
From 03/13/2012 to 04/11/2012


07:47 PM gvSIG bugs #446 (In progress): error creating adding shp file / error al crear añadir archivo shp
The error has been produced while trying to load the native JNI PROJ4 library used to manage CRS values.
Maybe the...
Cesar Ordiñana
02:21 PM gvSIG bugs #518: The main window is not maximized by default
Original bug report: #398 Cesar Ordiñana
02:19 PM gvSIG bugs #518 (Closed): The main window is not maximized by default
The gvSIG main window must be opened as maximized in the OLPC computers, because of the small monitor size.
Cesar Ordiñana


05:06 PM gvSIG bugs #517 (Closed): Expression field: toString function doesn't work when the original data...
1. Create a view
2. Add a layer (e.g /geodata/vector/SHP2D/comvalenciana_muni/comvalenciana_muni.shp)
3. Start edit...
Manuel Madrid
04:40 PM gvSIG bugs #516 (Closed): Table join: it shouldn't allow to choose keys of different type
1. Create a view
2. Add layer: /geodata/vector/SHP2D/esp_provincias.shp
3. Open its attribute table
4. From the pr...
Manuel Madrid
04:31 PM gvSIG bugs #515: Table join error
I realized that I was trying to join the tables by two different field type and just in case the problem was caused b... Manuel Madrid
02:12 PM gvSIG bugs #515: Table join error
After accepting the error console, what you see is a totally empty attribute table. If you close the table and try to... Manuel Madrid
02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #515 (Closed): Table join error
1. Create a view
2. Add layer: /geodata/vector/SHP2D/esp_provincias.shp
3. Open its attribute table
4. From the pr...
Manuel Madrid
02:03 PM gvSIG bugs #330: join table wizard does not display origina table list / al unir tablas no se des...
Besides, the selection doesn't persist. Always is selected the first item of the list.
Además no persiste la selec...
Manuel Madrid
12:40 PM gvSIG bugs #473: Combining the tools Edit Vertex and Exploit, make the console appears.

Eliminando del proyecto extEditing dependencias con la implementacion de la libreria de geometrias he corregido alg...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:43 AM gvSIG bugs #306: Preparar andami para que trabaje con su propio carpeta de traducciones
As a reminder, from now on the installation of new languages will work as follows:
* New languages installed throu...
Cesar Ordiñana
10:40 AM gvSIG bugs #306 (Fixed): Preparar andami para que trabaje con su propio carpeta de traducciones
Applied in changeset r38093. Cesar Ordiñana


03:01 AM gvSIG bugs #513 (Closed): Strange behavior of the application status bar
Some of the issues:
1. The coordinate boxes change its position/size slightly depending on the decimal numbers showe...
Manuel Madrid
02:40 AM gvSIG bugs #512 (Closed): Can't use the measure distances and areas tools
1. Create a view
2. Load a vector layer (
Manuel Madrid
02:28 AM gvSIG feature requests #511 (Closed): Improve the info given along the installation of an addon
1. After the download is finished the text over the progress bar and the application status bar still say downloading... Manuel Madrid


01:43 AM gvSIG bugs #510 (Closed): Bad performance loading big vector layers (1mill features)
I did some simple tests to compare the performance loading vector layer between gvSIG 1.11 and gvSIG 2.0. The tests s... Manuel Madrid
01:31 AM gvSIG bugs #509 (Closed): Bad performance loading vector
Manuel Madrid
01:27 AM gvSIG bugs #508 (Closed): In the "online" binaries, the default installation mode should be "from...
Now the default installation mode is "standard" so if the user just click on "next" without selecting "installation f... Manuel Madrid
12:20 AM gvSIG bugs #507 (Closed): Can't export vector layer
1. Create a view
2. Add a vector file (e.g.
Manuel Madrid
10:10 PM gvSIG feature requests #506 (Closed): modificar el addonsmanager para que intente descargar prime...
Cuando seleccionamos instalacion desde url y intentamos instalar un paquete, el addons manager intenta descargarlo de... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


03:10 PM gvSIG bugs #504 (Closed): Can't load a raster file
1. Create a view
2. Add a raster file (e.g. /geodata/raster/Costa1.tif)
3. When asked about using tiles, say "yes" ...
Manuel Madrid


11:31 PM gvSIG bugs #345: Examine extensions directory, open and accept
Quizá mereciera la pena ocultar esta funcionalidad. Manuel Madrid
11:23 PM gvSIG feature requests #370: not open project (gvp) version 1.11 / no abre proyecto (gvp) version...
Lo subo a la prioridad máxima por la importancia. Manuel Madrid
09:30 PM gvSIG bugs #503 (Closed): The geodata search tool doesn't work
1. Create a view.
2. Run the geodata search tool.
3. You get an error.
I attached the log file.
Manuel Madrid
09:25 PM gvSIG bugs #502 (Closed): Can't load a WCS layer
1. Create a view
2. Add layer > WCS
3. Type the following server URL: and p...
Manuel Madrid
08:07 PM gvSIG bugs #501 (Closed): Error en la herramienta partir geometría
Reportado inicialmente por Mario Fevre junto a otros errores en el ticket #445 Manuel Madrid
08:03 PM gvSIG bugs #500: Error al exportar a SHP
Manuel Madrid wrote:
> Reportado inicialmente por Mario Fevre junto a otros errores en el ticket #497
Manuel Madrid
08:00 PM gvSIG bugs #500 (Closed): Error al exportar a SHP
Reportado inicialmente por Mario Fevre junto a otros errores en el ticket #445 Manuel Madrid


08:00 PM gvSIG feature requests #428: Mostrar solo registros seleccionados en tabla
Sería como generar una tabla virtual con el resultado de una consulta, es decir con un subconjunto de elementos de la... Manuel Madrid
07:22 PM gvSIG feature requests #420: Memorizar ubicación de última carpeta
Esto se podría añadir a la ya existente de definir la carpeta para datos y que el usuario elija entre que siempre sea... Manuel Madrid
07:15 PM gvSIG bugs #425: Color de selección
Color de los elementos seleccionados. Ahora es opaco lo que en muchos casos tapa la información que hay por debajo. E... Manuel Madrid
07:13 PM gvSIG feature requests #426: Encuadres desde información o buscar
Generar encuadre a partir de una selección o elemento consultado. Manuel Madrid
03:57 PM gvSIG bugs #429: Reprojection to EPSG:4326 doesn't works.
When the view is in 4326 the coordenates shown in the status bar should be in deegres. Manuel Madrid
03:45 PM gvSIG bugs #447 (Closed): create new layer demands crs / crear nuevo layer demanda crs
Manuel Madrid
03:44 PM gvSIG bugs #447: create new layer demands crs / crear nuevo layer demanda crs
El interfaz ha cambiado en el build 2045 y ya no pide el CRS. Sin embargo se produce un error al finalizar el asisten... Manuel Madrid
03:38 PM gvSIG bugs #497 (Closed): Error al crear nueva capa shp
1. Abrir vista
2. Menú Vista>Nueva capa
3. Seleccionar shp
4. Indicar ruta
5. Añadir campos y finalizar
6. Apare...
Manuel Madrid


03:18 PM gvSIG bugs #495 (Closed): edicion de simbologia
Hola, cuando intento modificar la simbologia, para crear una simbologia nueva mediante la combinacion de simbolos, ap... Débora Sánchez
02:59 PM gvSIG bugs #494 (Closed): Problem loading raster layers in windows
Raster layers don't load using last build in windows. It seems a problem with the libraries. Ignacio Brodín


06:23 PM gvSIG bugs #306 (In progress): Preparar andami para que trabaje con su propio carpeta de traducci...
Cesar Ordiñana
06:21 PM gvSIG bugs #280 (Closed): Patch to correct Khmer characters on gvSIG 2.0
The problem is related to how the andami library initializes fonts. What it does it to get the translation of the ter... Cesar Ordiñana
05:53 PM gvSIG add-on requests #489 (Closed): Geoprocessing support addons
Add a new build of the geoprocessing addons to the gvSIG 2.0 desktop addons repository:
Cesar Ordiñana
05:49 PM gvSIG bugs #308 (Fixed): Preparar paquete de instalacion de los geoprocesos.
Done! See gvsig-geoprocess:r249 Cesar Ordiñana
10:36 AM gvSIG bugs #488 (Closed): NPE when invert selection on editing mode
# Create a new view
# Add a Shape
# Store the project
# Close the project
# Open the stored project
# Select a ...
Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal


11:30 AM gvSIG bugs #318 (Fixed): Add dummy pom files for some dependencies in the gvSIG repository
I have re-deployed the jar files through maven, so the default pom file has been created for them. Cesar Ordiñana
11:02 AM gvSIG bugs #318 (In progress): Add dummy pom files for some dependencies in the gvSIG repository
I'm going to try to solve this bug as otherwise the eclipse m2eclipse plugin complains in some cases and shows annoyi... Cesar Ordiñana
02:35 AM gvSIG add-on requests #472: Quisiera que me añadieséis para hacer algún commit
Hola Vicente,
este no deberia ser el sitio para tratar esto, pero a falta de otro mejor, tiraremos por aqui.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


05:50 PM gvSIG bugs #484 (Closed): Calculo problemático del envelope de un punto
El calculo del envelope de un Point2D se hace de la siguiente forma:
public Envelope getEnvelope() {
Ignacio Brodín
10:33 AM gvSIG bugs #482 (Closed): Tipo de snapping sin traducción / Kind of snapping without translation
Las cadenas que definen el tipo de snapping en el cuadro de propiedades de edición aparecen sin traducir. Se muestra ... Ignacio Brodín


05:52 PM gvSIG bugs #479 (Closed): Comparaciones de DefaultFeatureReference
El bug puede ser reproducido accediendo a una BBDD poniendo una tabla con geometrías y que tenga PK en edición, añadi... Ignacio Brodín
12:43 PM gvSIG bugs #369 (Fixed): Thematic maps contain duplicated layer files
Fixed in gvsig-educa-mapas-tematicos:r167
All layer-files copy to layer-root folder.
Compares files by name, leng...
Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal
12:30 PM gvSIG bugs #368 (Fixed): Thematic maps generated in windows don't work in linux
Fixed gvsig-educa-mapas-tematicos:r166
Zip entries always use unix file separator
Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal
12:21 PM gvSIG bugs #368: Thematic maps generated in windows don't work in linux
Fixed a problem in persistence gvsig-tools:r685 :
Persistence XML writer must use unix-like file separator to avoid ...
Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal


03:09 PM gvSIG bugs #477 (Closed): Adding a new remote layer (WMS, WFS, etc) and click on Accept.
when adding a new remote layer, any of them, you can click directly on the Accept boton of the main Add layer w...
Victoria Agazzi
01:55 PM gvSIG bugs #476 (Closed): Editing. Continue editing. Finish edition sesion. Imposible to continue...
I did the following steps:
1. start editing,
2. edit some geometries,
3. Finish editing sesion, select "Co...
Victoria Agazzi
01:38 PM gvSIG bugs #475 (Closed): Insert new geometries on a line layer
if you insert new lines into an editing layer with the tools such as line/polyline/arc/spline/etc and if the ne...
Victoria Agazzi
01:35 PM gvSIG bugs #368 (In progress): Thematic maps generated in windows don't work in linux
Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal
01:30 PM gvSIG bugs #474 (Closed): Editing. Continue Editing. The edit console disappears.
when you Finish the edition sesion, if you choose the option "Continue editing", the only problem that happens ...
Victoria Agazzi
01:09 PM gvSIG bugs #473 (Closed): Combining the tools Edit Vertex and Exploit, make the console appears.
The Exploit tool goes ok when I tested it in an isolated way. The tests were done with line geometries.
But, ...
Victoria Agazzi
11:51 AM gvSIG bugs #471: Editing polygon. Symmetry. Stange behaviour.
The error console refering to "Error notifying the observer" also happens on a line layer, big line layer (trying to ... Victoria Agazzi
11:28 AM gvSIG bugs #471 (Closed): Editing polygon. Symmetry. Stange behaviour.
applying summetry to one polygon it seems that (before saving the changes) the new polygon has only vertexs, an...
Victoria Agazzi
11:35 AM gvSIG add-on requests #472 (Closed): Quisiera que me añadieséis para hacer algún commit
Vicente Caballero


03:36 PM gvSIG bugs #469: Editing a polygon layer. The exploit tool should not get active.
The console could not be closed again while the view is opened. Victoria Agazzi
03:35 PM gvSIG bugs #469 (Closed): Editing a polygon layer. The exploit tool should not get active.
put in editing mode a polygon layer,
select one polygon, and click on the tool Geometry/Modify/Exploit,
the ...
Victoria Agazzi
02:26 PM gvSIG bugs #468: Undo editing tool. Applying after opening the att. table, the console appear.
It happened also:
I can accept the console error, and after that I try to Undo changes again, and the console app...
Victoria Agazzi
02:18 PM gvSIG bugs #468 (Closed): Undo editing tool. Applying after opening the att. table, the console a...
Put a vestor layer in editing mode.
Make some changes: copy, move, rotate, etc.
Open the atribute table, sel...
Victoria Agazzi
12:23 PM gvSIG bugs #467 (Closed): Spliting Multipoligon layer, a rectangle appears onto the geometry
when you put in editing mode a multipoligon layer, and select the split tool, a rectangle appears covering the ...
Victoria Agazzi


07:27 PM gvSIG bugs #466 (Closed): Soportar proyección EPSG:900913
Si intentas añadir un WMS con esa proyección, no se puede ver (no vale con la proyección definida por el usuario) Francisco José Peñarrubia
01:57 PM gvSIG bugs #453: Create plugin wizard FortuneCookie fails
Also solved in changesets gvsig-plugintemplates:r162 and gvsig-plugintemplates:r182 Cesar Ordiñana
01:51 PM gvSIG bugs #453 (Fixed): Create plugin wizard FortuneCookie fails
Solved in changeset r38075 Cesar Ordiñana
01:51 PM gvSIG bugs #453 (In progress): Create plugin wizard FortuneCookie fails
Cesar Ordiñana


05:13 PM gvSIG bugs #269 (Won't fix): some raster can not be added / no se pueden cargar algunos raster
Ignacio Brodín
12:00 PM gvSIG bugs #419: English translation incorrect
Amelia del Rey wrote:
> In the Add feature, in the Open view there are two mistakes in /Files of Type/ all supported...
Amelia del Rey
11:20 AM gvSIG 3D Support #457: Parches para adaptar gvSIG 3D al nuevo TOC
Bueno, en realidad no es un bug. Creo que sería más una FeatureRequest.
Francisco José Peñarrubia
11:17 AM gvSIG 3D Support #457: Parches para adaptar gvSIG 3D al nuevo TOC
Hola Fran,
Según me corrigieron César y Joaquín, debes enviar el bug y los parches al tracker de gvsig-desktop. D...
Jordi Torres
11:09 AM gvSIG 3D Support #457 (Won't fix): Parches para adaptar gvSIG 3D al nuevo TOC
Por si sirve de algo, adjunto las modificaciones que he hecho para adaptar la extensión 3D y que funcione so...
Francisco José Peñarrubia


01:21 PM gvSIG bugs #455 (Closed): Addon Manager creates a never-ending download process in task manager
I found that Addon Manager creates an undetermined background process which never ends.
To reproduce issuer follow...
Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal
11:21 AM gvSIG bugs #453: Create plugin wizard FortuneCookie fails
Generated folder also needs Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal
09:38 AM gvSIG bugs #453 (Closed): Create plugin wizard FortuneCookie fails
When I tried to create a new plugin using FortuneCookie template ( Basic and all checks set) console show a maven exe... Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal


11:20 PM gvSIG bugs #452 (Closed): editing, array does not work / no funciona edicion, matriz
Array comands ussualy does not do a thing.
if you try to array a circle: error log attached
El comando ...
Mario Fevre
10:52 PM gvSIG bugs #451 (Closed): error picking spline handler / error al tomar vertices de un spline
add polygon layer
create a spline
pick a handler
log attached
añadir capa de poligonos
Mario Fevre
10:45 PM gvSIG feature requests #450 (Closed): unify add geometry display griteria / unificar el criterio ...
some tools like insert rectangle during insertios process display only border.
some others display border and f...
Mario Fevre
10:35 PM gvSIG bugs #443: split geometry opacity / opacidad al partir geometría
probably related with issue #449
probablemente relacionado con issue #449
Mario Fevre
10:34 PM gvSIG bugs #443: split geometry opacity / opacidad al partir geometría
probably related with issue #443
probablemente relacionado con issue #443
Mario Fevre
10:30 PM gvSIG bugs #449 (Closed): auxiliar circle at add polygon / circulo auxiliar al crear polígono
When addin polygon, auxliar circle used to be and should be transparent and gray. Instead its the same than the ...
Mario Fevre


07:00 PM gvSIG bugs #448 (Closed): map's view frame display error / error de representación de marco de vi...
when poligonal layer1 in view1 is being edited and geometry selected (showing the orange anchor points for verte...
Mario Fevre


07:28 PM gvSIG bugs #447 (Closed): create new layer demands crs / crear nuevo layer demanda crs
Shloud not be mandatory complete the crs to allow the creation of a new layer
view > new layer
create a new ...
Mario Fevre
07:22 PM gvSIG bugs #446 (Closed): error creating adding shp file / error al crear añadir archivo shp
create a new layer:
type: shapefile, curve
crs: espg 22175
error, log attached
crear nuevo layer
Mario Fevre


08:47 PM gvSIG bugs #445 (Closed): multiple tools not working / multiples herramientas con error
this build show multiple error same kind (i think they are related). Some tools working in build 2043 stop worki...
Mario Fevre
08:20 PM gvSIG bugs #444 (Closed): export shp menu spanish error / error en versión castalleno del menu ex...
exporting to shp menu "Feanómenos seleccionados" should be "Fenómenos seleccionados" (spanish version)
Mario Fevre
07:59 PM gvSIG bugs #443 (Closed): split geometry opacity / opacidad al partir geometría
when spliting multigeometry, the enclosing rectangle has no transparency and keep layer color
gvsig 1.9. used t...
Mario Fevre
02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #442 (Outdated): Create plugin wizard allows select both templates
In the "Create plugin" wizard, widget to select template is a check, so you can select both template at the same time... Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal
01:50 PM gvSIG bugs #441 (Closed): Reading WFS feature type fails
GvSIG 2.0 alpha 4 cannot get data from this WFS service
Jukka Rahkonen
12:06 PM gvSIG bugs #440 (Closed): bogus add-ons installer translation
The installer asks for the language to use, English or Spanish.
If I choose english the installer lloks ok, but the ...
G. Allegri


02:06 PM gvSIG add-on requests #373 (Closed): Update raster packages
Manuel Madrid


11:29 PM gvSIG bugs #332 (New): print pages default 1 to 9999 / imprimir páginas por defcto 1 a 9999
Mario Fevre
11:15 PM gvSIG bugs #438 (Closed): create double field form error / error en el formulario para crear camp...
Creating double field in table, presition input is readonly
(and creating string is editable).
Mario Fevre
11:12 PM gvSIG bugs #437 (Closed): table filter equal double field no set / filtrar campo double no arroja...
-Add table
-Create double field
-Add field values (with decimal places)
-filter > select: fieldname = number
Mario Fevre
12:50 PM gvSIG bugs #415 (Fixed): Memory leak reading raster
Ignacio Brodín
12:23 PM gvSIG bugs #415: Memory leak reading raster
gvsig-raster:r1015 Ignacio Brodín
12:12 PM gvSIG bugs #415: Memory leak reading raster
Tiled layers don't close open files when these are removed from TOC Ignacio Brodín
10:17 AM gvSIG bugs #331: filter select from set not ready / filtro: seleccionar del conjunto no está listo
Only happens to some users. Manuel Madrid

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