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Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4238gvSIG bugsClosedHighCan't initialize the EPSG database folder in the gvSIG homeDaniel Martinez07/02/2016 07:38 PM
4236gvSIG bugsClosedHighError while loading previously saved projects06/07/2017 05:03 PM
4235gvSIG bugsClosedHighError reprojecting vector layers in 385710/07/2016 03:25 PM
4234gvSIG bugsClosedHighDeadlock freezing gvSIGJoaquín del Cerro Murciano07/25/2016 10:46 AM
4226gvSIG bugsClosedHighError al borrar geometrias.Daniel Martinez07/25/2016 10:45 AM
4172gvSIG bugsClosedHighRaster projection is first recognised, but then unknown10/06/2016 05:36 PM
4147gvSIG bugsClosedHighSymbol library error when installingDaniel Martinez06/12/2017 11:55 AM
4129gvSIG bugsClosedHighgvSIG 2.3.0-2425-RC1 no arranca en ubuntu 15.04Joaquín del Cerro Murciano07/25/2016 10:04 AM
4116gvSIG feature requestsClosedHighIt would be interesting to have different legends in the same range of scales04/20/2020 01:49 PM
4115gvSIG bugsClosedHighValues don't appear in the Pie and Bar legendsFrancisco Díaz Carsí11/23/2017 01:41 PM
4109gvSIG bugsClosedHighThe Italian RDN2008* CRSs are not supportedDaniel Martinez03/14/2016 11:09 AM
4102gvSIG bugsClosedHighSome WMS services do not workDaniel Martinez07/26/2016 02:09 PM
4088gvSIG bugsClosedHighNo exporta ficheiro de mapa para PDFDaniel Martinez02/15/2016 01:28 PM
4077gvSIG bugsClosedHighAttribute editor tool doesn't workDaniel Martinez02/15/2016 01:31 PM
4071gvSIG bugsClosedHighError en lo geoprocess bufferFrancisco Díaz Carsí02/08/2016 11:25 AM
4067gvSIG bugsClosedHighWhen we create a package the default folder is the gvSIG installation folder, not the "install" oneDaniel Martinez02/08/2016 03:03 PM
4029gvSIG add-on requestsClosedHighEPSG Registry v. 8.8 for jCRSDaniel Martinez07/07/2016 11:45 AM
4013gvSIG bugsClosedHighAdding a raster layer kills the application on win64Francisco Díaz Carsí01/25/2016 10:35 AM
3975gvSIG bugsClosedHighScripts can't be executed because of a wrong sys.pathJoaquín del Cerro Murciano01/25/2016 05:59 PM
3974gvSIG bugsClosedHighLa opcion de exportar al terminar edicion esta por implementarJoaquín del Cerro Murciano01/20/2016 12:30 PM
3967gvSIG bugsClosedHighAl conectar con una BBDD postgreSQL da error.Joaquín del Cerro Murciano01/20/2016 12:34 PM
3965gvSIG bugsClosedHighNo se estan generando las portables.Joaquín del Cerro Murciano08/03/2016 09:28 AM
3947gvSIG bugsClosedHighEl instalador no crea los iconos en el escritorio y menu de inicio para arrancar gvSIGJoaquín del Cerro Murciano12/22/2015 05:07 PM
3945gvSIG bugsClosedHighAparece dos veces el plugin "Scripting framework" en el instalador de complementosJoaquín del Cerro Murciano12/22/2015 05:07 PM
3932gvSIG bugsClosedHighShapefile datastore is not released on windowsDaniel Martinez01/26/2016 01:32 PM

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