
From 06/24/2014 to 07/23/2014


05:59 PM gvSIG bugs #2711: Calculo de area en la calculadora de campos
Esto...un área o un perímetro... ¿puede estar en grados? Álvaro Anguix
03:24 PM gvSIG bugs #2711 (Closed): Calculo de area en la calculadora de campos
Cuando se utiliza la calculadora de campos para añadir perimetros o areas el usuario no sabe en que va a obtener el r... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:33 PM gvSIG bugs #2712 (Closed): Añadir capa WFS no recarga el capabilities
Al añadir capa WFS no recarga el capabiities si se marca el check "refrescar cache" que hay junto al boton "conectar".
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:25 PM gvSIG bugs #2710: Carga de WFS no lee atributos alfanuméricos
Al parecer es un problema de mapserver que en versiones anteriores a la 6.4.1 no mapeaba adecuadamente los tipos inte... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:06 AM gvSIG bugs #2710 (Closed): Carga de WFS no lee atributos alfanuméricos
Error causado al obtener los tipos de la capa:... José Badía
05:03 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2709 (Closed): New add-on for portableview Lluís Marqués


11:37 AM gvSIG bugs #2672 (Awaiting response): DBF field names max length is 11 instead of 10
The DBF field names max length was 10 in gvSIG 1.x, so this would be a regression for gvSIG 2.1. It can't be consider... Antonio Falciano
11:19 AM gvSIG bugs #2708 (Closed): Info by point error
Steps in order to reproduce this bug:
* create and open a view;
* add a whatever layer and activate it;
* try to...
Antonio Falciano
11:15 AM gvSIG bugs #2707 (In progress): NullPointerException cuando se itenta crear una vista portable a ...
Lluís Marqués
10:17 AM gvSIG bugs #2707 (Closed): NullPointerException cuando se itenta crear una vista portable a parti...
NullPointerException al intentar generar una vista portable a partir de una vista sin capas.
Para reproducir el er...
Lluís Marqués
10:23 AM gvSIG bugs #2705 (Invalid): Edición vectorial ha dejado de funcionar en el build 2238
Es el mismo error que indica Antonio. Paso este a invalido al estar duplicado. Álvaro Anguix
10:06 AM gvSIG bugs #2705: Edición vectorial ha dejado de funcionar en el build 2238
See also #2702. Antonio Falciano
07:35 AM gvSIG bugs #2705 (Invalid): Edición vectorial ha dejado de funcionar en el build 2238
Para reproducir el error, poner en edición una capa de polígonos o líneas e intentar añadir, por ejemplo, un pentágon... Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:18 AM gvSIG bugs #2706 (In progress): Portable View: error si hay capa de puntos con simbología
Lluís Marqués
07:39 AM gvSIG bugs #2706 (Closed): Portable View: error si hay capa de puntos con simbología
Si en la Vista a exportar a Vista Portable hay una capa de puntos (shp) con un símbolo asignado de la Biblioteca de S... Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG bugs #2650: Error al inicializar el locale en el arranque de gvSIG.
This error is disappeared, but the locale is not set correctly (#2677) since build 2234 at least. Antonio Falciano
07:18 AM gvSIG bugs #2650 (Closed): Error al inicializar el locale en el arranque de gvSIG.
Álvaro Anguix
10:03 AM gvSIG bugs #2669: Problem creating a portable view from the view
It seems ok in build 2238, thanks Lluís! Antonio Falciano
07:38 AM gvSIG bugs #2669 (Fixed): Problem creating a portable view from the view
Corregido en la build 2238. Lluís Marqués
09:57 AM gvSIG bugs #2668 (New): Geology symbols seems not installed in the Plugin manager
The issue still persists on my machine (Win7 64-bits) with build 2238. Checking in the Geology symbol folder, I have ... Antonio Falciano
07:57 AM gvSIG bugs #2668 (Closed): Geology symbols seems not installed in the Plugin manager
It's ok in gvSIG build 2238. Add image Álvaro Anguix
07:42 AM gvSIG bugs #1837 (Closed): Mapas temáticos: ventana de error al cancelar generar paquete
Álvaro Anguix
07:40 AM gvSIG bugs #1838 (Closed): Mapas temáticos: Orden de capas invertido en el TOC
Álvaro Anguix
07:37 AM gvSIG bugs #2667 (Fixed): NullPointerException when trying to create a new portable view
Corregido en la build 2238. Lluís Marqués
07:37 AM gvSIG bugs #1842 (Closed): Thematic maps: raster files not included in map package
Álvaro Anguix
07:27 AM gvSIG bugs #1884 (Closed): Thematic map do not appear on the Add-on manager list after selecting ...
Álvaro Anguix
07:25 AM gvSIG bugs #2385 (Closed): Error in the "Spatial join" tool
Álvaro Anguix
07:19 AM gvSIG bugs #2544: New languages in gvSIG 2.1
Actualizo el gvSIG build al 2238, que siguen sin aparecer. Álvaro Anguix
07:04 AM gvSIG bugs #2544 (New): New languages in gvSIG 2.1
Mario Carrera
07:19 AM gvSIG bugs #2626 (Closed): Falla al exportar PostgreSQL un shape con fechas
Álvaro Anguix
07:18 AM gvSIG bugs #2644 (Closed): No persiste los datos de la conexion en el asistente de exportacion a ...
Álvaro Anguix
07:18 AM gvSIG bugs #2648 (Closed): Falla al exportar a shape una capa con geometrias a null.
Álvaro Anguix
07:18 AM gvSIG bugs #2649 (Closed): Error cargando un proyecto guardado con una version mas nueva.
Álvaro Anguix
07:17 AM gvSIG bugs #2661 (Closed): Falla al configurar e proxy sin especificar un host
Álvaro Anguix
07:17 AM gvSIG feature requests #2662 (Closed): Cambiar el puerto de debug de gvSIG
Álvaro Anguix
07:16 AM gvSIG bugs #2670 (Closed): Metadata tab in Layer properties is empty
Álvaro Anguix
07:15 AM gvSIG bugs #2682 (Closed): Falla al guardar proyecto
Álvaro Anguix
07:14 AM gvSIG bugs #2683 (Closed): Falla al cargar un shape que tiene poligonos sin vertices
Álvaro Anguix
07:14 AM gvSIG feature requests #2684 (Closed): Que el splash no se cierre hasta que termine de cargare la...
Al hacer click sobre él sí que desaparece. Entiendo que este comportamiento se quiere que sea así. Álvaro Anguix
07:13 AM gvSIG feature requests #2698 (Closed): añadir a la libreria de geometrias operaciones para conver...
Esto no sé muy bien como testearlo. De todos modos lo paso a closed. Álvaro Anguix
07:11 AM gvSIG bugs #2704 (Closed): Texto a modificar y traducir en Export to BD
En relación al #2629, el texto nuevo que se ha añadido se ve en castellano en cualquier idioma (tiene alguna falta de... Álvaro Anguix
07:09 AM gvSIG feature requests #2699 (Closed): Blancos y mayusculas en nombres de tabla y campos al expor...
Está ok, pero el texto nuevo se ve en castellano en cualquier idioma (tiene alguna falta de ortografía que habría que... Álvaro Anguix
06:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2700 (Closed): Cuando falla la carga de un simbolo en el explorador de simbolos no mu...
Álvaro Anguix
06:53 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2640 (Closed): Add version 2.0.23-37
Álvaro Anguix
06:49 AM gvSIG bugs #2537 (New): Nueva biblioteca de símbolos: POI Cities
Sigue sin aparecer en el repositorio desde el Administrador de Complementos.
Álvaro Anguix
06:48 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2673 (Closed): New add-on for portableview
Álvaro Anguix
06:48 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2647 (Closed): New add-on for portableview
Álvaro Anguix
05:46 AM gvSIG bugs #2703 (Closed): Error al añadir un WFS
Da error al abrir proyectos con WFS o bien al cargar un WFS sobre un proyecto nuevo.
Adjunto .log de ambos casos.
Álvaro Anguix
04:57 AM gvSIG bugs #2701: gvSIG se queda bloqueado al arrancar
Some extra notes about this problem:
- The warnings happen even if gvSIG was initially installed as Administrator
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
04:38 AM gvSIG bugs #2701: gvSIG se queda bloqueado al arrancar
Yes, the cause is probably the same pointed in your bugs.
However, the consequence is a major problem, as most users...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
03:39 AM gvSIG bugs #2701: gvSIG se queda bloqueado al arrancar
Hi Cesar, this issue looks like #2274 and in part #2678. There are some SEXTANTE subfolders which need to be created ... Antonio Falciano
03:24 AM gvSIG bugs #2701: gvSIG se queda bloqueado al arrancar
Aparte del problema inmediato que es que gvSIG no arranque, seguramente hay otro problema de fondo: parece que se int... Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
03:02 AM gvSIG bugs #2701 (Won't fix): gvSIG se queda bloqueado al arrancar
En ocasiones, al arrancar gvSIG aparecen algunos diálogos de aviso (warnings) como el que se aprecia en la captura.
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
04:17 AM gvSIG bugs #2702 (Closed): afterLayerDraw error
Steps in order to reproduce this bug:
* create and open a view;
* create a new layer, Shape format, Surface geometr...
Antonio Falciano


11:08 PM gvSIG bugs #2670 (Fixed): Metadata tab in Layer properties is empty
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:59 PM gvSIG feature requests #2512: Preparar un plugin para personalizar parte de la instalacion de gvSIG.
Bueno, esto ya esta, me falta crear el proyecto en el redmine y subir los cambios.
Ya lo hare cuando tenga un rato.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:57 PM gvSIG feature requests #2698 (Fixed): añadir a la libreria de geometrias operaciones para convert...
Al ir a introducir estos cambios han salido muchas mas cosas de las que se esperaban.
Hay muchos cambios en el codig...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:34 PM gvSIG feature requests #2698 (Closed): añadir a la libreria de geometrias operaciones para conver...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:51 PM gvSIG bugs #2682 (Fixed): Falla al guardar proyecto
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:51 PM gvSIG bugs #2648 (Fixed): Falla al exportar a shape una capa con geometrias a null.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:51 PM gvSIG bugs #2644 (Fixed): No persiste los datos de la conexion en el asistente de exportacion a p...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:50 PM gvSIG bugs #2700 (Fixed): Cuando falla la carga de un simbolo en el explorador de simbolos no mue...
r41550 Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:50 PM gvSIG bugs #2700 (Closed): Cuando falla la carga de un simbolo en el explorador de simbolos no mu...
Cuando desde el explorador de simbolo se selecciona una carpeta y falla la carga de un simbolo de la carpeta nom mues... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:46 PM gvSIG bugs #2683 (Fixed): Falla al cargar un shape que tiene poligonos sin vertices
r41561 Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:45 PM gvSIG feature requests #2684 (Fixed): Que el splash no se cierre hasta que termine de cargare la ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:37 PM gvSIG feature requests #2699 (Fixed): Blancos y mayusculas en nombres de tabla y campos al export...
r41598 Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:37 PM gvSIG feature requests #2699 (Closed): Blancos y mayusculas en nombres de tabla y campos al expor...
Añadir al asistente de exportacion a bases de datos un par de check para que elimine los espacios en blancos en los i... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:09 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2640 (Fixed): Add version 2.0.23-37
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:03 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2673 (Fixed): New add-on for portableview
Una cosa... no modificarme nunca la descripcion de un ticket, o añadis comentarios o si ya no vale la descripcion cer... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:20 PM gvSIG bugs #2697 (Closed): InfoByPoint: decimal and value separators are the same
Decimal and value separators are the same in the InfoByPoint window, so reading and interpreting the info is not user... Antonio Falciano
11:59 AM gvSIG bugs #2696 (Closed): Double values parsable as integer are shown as integer in table documents
Double values parsable as integer are shown as integer in table documents. See also #2686. Antonio Falciano
11:54 AM gvSIG bugs #2591: Double fields appear always with precision 3 in tables
The only way to read the precision of double fields in gvSIG (that I have forgotten to mention before) is to use the ... Antonio Falciano
11:36 AM gvSIG bugs #2695 (New): The "New layer" wizard allows the creation of layer without fields
The "New layer" wizard allows the creation of layer (e.g. shapefile) without fields. However there should be an ID (o... Antonio Falciano
11:16 AM gvSIG bugs #2694 (Closed): Numeric types management of PostGIS tables
PostGIS Integer values are read (and converted) in gvSIG as Double ones with length 11 and precision 10.
Example: ad...
Antonio Falciano
10:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2590: Can't set the precision of float/double fields in the "Create new layer" wizard
It seems that the jTxtFieldPrecision JTextField in the CreateNewAttributePanel class is always not enabled for some r... Antonio Falciano
05:51 AM gvSIG bugs #2690 (Closed): Export to KML application error
Steps to reproduce this bug:
* create and open a view;
* add a whatever vector layer and activate it;
* right clic...
Antonio Falciano
04:06 AM gvSIG feature requests #2689 (Closed): Add a drop-down list control for choosing the sheet of an ...
One of the main features of the jexcel [1] plugin is the multiple spreadsheet support which allows the user to choose... Manuel Madrid


09:38 AM gvSIG bugs #2638: No aparece la pestaña de añadir capa de postgis raster
It seems to be _Caused by: The attribute db_connections does not exist in a DynObject of the DynClass org.gvsig.geodb... Antonio Falciano
05:59 AM gvSIG bugs #2678 (New): Problem on installation
He descargado la version 2237, intendandola instalar como administrador despues de haber desinstalado todo lo que hab... Giuliano Ramat
04:06 AM gvSIG bugs #2682: Falla al guardar proyecto
This issue is finally disappeared in BN2237 (see new log in attachment). Antonio Falciano
03:53 AM gvSIG bugs #2666 (Closed): Uninstall doesn't remove all files
It seems fixed in BN2236, so I close the ticket. Thanks. Antonio Falciano


01:45 PM gvSIG feature requests #2686: Option to skip the decimal format inherited by the current locale
See also #2221 and #2358. Antonio Falciano
12:04 PM gvSIG feature requests #2686 (Closed): Option to skip the decimal format inherited by the current...
The decimal format of the table document cells is actually inherited by the gvSIG locale (see #2374).
I'm wondering ...
Antonio Falciano
11:48 AM gvSIG bugs #2374 (Invalid): Wrong thousands and decimal separators in the attribute table
After further investigations, I finally discovered that the format of the table document cells is inherited by the gv... Antonio Falciano


08:53 PM gvSIG bugs #2685 (Closed): El proveedor de shape no trata adecuadamente los poligons internos.
Habria que introducir API en las Surfaces para definir poligonos internos (InternalRing) a una Surface y utilizar est... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:07 PM gvSIG bugs #2682: Falla al guardar proyecto
Hi Joaquín,
it happens also with BN2235 (see log in attachment). However the project is saved and then it can be op...
Antonio Falciano
11:48 AM gvSIG bugs #2682 (Closed): Falla al guardar proyecto

* Abro gvSIG
* Creo una vista
* Cargo un shape
* Guardo el proyecto
Y Falla diciendo que no puede guardarlo p...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:08 PM gvSIG feature requests #2684 (Closed): Que el splash no se cierre hasta que termine de cargare la...
Hacer que el splash no desaparezca hasta que no ha terminado a carga de la aplicacion como hacia antes.
Paraa ello...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:00 PM gvSIG bugs #2683 (Closed): Falla al cargar un shape que tiene poligonos sin vertices
Al intentar cargar un shape que tiene poligonos que no tienen vertices falla, y en la version anterior lo cargaba ign... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:23 AM gvSIG bugs #2678 (Won't fix): Problem on installation
Como comenta Antonio es una condición que exigen algunas versiones de Windows, que se debe instalar gvSIG como admini... Álvaro Anguix
06:42 AM gvSIG bugs #2678: Problem on installation
In reference to the "inane warnings" issue, it looks similar to #2274. It happens in the _gvSIG\extensiones\org.gvsig... Antonio Falciano
04:38 AM gvSIG bugs #2678 (Closed): Problem on installation
The installation procedure does not finish with success and a screen with (not answering) remains. If I force and clo... Giuliano Ramat
11:16 AM gvSIG bugs #2667 (New): NullPointerException when trying to create a new portable view
En el 2235 me da el mismo error. Lo reabro. Álvaro Anguix
03:38 AM gvSIG bugs #2667 (Fixed): NullPointerException when trying to create a new portable view
Fixed error when user clicks on empty portable view textArea.
Lluís Marqués
11:15 AM gvSIG bugs #2489 (Closed): New add-on for raster
Por limpieza, lo paso a closed que en su día se quedó como fixed. Álvaro Anguix
11:13 AM gvSIG feature requests #2467 (Closed): Portable View/Thematic Map a 2.1
Álvaro Anguix
11:12 AM gvSIG feature requests #2466 (Closed): Cambio de nombre de Thematic Map
Álvaro Anguix
11:10 AM gvSIG bugs #2515 (Closed): Algunos procesos de la toolbox no añaden extensión al fichero
Álvaro Anguix
11:09 AM gvSIG feature requests #2500 (Closed): Preparar algoritmos de Sextante para traducciones
Álvaro Anguix
11:09 AM gvSIG bugs #2498 (Closed): Nombre de capas en la calculadora de raster
Álvaro Anguix
11:09 AM gvSIG bugs #2474 (Closed): Temporal files of cache are not removed
Álvaro Anguix
11:09 AM gvSIG bugs #2473 (Closed): Generar distros de 64bits
Álvaro Anguix
11:05 AM gvSIG bugs #2669 (New): Problem creating a portable view from the view
Si persiste el problema, lo vuelvo a abrir. Álvaro Anguix
04:04 AM gvSIG bugs #2669: Problem creating a portable view from the view
Lluís Marqués wrote:
> Es un problema de persistencia de los DynObject. Solucionado en la build 2335.
El error pe...
Lluís Marqués
10:55 AM gvSIG feature requests #892: Memoria (Configuración)
+1 This would be a great enhancement and further a good time saver ...for the mailing lists administrators. ;) Antonio Falciano
05:41 AM gvSIG bugs #2681 (Closed): Field name truncation with Export to
Suppose we have a GeoDB or a WFS layer with long field names, i.e. greater than 10. Then, if we use Layer > "Export t... Antonio Falciano
04:53 AM gvSIG bugs #2680 (Closed): Zoom to layer seems to be not applied with WFS 1.1.0
If we add a WFS 1.1.0 layer in an empty view, then the layer seems to be not loaded because the zoom to layer is not ... Antonio Falciano
04:41 AM gvSIG bugs #2679 (New): WFS Fields tab doesn't work properly
If we add a WFS layer and choose only some fields in the Field tab, the layer is loaded with all the fields (complete... Antonio Falciano
03:54 AM gvSIG bugs #2677 (Closed): Wrong locale setting
The first time I execute a fresh install of gvSIG, the locale is set as English instead of Italian:... Antonio Falciano


12:59 PM gvSIG feature requests #2676 (New): Batch assign CRS to layers in the Add layer dialog
If we have a bunch of shapefiles defined in the same CRS (with or without the .prj) to add in a view, we can't batch ... Antonio Falciano
12:53 PM gvSIG bugs #2675 (Closed): File locking
If we add a whatever layer (e.g. a shapefile) and then remove it (or eventually create a new project), the layer rela... Antonio Falciano
11:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2672: DBF field names max length is 11 instead of 10
In fact, if I don't miss something, there is:... Antonio Falciano
11:48 AM gvSIG bugs #2674 (Closed): Error al desagrupar capas PostGIS
Si se cargan varias capas PostGIS a la vez, aparecen agrupadas en el TOC.
Si se intenta desagrupar, da el siguiente ...
José Badía
08:41 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2673 (Closed): New add-on for portableview Francisco Díaz Carsí
07:56 AM gvSIG bugs #2669 (Won't fix): Problem creating a portable view from the view
Es un problema de persistencia de los DynObject. Solucionado en la build 2335. Lluís Marqués
04:09 AM gvSIG bugs #2660: No se puede crear nuevo estilo de etiquetado
I can confirm this bug. See the screenshot in attachment. Antonio Falciano
03:59 AM gvSIG bugs #2659 (New): unable to load data from GeoServer through WMS
Antonio Falciano
03:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2659: unable to load data from GeoServer through WMS
IMHO this bug is not fixed yet, because I can reproduce it with BN2234 too. Maybe the specific case you reported is s... Antonio Falciano


01:17 PM gvSIG bugs #2659: unable to load data from GeoServer through WMS
Victoria Agazzi wrote:
> Hi Antonio, thanks for your comments. I really do not investigate about, only opened the bu...
Victoria Agazzi
01:17 PM gvSIG bugs #2659: unable to load data from GeoServer through WMS
I made a mistake with the build number where the bug seems to be fixed!!!! Sorry, It's the last one: 2.1_2233. Victoria Agazzi
01:15 PM gvSIG bugs #2659 (Closed): unable to load data from GeoServer through WMS
Hi Antonio, thanks for your comments. I really do not investigate about, only opened the bug in order to have it to t... Victoria Agazzi
01:03 PM gvSIG bugs #2672 (Closed): DBF field names max length is 11 instead of 10
DBF field names max length is 11, but it should be 10 as defined in the shapefile format specification: Antonio Falciano
12:31 PM gvSIG bugs #2671 (Closed): Initialization error after the update of
I've updated from the Plugin Manager and then restarted gvSIG.
An initi...
Antonio Falciano
10:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2670 (Closed): Metadata tab in Layer properties is empty
Antonio Falciano
07:07 AM gvSIG bugs #2669 (Closed): Problem creating a portable view from the view
It's not possible to create a portable view from a view.
See the gvSIG.log in attachment.
Antonio Falciano
05:01 AM gvSIG bugs #2668 (Closed): Geology symbols seems not installed in the Plugin manager
Geology symbols seems to be not installed in the Plugin manager, but they're available in the Symbols browser. Antonio Falciano
04:49 AM gvSIG bugs #2667 (Closed): NullPointerException when trying to create a new portable view
A java.lang.NullPointerException occurs when trying to create a new portable view. See the gvSIG.log in attachment. Antonio Falciano
04:22 AM gvSIG bugs #2555: Can't retrieve persistent values from plugin
It happens with BN2234 too. See gvSIG_2234.log in attachment:... Antonio Falciano
04:02 AM gvSIG bugs #2666 (Closed): Uninstall doesn't remove all files
Uninstall process doesn't remove all files on Windows.
The file in attachment contains the list of all files and fol...
Antonio Falciano


10:56 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2647 (Fixed): New add-on for portableview
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


02:32 PM gvSIG bugs #2606 (Invalid): Features are not drawn when loading a XLS file as a layer if the "Use...
This is not a bug but my mistake. I was systematically giving a wrong input for the "Point" parameter: I was typing t... Manuel Madrid
04:46 AM gvSIG bugs #2659: unable to load data from GeoServer through WMS
Without reinventing the wheel, updating the GeoTools libraries used in the jCRS extension could be the solution. They... Antonio Falciano
04:14 AM gvSIG bugs #2659: unable to load data from GeoServer through WMS
Hi Victoria,
this issue usually happens with Geoserver WMS configured with "all supported EPSG projections" (see the...
Antonio Falciano
02:17 AM gvSIG bugs #2659: unable to load data from GeoServer through WMS
I add the .log file from the test did with the 2.1_2223RC1 version.
The url of the WMS service is not available f...
Victoria Agazzi
02:39 AM gvSIG feature requests #2662: Cambiar el puerto de debug de gvSIG
Cambiar el puerto por defecto implica que quede bien documentado para que quien se vaya a conectar sepa a priori qué ... Cesar Ordiñana


12:09 PM gvSIG feature requests #2664 (Closed): 'Mercator_(variant_B)' is a new alias of 'Mercator (2SP)'
'Mercator_(variant_B)' is a new alias of 'Mercator (2SP)' (see EPSG:9805). So, we should add a new alias of 'Mercator... Antonio Falciano
11:20 AM gvSIG bugs #2661 (Fixed): Falla al configurar e proxy sin especificar un host
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:12 AM gvSIG bugs #2661 (Closed): Falla al configurar e proxy sin especificar un host
Cuando por codigo cambiamos la configuracion del proxy a traves de FirewallConfiguration y no especificamos un host, ... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:19 AM gvSIG feature requests #2662 (Fixed): Cambiar el puerto de debug de gvSIG

Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:15 AM gvSIG feature requests #2662 (Closed): Cambiar el puerto de debug de gvSIG
El script para arrancar gvSIG en linux admite el parametro "--debug" para indicarle que arranque la maquina ... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:36 AM gvSIG bugs #2660 (Closed): No se puede crear nuevo estilo de etiquetado
En el diálogo de etiquetado avanzado, propiedades de la clase de etiquetado, estilo de fondo, seleccionar, nos aparec... Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:00 AM gvSIG feature requests #420: Memorizar ubicación de última carpeta
+1 This is a very important missing feature. For instance, other GIS desktop write the last visited folder in the Win... Antonio Falciano
06:54 AM gvSIG feature requests #377: Include a "select all features" tool in the table toolbar
+1 This feature is still missing in BN2233 and seems to be very easy to implement being quite similar to the "Invert ... Antonio Falciano
06:45 AM gvSIG feature requests #79: The package downloading should start automatically in the installatio...
I'm agree with Manuel. Furthermore the install process should also start automatically when the download is finished,... Antonio Falciano
05:28 AM gvSIG bugs #2659: unable to load data from GeoServer through WMS
Tiene pinta de ser el mismo que el 2584, ya arreglado en los últimos builds. Álvaro Anguix
05:26 AM gvSIG bugs #2659: unable to load data from GeoServer through WMS
GeoServer version 2.5.1 Victoria Agazzi
05:24 AM gvSIG bugs #2659 (Closed): unable to load data from GeoServer through WMS
The steps we took on the gvSIG 2.1.RC1 is listed below:
1. Click on [View] and create a project pressing the [New]...
Victoria Agazzi
04:46 AM gvSIG bugs #2658 (Invalid): "New table" CSV Properties is not translatable
Antonio Falciano
04:43 AM gvSIG bugs #2657 (Invalid): "Add layer" Properties is not translatable
Antonio Falciano
04:34 AM gvSIG bugs #2656 (Closed): "Convex hull" geoprocess is not translatable in the toolbox
Antonio Falciano
04:31 AM gvSIG bugs #2655 (Closed): Notications mode (Preferences) is not translatable
Antonio Falciano
04:23 AM gvSIG bugs #2654 (Closed): "Propiedades del proyecto" is not translatable
"Propiedades del proyecto" title window is not translatable. Antonio Falciano
04:22 AM gvSIG bugs #2653 (Closed): Development menu options are not translatable
Antonio Falciano
04:21 AM gvSIG bugs #2652 (Closed): Symbols menu options are not translatable
Antonio Falciano
04:20 AM gvSIG bugs #2651 (Closed): Scripting extension is not translatable
Scripting extension menu options and UIs are not translatable Antonio Falciano


08:07 PM gvSIG bugs #2650 (Fixed): Error al inicializar el locale en el arranque de gvSIG.
Se ha añadido una comprobacion para que no intente cominicar al MDIFrame el cambio de locale si este no esta iniciali... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:05 PM gvSIG bugs #2650 (Closed): Error al inicializar el locale en el arranque de gvSIG.
Al arrancar gvSIG una de las primeras cosas que hace es inicializar el locale.
Esto provoca que se avise al MDIFrame...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:03 PM gvSIG bugs #2649 (Fixed): Error cargando un proyecto guardado con una version mas nueva.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:02 PM gvSIG bugs #2649 (Closed): Error cargando un proyecto guardado con una version mas nueva.
Se ha creado un proyecto con una version, se graba y se sale de gvSIG.
Se habre una version anterior de gvSIG y se i...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:57 PM gvSIG bugs #2648: Falla al exportar a shape una capa con geometrias a null.
Añadidas comprobaciones en el proveedor de shape para intentar ser tolerante a geometrias a null.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:56 PM gvSIG bugs #2648: Falla al exportar a shape una capa con geometrias a null.
Se ha añadido al script de validacion de capas que tenga en cuenta que puede encontrarse geometrias a null y que info... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:54 PM gvSIG bugs #2648 (Closed): Falla al exportar a shape una capa con geometrias a null.
Si cargamos de una capa de BBDD que tiene valores a null en el campo de geomtria, al intentar exportarla a shape fall... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:49 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2640: Add version 2.0.23-37
Estoy sembreo con este tiquet.
Vale, si se ha incluido, pero no se ha puesto el exclude del layout si numero (build ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:48 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2640 (New): Add version 2.0.23-37
Me he rallado.
No se ha incluido en el 2233, se incluira en el siguiente.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:35 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2640 (Closed): Add version 2.0.23-37
Está en el repositorio, aunque el que viene por defecto instalado es el 36 Álvaro Anguix
04:42 AM gvSIG bugs #2637 (Closed): No se pueden cargar capas DGN
Álvaro Anguix
04:38 AM gvSIG bugs #2625 (Closed): Falta biblioteca de símbolos básica
Álvaro Anguix
04:36 AM gvSIG bugs #2639 (Closed): Falla al exportar a postgresql
Álvaro Anguix
04:33 AM gvSIG feature requests #2641 (Closed): El asistete de exportacion a postgresql falla al exportar ...
Álvaro Anguix
04:33 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2645 (Closed): New addon for version 2...
Álvaro Anguix
04:29 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2642 (Closed): New add-ons for version 2.0.23...
Álvaro Anguix
03:59 AM gvSIG feature requests #2467 (Fixed): Portable View/Thematic Map a 2.1
Migración completada y generados los paquetes. Lluís Marqués
03:58 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2647 (Closed): New add-on for portableview Lluís Marqués
03:29 AM gvSIG bugs #2646 (Invalid): Un cambio de color en la leyenda de una capa no seleccionada produce ...
Lo paso a invalid, ya que es el mismo que el 2499 Álvaro Anguix


11:34 PM gvSIG bugs #2646 (Invalid): Un cambio de color en la leyenda de una capa no seleccionada produce ...
Un cambio de color en la leyenda de una capa no seleccionada produce el cambio también en la capa seleccionada.
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
09:42 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2645 (Fixed): New addon for version 2....
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:33 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2645: New addon for version 2.0.22-2079 Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:32 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2645 (Closed): New addon for version 2...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:23 PM gvSIG bugs #2625 (Fixed): Falta biblioteca de símbolos básica
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:22 PM gvSIG bugs #2525: Chart renderer types menu is very close on Windows
Ohh! me vaile un numero en el commit, era para el ticket #2625
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:07 PM gvSIG bugs #2639 (Fixed): Falla al exportar a postgresql
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:04 PM gvSIG bugs #2639 (Closed): Falla al exportar a postgresql
Cuando intentamos exportar a postgresql, una vez se pulsa en finalizar en el asistete falla sacando en el log :
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:11 PM gvSIG bugs #2644 (Closed): No persiste los datos de la conexion en el asistente de exportacion a ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:09 PM gvSIG bugs #2643 (Closed): No es traducibe el interface grafico del asistente de exportacion a Po...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:44 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2642 (Fixed): New add-ons for version 2.0.23-...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:43 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2642 (Closed): New add-ons for version 2.0.23... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:36 PM gvSIG bugs #2637 (Fixed): No se pueden cargar capas DGN
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:50 PM gvSIG bugs #2637 (Closed): No se pueden cargar capas DGN
Al cargar una capa DGN no hace nada.
En el log vuelca:...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:33 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2640 (Fixed): Add version 2.0.23-37
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:17 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2640 (Closed): Add version 2.0.23-37 Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
02:26 PM gvSIG feature requests #2641 (Fixed): El asistete de exportacion a postgresql falla al exportar a...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:22 PM gvSIG feature requests #2641 (Closed): El asistete de exportacion a postgresql falla al exportar ...
El asistente no persiste los datos de las conexiones usadas anteriormente y siempre estas obligado a introducir los d... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:25 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2635 (Closed): Add version 2.0.23-36
El plugin aun no esta listo para ser probado fuera del entorno de desarrollo, de momento no se incluye en el reposito... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:31 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2635 (Closed): Add version 2.0.23-36 Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:53 PM gvSIG bugs #2638 (Closed): No aparece la pestaña de añadir capa de postgis raster
Al ir añadir capa, en el dialogo no apaece la pestaña de añadir capa de postgis raster.
en en el log saca:
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:27 PM gvSIG bugs #2631: WFS 1.0.0 with spatial filter returns an empty layer
See also #1281 (WFS 1.0). Antonio Falciano
12:20 PM gvSIG bugs #2451: Advanced labeling does not work properly with two expressions
It works fine now (BN2232), even if the labels rendering is a bit slow. Antonio Falciano
11:55 AM gvSIG bugs #2633 (Invalid): Labels of integer field are parsed as double
Integer are labelled correctly. Sorry, it was a my mistake. Antonio Falciano
11:24 AM gvSIG bugs #2633 (Invalid): Labels of integer field are parsed as double
Labels of integer field are parsed as double, e.g _1_ is labelled as _1.0_. Antonio Falciano
11:27 AM gvSIG bugs #2634 (Closed): "Label only when the feature is selected" makes a persistent selection
"Label only when the feature is selected" option makes a persistent selection of the layer features (0, 4, 8th) to wh... Antonio Falciano
10:45 AM gvSIG feature requests #2610: Add reading support of projection files (.prj) for shapefile
gvSIG jCRS extension (based on GeoTools 2.1) is able to convert a CRS code to the WKT and Proj.4 formats quite good (... Antonio Falciano
04:54 AM gvSIG bugs #2632 (Closed): Loss of precision parsing CRS parameters
It happens a loss of precision parsing some CRS parameters, such as semi_minor, central_meridian and latitude_of_orig... Antonio Falciano
04:43 AM gvSIG bugs #2627 (Closed): El driver de shape no reconoce correctamente lso campos de tipo fecha.
Álvaro Anguix
02:06 AM gvSIG feature requests #1371 (New): Support for CRS EPSG:3857, EPSG:3785, EPSG:900913
Álvaro Anguix


09:46 AM gvSIG feature requests #1371: Support for CRS EPSG:3857, EPSG:3785, EPSG:900913
Hi all,
I think that this ticket it's not completely fixed yet. Assuming that Joaquín has implemented something like...
Antonio Falciano


11:50 AM gvSIG bugs #2606: Features are not drawn when loading a XLS file as a layer if the "Use first row...
Important: the problem only happens when the option "Use first row as header" is checked. Otherwise the layer is corr... Manuel Madrid
11:04 AM gvSIG bugs #2631: WFS 1.0.0 with spatial filter returns an empty layer
Excuse me, but after further testing, I have discovered that the version 1.0.0 (selected in WFS Option tab) works fin... Antonio Falciano
09:47 AM gvSIG bugs #2631 (New): WFS 1.0.0 with spatial filter returns an empty layer
Consider the following WFS URL of the Italian National Geoportal:
Antonio Falciano
06:42 AM gvSIG bugs #2630 (Won't fix): plugins-persistence-2_0.xml is not human readable on Windows
plugins-persistence-2_0.xml is not human readable on Windows like that of gvSIG 1.x, because all the tags are represe... Antonio Falciano
04:50 AM gvSIG bugs #2544 (Fixed): New languages in gvSIG 2.1
Mario Carrera


05:27 PM gvSIG bugs #2626 (Fixed): Falla al exportar PostgreSQL un shape con fechas
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:07 AM gvSIG bugs #2626 (Closed): Falla al exportar PostgreSQL un shape con fechas
Cuando intenetamos exportar a PostgreSQL un shape con fechas falla la exportacion diciendo que el campo fecha es un v... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:26 PM gvSIG bugs #2627 (Fixed): El driver de shape no reconoce correctamente lso campos de tipo fecha.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:10 AM gvSIG bugs #2627 (Closed): El driver de shape no reconoce correctamente lso campos de tipo fecha.
Al cargar un shape con campos de tipo fecha los valores de las fechas los carga como valores numericos y no de fecha.... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:22 PM gvSIG bugs #2629 (Fixed): Error when export to postgresql tables with Date or Time columns
r41484 Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:35 PM gvSIG bugs #2629: Error when export to postgresql tables with Date or Time columns

Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:34 PM gvSIG bugs #2629 (Closed): Error when export to postgresql tables with Date or Time columns
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:24 PM gvSIG feature requests #1371 (Fixed): Support for CRS EPSG:3857, EPSG:3785, EPSG:900913
Por lo que comenta Joaquín lo paso a fixed y lo asigno a la RC2 para tenerlo controlado y que no se nos escape testearlo Álvaro Anguix
12:13 PM gvSIG feature requests #1371: Support for CRS EPSG:3857, EPSG:3785, EPSG:900913
Thank you very much, Joaquín. I think we are very close to the solution. If we will be able to manage correctly this ... Antonio Falciano
12:01 PM gvSIG feature requests #1371: Support for CRS EPSG:3857, EPSG:3785, EPSG:900913
Hola Antonio,
He intetado dar de alta la proyeccion 'Popular_Visualisation_Pseudo_Mercator' en la libreria de jcrs....
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:28 AM gvSIG feature requests #2624 (Fixed): 'Mercator_(variant_A)' is a new alias of 'Mercator (1SP)'
Muchas gracias por el aporte... en el proximo build de jcrs estara
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:27 AM gvSIG bugs #2596 (Fixed): Problema con la proyección EPSG:21781
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:27 AM gvSIG bugs #2596: Problema con la proyección EPSG:21781

Muchas gracias por el aporte... en el proximo build de jcrs estara
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:52 AM gvSIG bugs #2537 (Fixed): Nueva biblioteca de símbolos: POI Cities
Álvaro Anguix
04:41 AM gvSIG feature requests #2614 (Closed): Mejorar el mensaje de error al fallar la exportacion a Pos...
Álvaro Anguix
04:41 AM gvSIG feature requests #2616 (Closed): Añadir al interface Geometry el metodo isValid
Álvaro Anguix
04:41 AM gvSIG feature requests #2617 (Closed): Añadir al ApplicationManager un metodo que muestre un cuad...
Álvaro Anguix
04:40 AM gvSIG feature requests #2618 (Closed): Añadir un nuevo estipo al simbolo MarkerSymbol
Álvaro Anguix
04:40 AM gvSIG bugs #2615 (Closed): El metodo isSimple de Geometry no funciona
Álvaro Anguix
04:40 AM gvSIG bugs #2625 (Closed): Falta biblioteca de símbolos básica
No instala la carpeta con la simbología básica que debe ir con la instalación Álvaro Anguix
04:38 AM gvSIG bugs #2599 (Closed): Al exortar a postgreSQL siempre genera geometrias de tipo GEOMETRY
Álvaro Anguix
04:37 AM gvSIG bugs #2589 (Closed): No genera correctamente las tablas al exportar a postgresql.
Álvaro Anguix
04:37 AM gvSIG bugs #2584 (Closed): Al cargar algunos WMS tarda varios minutos en habilitarse el boton de ...
Álvaro Anguix
04:36 AM gvSIG bugs #2569 (Closed): Error adding a file as a layer when we change to other tab previously
Álvaro Anguix
04:33 AM gvSIG bugs #2554 (Closed): Cannot set the default projection in the view settings
Álvaro Anguix
04:31 AM gvSIG bugs #1884: Thematic map do not appear on the Add-on manager list after selecting it from l...
Asigno a RC2 para testearlo, ya que para este build no está disponible el paquete. Álvaro Anguix
04:31 AM gvSIG bugs #1838: Mapas temáticos: Orden de capas invertido en el TOC
Asigno a RC2 para testearlo, ya que para este build no está disponible el paquete. Álvaro Anguix
04:31 AM gvSIG bugs #1837: Mapas temáticos: ventana de error al cancelar generar paquete
Asigno a RC2 para testearlo, ya que para este build no está disponible el paquete. Álvaro Anguix
04:29 AM gvSIG feature requests #2306: Update the EPSG database
Hi Alvaro,
don't mention it! It's a pleasure to contribute in order to solve these kind of issues.
The version 8.5...
Antonio Falciano
04:29 AM gvSIG bugs #2544 (New): New languages in gvSIG 2.1
Siguen sin aparecen los idiomas nuevos. Álvaro Anguix
04:25 AM gvSIG feature requests #2524 (Closed): Map template file extension
Álvaro Anguix
04:23 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2602 (Closed): New add-ons for version ...
Álvaro Anguix
04:23 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2549 (Closed): Nueva biblioteca de símbolos: Geology
Álvaro Anguix
04:22 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2550 (Closed): Nueva biblioteca de símbolos: Commerce
Álvaro Anguix
04:22 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2597 (Closed): New add-ons for jcrs version 2.1.3-2062
Álvaro Anguix
04:21 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2598 (Closed): New add-ons for version 2.0.23...
Álvaro Anguix
04:21 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2600 (Closed): New add-ons for
Álvaro Anguix
04:17 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2603 (Closed): New add-on for geoprocess
Álvaro Anguix
04:16 AM gvSIG bugs #2620 (New): Mensaje equivocado en la herramienta de partir geometría en edición.
El error parece que es el siguiente:
- En ocasiones corta la línea aunque se clicken los puntos dentro del extent.
Álvaro Anguix
03:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2620 (Invalid): Mensaje equivocado en la herramienta de partir geometría en edición.
He comprobado y funciona bien; probablemente sea que no has realizado bien el procedimiento actual (que no digo que n... Álvaro Anguix


11:14 AM gvSIG feature requests #1371: Support for CRS EPSG:3857, EPSG:3785, EPSG:900913
See also:
The approach suggested here consists into allow the definition o...
Antonio Falciano
10:44 AM gvSIG feature requests #1371: Support for CRS EPSG:3857, EPSG:3785, EPSG:900913
When we try to add a WMTS layer, this error always happens:... Antonio Falciano
09:38 AM gvSIG feature requests #2624 (Closed): 'Mercator_(variant_A)' is a new alias of 'Mercator (1SP)'
'Mercator_(variant_A)' is a new alias of 'Mercator (1SP)' (see EPSG:9804). So, we should add a new alias of 'Mercator... Antonio Falciano
09:30 AM gvSIG bugs #2596: Problema con la proyección EPSG:21781
'Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_(variant_B)' is a new alias of 'Oblique Mercator' (see EPSG:9815). So, in order to remap 'Ho... Antonio Falciano
06:59 AM gvSIG bugs #2623 (New): Al abrir una con capas OSM sin conexión salta excepción
Para reproducir el error:
# Con conexión a internet, creamos una vista y añadimos una capa OSM desde uno de los se...
Lluís Marqués
06:31 AM gvSIG bugs #2622 (Closed): Al clonar una capa WCS el nombre de la capa cambia.
Para reproducir el error:
#. Crear una nueva vista.
#. Añadir una capa cualquiera WCS desde un servidor. Como eje...
Lluís Marqués
06:16 AM gvSIG bugs #1842 (Fixed): Thematic maps: raster files not included in map package
Ahora se pueden exportar a vistas portables todo tipo de capas raster incluidas todas las capas raster ...
Lluís Marqués
05:49 AM gvSIG bugs #2621 (Closed): Check the units of measure in the User CRS wizard
If I select an User CRS (e.g. 3857) in the "New CRS" wizard and then click on the Edit button, I see the semiaxis exp... Antonio Falciano
05:29 AM gvSIG bugs #2555: Can't retrieve persistent values from plugin
It happens also with BN2230. See gvSIG_2230.log in attachment:... Antonio Falciano
03:45 AM gvSIG bugs #2620 (Closed): Mensaje equivocado en la herramienta de partir geometría en edición.
Para reproducir el error:
- Abrir una capa de lineas y ponerla en edición.
- Seleccionar alguna geometría
- Sele...
Francisco Díaz Carsí


10:59 AM gvSIG feature requests #2610: Add reading support of projection files (.prj) for shapefile
Adding *writing* support of projection files (.prj) would obviously enhance the "Create a new layer" (shp) too:
the ...
Antonio Falciano
04:28 AM gvSIG bugs #2389: No transformation is offered from 4326 to 3035
As I stated here (, it _"seems to occur wi... Antonio Falciano
04:12 AM gvSIG bugs #2555: Can't retrieve persistent values from plugin
Hi Alvaro, it happened with BN 2228 and 2229 for sure. If it will happen again in the 2230, I'll attach a new gvSIG.log. Antonio Falciano
04:02 AM gvSIG bugs #2555: Can't retrieve persistent values from plugin
Hi Antonio, Is this happening in the last builds? Álvaro Anguix
03:45 AM gvSIG feature requests #2306 (Fixed): Update the EPSG database
Antonio, thank you very much for the contribution. We're going to test it and if everything works good we're going to... Álvaro Anguix
03:44 AM gvSIG feature requests #2455 (Fixed): Agregar EPSG de Argentina
Álvaro Anguix


06:45 PM gvSIG feature requests #2618 (Closed): Añadir un nuevo estipo al simbolo MarkerSymbol
Añadir el estilo VERTICAL_LINE_STYLE al simbolo SimpleMarkerSymbol.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:34 PM gvSIG feature requests #2617 (Fixed): Añadir al ApplicationManager un metodo que muestre un cuadr...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:33 PM gvSIG feature requests #2617 (Closed): Añadir al ApplicationManager un metodo que muestre un cuad...
Se ha añadido al ApplicationManager un metodo showTextDialog que muestra un cuadro de dialogo con un texto HTML.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:30 PM gvSIG feature requests #2616 (Fixed): Añadir al interface Geometry el metodo isValid

He añadido el metodo isValid que devuelbe true/false y el metodo getValidationStatus que devuelbe una estructura co...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:28 PM gvSIG feature requests #2616 (Closed): Añadir al interface Geometry el metodo isValid
Hay casos en los que se carga, desde un shape por ejemplo, una geometria que no es valida. Por ejemplo por que se tra... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:25 PM gvSIG bugs #2615 (Fixed): El metodo isSimple de Geometry no funciona
r41439 Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:24 PM gvSIG bugs #2615 (Closed): El metodo isSimple de Geometry no funciona
El metodo isSimple de Geometry no se corresponde con la definicion de "isSimple", devolbiendo true o false en casos q... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:22 PM gvSIG feature requests #2614 (Fixed): Mejorar el mensaje de error al fallar la exportacion a Post...
r41438, r41437
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:21 PM gvSIG feature requests #2614 (Closed): Mejorar el mensaje de error al fallar la exportacion a Pos...
Caundo se exporta una capa a PostgreSQL la informacion sobre el error que se ha producido es insuficiente para que el... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:31 PM gvSIG bugs #2613 (Closed): Advanced tab in Properties of Add layer dialog is active by default
Steps in order to reproduce this bug:
# create and open a View in EPSG:4326;
# add a shp layer defined in a CRS wit...
Antonio Falciano
12:22 PM gvSIG bugs #2612 (Invalid): Transformation name in place of CRS one in the "Select reference syst...
Steps in order to reproduce this bug:
# create and open a View in EPSG:4326;
# add a shp layer defined in a CRS wit...
Antonio Falciano
10:53 AM gvSIG feature requests #2611 (Invalid): Progressbars in the left side of statusbar
The new progressbars are actually positioned in the right side of statusbar. They represent a good improvement, espec... Antonio Falciano
10:46 AM gvSIG feature requests #2610 (Closed): Add reading support of projection files (.prj) for shapefile
Adding *reading* support of projection files (.prj) would enhance the "Add layer" capabilities:
if a layer has the ...
Antonio Falciano
07:35 AM gvSIG bugs #2596: Problema con la proyección EPSG:21781
Further info: if I search 21781 code in the EPSG repository of "New CRS" dialog and then click on the Info button, I ... Antonio Falciano
05:46 AM gvSIG bugs #2554: Cannot set the default projection in the view settings
Same error in BN2230 32bit on Windows. Antonio Falciano


04:34 PM gvSIG bugs #2596: Problema con la proyección EPSG:21781
I can confirm this issue. It's not possible to assign EPSG:21781 to a view. It happens with the latest version of EPS... Antonio Falciano
04:10 PM gvSIG feature requests #1371: Support for CRS EPSG:3857, EPSG:3785, EPSG:900913
#2306 fixes this feature request only partially: EPSG:3857 and EPSG:3785 are available in the latest version of EPSG ... Antonio Falciano
04:05 PM gvSIG feature requests #2455: Agregar EPSG de Argentina
#2306 fixes this feature request. Antonio Falciano
01:45 PM gvSIG feature requests #2306 (Awaiting response): Update the EPSG database
I attach a final version of *EPSG.sql (v. 8.4)* which works like a charm! Tested with BN 2230.
Finally we can searc...
Antonio Falciano


05:46 PM gvSIG bugs #2608 (Won't fix): ProviderName parameter within adding layer from file properties sho...
Now this parameter is editable. Since it is for internal use it should be read-only. Manuel Madrid
05:39 PM gvSIG bugs #2607 (Invalid): Cannot add event theme based on a XLS layer if the "Use first row as ...
1. Launch gvSIG 2.1.
2. Load a XLS table.
3. Click on Properties. Make sure that the "Use first row as header" is n...
Manuel Madrid
04:22 PM gvSIG bugs #2606 (Invalid): Features are not drawn when loading a XLS file as a layer if the "Use...
1. Launch gvSIG.
2. Create a view.
3. Add layer > File.
4. Select a XLS file that contains at least X and Y coordi...
Manuel Madrid
09:45 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2550 (Fixed): Nueva biblioteca de símbolos: Commerce
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:45 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2549 (Fixed): Nueva biblioteca de símbolos: Geology
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:41 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2602 (Fixed): New add-ons for version 1...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:41 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2600 (Fixed): New add-ons for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:41 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2597 (Fixed): New add-ons for jcrs version 2.1.3-2062
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:32 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2598 (Fixed): New add-ons for version 2.0.23-...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:20 AM gvSIG bugs #2605 (Closed): Error in Clip tool
An error has happened using Clip tool.
Input layer: hidro_Andalucia
Clip layer: municipiosAndal (Selecting one m...
Mario Carrera
07:04 AM gvSIG feature requests #2306: Update the EPSG database
I've fixed the new EPSG.sql in order to ensure the full compatibility between the two versions. I attach both the fix... Antonio Falciano
06:10 AM gvSIG bugs #2385 (Fixed): Error in the "Spatial join" tool
Álvaro Anguix
04:51 AM gvSIG bugs #2604 (Invalid): New "CRS" option in the "New CRS" dialog?
If I create a new view, open its properties and try to change its CRS, I see a new option (called "CRS") in the Type ... Antonio Falciano
04:33 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2603 (Closed): New add-on for geoprocess Francisco Díaz Carsí


02:12 PM gvSIG feature requests #2306: Update the EPSG database
I've just converted the latest version of EPSG Registry (8.4, May 2014) for HSQL (in attachment), trying to replicate... Antonio Falciano
12:02 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2602 (Closed): New add-ons for version ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:41 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2600 (Closed): New add-ons for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:22 AM gvSIG feature requests #2524 (Fixed): Map template file extension

Parece que estara resuelto en el build 36 del plugin del layout.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:42 AM gvSIG bugs #2596: Problema con la proyección EPSG:21781
Exploring the INSERT statements in _gvSIG\plugins\\db\EPSG.sql_ it seems that we are wor... Antonio Falciano
07:30 AM gvSIG bugs #2596: Problema con la proyección EPSG:21781
He comparado el INSERT que hacemos en la base de datos en el script y no he encontrado diferencias con los datos defi... Francisco Díaz Carsí
07:21 AM gvSIG bugs #2596 (Closed): Problema con la proyección EPSG:21781
Algún problema hay con la definición o con el tratamiento que hacemos de la proyección EPSG:21781 porque gvSIG no es ... Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:03 AM gvSIG bugs #2599 (Fixed): Al exortar a postgreSQL siempre genera geometrias de tipo GEOMETRY
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:03 AM gvSIG bugs #2599 (Closed): Al exortar a postgreSQL siempre genera geometrias de tipo GEOMETRY
Cuando se exporta a postgreSQL al crear la tabla genera el campo ara almacenar la geometria de tipo GEOMETRY en lugar... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:52 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2598 (Closed): New add-ons for version 2.0.23...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:36 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2597 (Closed): New add-ons for jcrs version 2.1.3-2062
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:03 AM gvSIG bugs #2371 (Won't fix): WMS - Can't get proj4 string error
En este ticket hay mezclados dos problemas:
- Por un lado, lo que aparece en el log es un problema con el crs EPSG...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:37 AM gvSIG bugs #2583: Can't save a temporary layer
The same issue happens with layer created by SEXTANTE and saved on the disk.
In the following error reported in the ...
Antonio Falciano


09:59 AM gvSIG bugs #1842 (In progress): Thematic maps: raster files not included in map package
Lluís Marqués


08:27 AM gvSIG bugs #1884 (Fixed): Thematic map do not appear on the Add-on manager list after selecting i...
Este error ya no ocurre con la nueva versión para gvSIG 2.1.
Se puede generar e instalar las vistas portables correc...
Lluís Marqués
08:18 AM gvSIG bugs #2552 (Fixed): Duplica capas en mapas temáticos (portable view)
No he podido reproducirlo en la nueva versión.
En este momento no se crean carpetas por cada capa ni se duplican los...
Lluís Marqués
08:05 AM gvSIG bugs #1837 (Fixed): Mapas temáticos: ventana de error al cancelar generar paquete
Corregido. Ya no produce una excepción darle al botón de cancelar cuando intentas crear un paquete distribuible a par... Lluís Marqués
07:26 AM gvSIG bugs #1838 (Fixed): Mapas temáticos: Orden de capas invertido en el TOC
Corregido el error en la ordenación de TOC al crear una Vista Portable desde una vista.
rev 267
Lluís Marqués
06:59 AM gvSIG bugs #1838 (In progress): Mapas temáticos: Orden de capas invertido en el TOC
Lluís Marqués
06:50 AM gvSIG feature requests #2466 (Fixed): Cambio de nombre de Thematic Map
Se ha cambiado el nombre del plugin, nombre de los proyectos, paquetes, nombres de clase, variables y las claves i18n... Lluís Marqués
05:20 AM gvSIG feature requests #2592 (Closed): Add a precision column in the Table properties
The precision of double fields is not shown in the Table properties window, so a new column is needed. Antonio Falciano
05:17 AM gvSIG bugs #2591 (Closed): Double fields appear always with precision 3 in tables
The double/float fields (defined in the Field Manager) appear always with precision 3 in tables, even if they're stor... Antonio Falciano
05:12 AM gvSIG bugs #2590 (Closed): Can't set the precision of float/double fields in the "Create new laye...
It's not possible to set the precision of float/double fields in the "Create new layer" (New shp layer) wizard, becau... Antonio Falciano

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