Cerro Murciano about 12 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#3 Updated by Juan Lucas Domínguez almost 12 years ago

  • Assignee set to Juan Lucas Domínguez

#4 Updated by Joaquín del Cerro Murciano almost 12 years ago

he estado repasando las notas que tenia sobre este ticket de algunas conversaciones con Manuel. Dejo aqui las conclusiones mas relevantes.

La interpretacion de las opciones seria:

  • F3 - Refent, activa o desactiva el snapping durante edicion.
  • F7 - Grid, presenta o oculta el grid durante edicion.
  • F9 - ForceCursor, activa o desactiva el forzar que el cursor se mueva por el grid.
  • F8 - Orto, al parecer esta opcion no esta implementada y no se si llego a estarlo en alguna version. Hace referencia a la opcion de alineamiento del cursor "ORTO" de autocad.

Al final barajamos dos sitios para estas opciones en los menus y nombres de estas opciones. Por un lado teniamos:

  • Edit/Editing setup"
  • Edit/Toggle snapping F3
  • Edit/Toggle grid F7
  • Edit/Force cursor to grid F8

Y por el otro:

  • Edit/Editing setup"
  • Edit/Toggle snapping F3
  • Show/Grid/Toggle display grid - F7
  • Show/Grid/Toggle snap to grid - F9

Esta ultima inspirada en donde tiene el Draw de OpenOffice opciones similares.

Por otro lado al final quedamos que en lugar de usar dos opciones en los menus del estilo de:

  • Edit/Enable snapping
  • Edit/Disable snapping
  • Show/Grid/Display grid - F7
  • Show/Grid/Hide grid - F7
  • Show/Grid/Enable snap to grid - F9
  • Show/Grid/Disable snap to grid - F9

Dejabamos una sola con "Toggle" de forma similar a como lo hacen otras aplicaciones.

Respecto a la opcion "ORTO - F8", la eliminariamos.

Por ultimo, pensamos que en los menus faltaba la opcion de mostrar las propiedades de edicion, asique estaria bien añadirla tambien.

Yo creo que me decantaria por la segnda opcion, la que deja un par de entradas en el menu "Show".

Respecto a las teclas aceleradoras ya no las registrariamos tal como se esta haciendo ahora, y nos limitariamos a poner en el config.xml, en la accion correspondiente el atributo "accelerator" con el valor que toque. Por ejemplo:

name= "show-grid-toggle-display-grid"

Para saber el valor del atributo posicion puedes usar la herramenta

Herramientas -> Development -> Show menu information

que muestra todas las opciones de menu, y su posicion en los menus. Por ejemplo, para las opciones que nos ocupan podrian ser:

  • 00020-800-000-0: Edit/Toggle snapping F3
  • 00020-890-000-0: Edit/Editing setup"
  • 00040-030-010-0: Show/Grid/Toggle display grid - F7
  • 00040-030-020-0: Show/Grid/Toggle snap to grid - F9

Un saludo

#5 Updated by Juan Lucas Domínguez almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed


Added individual menu items for 3 toggle options. Removed keystroke listeners and 'Orto' option. Editing options menu item was already there.

Creo que hubo una confusión. Si añadimos 3 extensiones con un solo menú cada una, no necesitan ser extensiones especiales (con visibilidad asociada a action command). De todas formas, lo he hecho así. Si se quiere tener el mismo mensaje "Toggle..." se puede simplemente cambiar el config.xml

El menú de mostrar opciones de edición ya existía.

#6 Updated by Joaquín del Cerro Murciano almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Fixed to In progress

Uf, no has debido entender lo que puese en el comentario anterior. Las opciones:

  • Edit/Toggle snapping F3
  • Show/Grid/Toggle display grid - F7
  • Show/Grid/Toggle snap to grid - F9

Son sola tres opciones en los menus, no seis. Al introducir lo de "Toggle" sobra lo de enable/disable. Es mas simple.

Bueno, ya lo ves de corregir para proximos builds.

#7 Updated by Juan Lucas Domínguez almost 12 years ago

  • File toggle.jpg added
  • Status changed from In progress to Fixed


Fixed. Now using single menu/action command to toggle grid and snapping options.

I think a check mark would be better, because currently the GUI does not tell whether the option is enabled or disabled. An alternative can be seen in image "toggle.jpg".

#8 Updated by Joaquín del Cerro Murciano almost 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2.0.0-rc1 to 2.0.0-devel-2052

#9 Updated by María Maluenda over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Fixed to Under review

Need instructions in order to check the bugfix. In menus appears the options that you say but I don't know if it works.

#10 Updated by Juan Lucas Domínguez over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Under review to New
  • Target version changed from 2.0.0-devel-2052 to 2.0.0-beta1

#11 Updated by Juan Lucas Domínguez over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed

Hello, Yes the GUI is not very good in this case. These are the recommended testing steps:

- Create a view, add a SHP file (for example, of type line or polygon), start editing
- In the TOC, click with right button to open context menu of the layer
- go to the editing properties > snapping and make sure that the option "Closest point" is selected, close that dialog
- select the tool to add a new geometry and check if the cursor behaves as if snapping was active
- Click on the menu "Edit > Enable/disable snapping"
- Check that the behavior has changed: if there was snapping before, now there will be no snapping and viceversa
- Every time you click on "Edit > Enable/disable snapping", behavior must change

#12 Updated by Abenchara Socorro over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Fixed to New
I follow the steps:
  • Create a view, add a SHP file (for example, of type line or polygon), start editing
  • In the TOC, click with right button to open context menu of the layer
  • go to the editing properties > snapping and make sure that the option "Closest point" is selected, close that dialog
    Snapping for nearest point is active by default
  • select the tool to add a new geometry and check if the cursor behaves as if snapping was active
    This doesn't happen
  • Click on the menu "Edit > Enable/disable snapping"
    No changes in cursor's behaviour
  • Check that the behavior has changed: if there was snapping before, now there will be no snapping and viceversa
  • Every time you click on "Edit > Enable/disable snapping", behavior must change

It seems not to be working well, but if I start the polyline or polygon tool, vetices are drawn in points that belong to the grid. There is no change when I type F3, F7 nor F9

Edit/Toggle snapping F3
Show/Grid/Toggle display grid - F7
Show/Grid/Toggle snap to grid - F9

#13 Updated by Abenchara Socorro over 11 years ago

If I don't see the grid, seems that it's not working, but if I make a zoom (then I see the grid) it works but doesn't toggle...

#14 Updated by Joaquín del Cerro Murciano over 11 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2.0.0-beta1 to 2.0.0-rc2

#15 Updated by Juan Lucas Domínguez over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed

Shortcuts are now working, but one of the toggle options works, another one doesnt (See #1476)

#16 Updated by Álvaro Anguix over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Fixed to Closed

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