Abenchara Socorro's activity

From 10/21/2012 to 11/19/2012


03:17 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1376 (Closed): WMS does not persist

I have followed those steps and I have had no problem.
Tested in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
03:06 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1246 (Closed): Installer wrongly says "unresolved dependency"
Abenchara Socorro
03:05 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1246: Installer wrongly says "unresolved dependency"

There is no problem with this when build 2058 (gvSIG-desktop-2.0.0-2058-testing-lin-x86-standard-withjre.bin) is in...
Abenchara Socorro
02:56 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1322 (Closed): Unable to export maps / No se pueden exportar mapas

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:46 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1241 (Closed): Wrong text in menu items

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:37 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1395: Polyline tool fails when using options Terminate or End [E]
This has appeared in build 2058, in previous builds this didn't happen Abenchara Socorro
01:31 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1395 (Closed): Polyline tool fails when using options Terminate or End [E]
Open gvSIG
Open New View
Add Layer comunicaciones_andalucia.shp (http://downloads.gvsig.org/download/geodata/vector...
Abenchara Socorro
02:25 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1247 (Closed): Warning about menu item missing in the status bar

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
01:53 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1396 (Invalid): ne
Abenchara Socorro
01:32 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1396 (Invalid): ne
Abenchara Socorro
12:34 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #551 (Closed): Errores en el metodo setPoints de la clase Arc

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
12:25 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1242 (Closed): Wrong action name in menu item

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
12:20 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1197 (Closed): Cancel during fussy spatially process does not work

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:21 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1135 (Closed): Wrong output layer name in Clip geoprocess

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro


02:43 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1204 (Closed): After cancel X and Y shift geoprocess during the process, it creates ...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:23 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1196 (Closed): After cancel dissolve geoprocess during the process, it creates a lay...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:16 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1391 (Closed): Fuse Spatially creates 2 layers
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer esp_comaut.shp (http://downloads.gvsig.org/download/geodata/vector/SHP2D/esp_com...
Abenchara Socorro
02:12 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1264 (Closed): After cancel fuse spatially geoprocess during the process, it creates...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
01:55 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1390 (Closed): Missing translation in buffer window
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer comunicaciones_andalucia.shp (http://downloads.gvsig.org/download/geodata/vector...
Abenchara Socorro
01:21 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1193 (Closed): After cancel buffer geoprocess during the process, it creates a layer ...
Abenchara Socorro
01:08 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1198 (Closed): After cancel instersection geoprocess during the process, it creates ...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
01:04 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1194 (New): After cancel difference geoprocess during the process, it creates a laye...

I have followed the steps above, and if I don't click on Cancel button appears a strange window flashing. I can't c...
Abenchara Socorro
12:52 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1202 (Closed): After cancel Union geoprocess during the process, it creates layers wi...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
12:46 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1199 (Closed): After cancel merge geoprocess during the process, it creates a layer w...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:58 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #958: Impossible to calculate math operations in string fields in dissolve geoprocess

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:58 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #958: Impossible to calculate math operations in string fields in dissolve geoprocess

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:58 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #958 (Closed): Impossible to calculate math operations in string fields in dissolve ge...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:48 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1244 (Closed): Delete some classes in ROI (polygon, line and point) of a shape works ...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:30 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1126 (Closed): The result of merge geometries of a dxf layer is an empty layer

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
09:48 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1236 (Closed): Wrong management of read-only layers at editing

Appears a warning message 'This layer has no write permissions. You will be able to export edited data, but no in t...
Abenchara Socorro


03:08 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1243 (Closed): Falla Borrar clases en ROI/Delete classes fails in ROI

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
03:03 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1206 (Closed): The output file text in merge geoprocess window is wrong

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
03:02 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1209 (Closed): In Union geoprocess options, the selected geometries checkbox is not c...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
03:00 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1208 (Closed): In Spatial join geoprocess options, the selected geometries checkbox i...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:57 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1205 (Closed): The output file text of reproject geoprocess window is wrong

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:56 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #977 (Closed): "string translation missing" Proyeccion_Destino

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:55 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #988 (Closed): Missing Geoprocessing in Tools of menu bar
Abenchara Socorro
02:52 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1237 (Closed): Warning message after apply an X and Y shift in a dgn layer

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:50 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #825 (Closed): In the window 'Reproject' an error appears in the text of [outputs]
Abenchara Socorro
02:47 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1239 (Closed): Falla Zoom a la resolución del raster/Zoom to raster resolution fails

Works in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:43 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1217 (Closed): Applying Clip geoprocess appears an error message with line layer

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:40 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1216 (Closed): Applying an Intersection geoprocess appears an error message

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:23 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1119 (Closed): Herramientas Deshacer/Rehacer - Undo/Redo tools

Works in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:14 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1294 (Closed): To edit the symbology of a KML layer corrupts the gvSIG project
Abenchara Socorro
02:00 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #826 (Closed): In the window 'Merge' appears an error in the text of [outputs]
Abenchara Socorro
01:58 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #847 (Closed): Select a 'Field' in the the dialog box to Buffer geoprocess
Works in build 2058 Abenchara Socorro
01:53 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #956 (Closed): Difference between multigeometria/dxf layers with a elements selected

Works in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
01:38 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1385: General tab / Pestaña General
Occurs the same with kml layers Abenchara Socorro
01:37 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1385 (Closed): General tab / Pestaña General
Open gvSIG
Add Layer Comarques.gml (http://downloads.gvsig.org/download/geodata/vector/GML/Catalunya_Comarq...
Abenchara Socorro
01:22 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG feature requests #112 (Closed): Change the name of some flaps within the New Layer wizard
Abenchara Socorro
12:52 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #990 (Closed): Merge tool doesn't merge point layers

Sorry, I forgot to mark as CLOSED in the previous message
Abenchara Socorro
12:52 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #990: Merge tool doesn't merge point layers
works in build 2058 Abenchara Socorro
12:04 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1238 (Closed): After apply X and Y shift geoprocess the output layer is empty and the...
Abenchara Socorro
10:57 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1117 (Closed): In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a linear sha...

It's possible in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:56 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1118 (Closed): In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a point shap...

Can choose it in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
09:52 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1107 (Closed): No aparece pestaña de bandas en Propiedades del raster

Solved in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro


02:18 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #403 (Closed): Error en link al redmine
Abenchara Socorro
01:56 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #199 (Under review): Problems with color tables

Please Ignacio, tell me how could I test this bug.
Abenchara Socorro
12:53 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #785: añadir a los menus las operaciones de edicion que solo tienen atajos de teclado.

If I don't see the grid, seems that it's not working, but if I make a zoom (then I see the grid) it works but doesn...
Abenchara Socorro
12:48 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #785 (New): añadir a los menus las operaciones de edicion que solo tienen atajos de te...
I follow the steps:
* Create a view, add a SHP file (for example, of type line or polygon), start editing
* In the ...
Abenchara Socorro
10:51 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #249 (Closed): error exporting polygon shapefile with holes / error al exportar geomet...

Solved in build 2057
Abenchara Socorro
10:16 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #924 (Closed): Apply symmetry in geometry and save the changes doesn't work
Abenchara Socorro
10:13 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1002: No se pueden borrar registros/Can't remove rows

Deleting rows is possible in build 2057
Abenchara Socorro
09:57 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #452 (Closed): editing, array does not work / no funciona edicion, matriz

I have followed the steps in build 2057 and matrix works
Abenchara Socorro
09:51 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #451 (Closed): error picking spline handler / error al tomar vertices de un spline
Abenchara Socorro


02:43 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #85 (Closed): spelling mistake in manual transformation dialog box
Abenchara Socorro
10:55 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #951 (Closed): Copy, paste and move a point, in Map, does not work well.
Abenchara Socorro
10:51 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1123 (Closed): Mouse pointer drawing ROIs
Abenchara Socorro
10:27 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #274 (Closed): Error adding a geometry to the layer when the table is open
Abenchara Socorro
10:12 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #110 (Closed): Fields that shouldn't be enabled when defining a new layer
Abenchara Socorro
09:46 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG feature requests #115 (Closed): Remove "Area" and "Perimeter" buttons from the View tool bar
Abenchara Socorro


02:00 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #141 (Closed): Cancel button in properties dialog box doesn't work
Abenchara Socorro
01:57 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #124 (Closed): Tables. Clear selection icon appears twice.
Abenchara Socorro
01:47 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1227 (Closed): Problema al añadir un vértice/
Abenchara Socorro
01:45 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #248 (Closed): insert island button disabled / boton para crear islas inactivo
Abenchara Socorro
01:41 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #264 (Closed): Error creating an annotation layer
Abenchara Socorro
01:32 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #926 (Closed): Draw Polyline as arc fails / falla Dibujar una polilínea como arco
Abenchara Socorro
01:27 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1121 (Closed): ROIs cannot be exported to shape
Abenchara Socorro
12:42 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1240 (Closed): Wrong position of menu items (Mapa)
Abenchara Socorro
Abenchara Socorro
10:40 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1239 (New): Falla Zoom a la resolución del raster/Zoom to raster resolution fails
Abenchara Socorro
10:08 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1254 (Closed): Missing icons in unsaved data dialog when closing project
Abenchara Socorro
09:57 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1273 (Closed): Add_layer 'string translation missing'
Abenchara Socorro


02:24 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1239 (Closed): Falla Zoom a la resolución del raster/Zoom to raster resolution fails
Still occurs in build 2057 Abenchara Socorro
02:21 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1243 (New): Falla Borrar clases en ROI/Delete classes fails in ROI
Warning window still appears
Tested in build 2057
Abenchara Socorro
02:08 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #899 (Closed): Can't create HIPERLINK for *.pdf documents / No se puede crear HIPERENL...
Abenchara Socorro
02:06 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #898 (Closed): Can't create HIPERLINK for Html / No se puede CREAR HIPERENLACE *.html
Abenchara Socorro
01:57 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #897 (Closed): Can't create HIPERLINK for *.jpg Images / No se puede CREAR HIPERENLACE...
Sorry, works well...
Tested in build 2057
Abenchara Socorro
01:51 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #897 (New): Can't create HIPERLINK for *.jpg Images / No se puede CREAR HIPERENLACE *.jpg
Doesn't open granada.jpg well
I attach picture
Abenchara Socorro
01:03 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1364 (Closed): User CRS appears with 'no_name'
Open gvSIG
Add new view
Select Properties
Select 'Current Projection'
Select Type: User CRS
Click on New
Abenchara Socorro
12:57 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #884 (Closed): Create new User CRS 'From user definitions' fails
Abenchara Socorro
12:53 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #873 (Closed): change layer name does not work / no se puede cambiar nombre de capa
Abenchara Socorro
12:50 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #815 (Closed): Little spelling mistake ("pixel" by "Pixel")
Abenchara Socorro
12:44 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG feature requests #756 (Closed): Support for CRS:84
Abenchara Socorro
12:35 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG feature requests #747 (Closed): Show the CRS of each layer to be loaded in the add layer wi...
Abenchara Socorro
12:27 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #744 (Closed): Can't load a WMS layer
Abenchara Socorro
12:19 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #649 (Under review): Server messages are not shown in WMS
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new View (EPSG 4326)
3.- Add WMS: http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi
4.- Next
5.- Next
6.- ...
Abenchara Socorro
10:59 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #502 (Closed): Can't load a WCS layer
Abenchara Socorro
10:49 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #471 (New): Editing polygon. Symmetry. Stange behaviour.
In both cases, english or spanish, works well (Yes/No) and (Sí/No) commands in console, but, if you use the right but... Abenchara Socorro
09:59 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG feature requests #116 (Closed): Add a warning to the Area and Perimeter tools
Abenchara Socorro
09:55 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #77 (Closed): Cannot connect to WMTS of IGN
Abenchara Socorro
09:52 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #109 (Closed): spelling mistake in Info CRS window
Abenchara Socorro
09:48 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #74 (Closed): Problems loading layers from Cartociudad WMS service
Abenchara Socorro
09:45 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #65 (Closed): When there join or link between tables can not save a project
Abenchara Socorro
09:36 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #121 (Closed): Undo tool does not work in edition table
Abenchara Socorro


02:42 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG feature requests #876 (Closed): Comando "perimeter" en calculadora de campos
Abenchara Socorro
02:34 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG feature requests #875 (Closed): Comando "area" en calculadora de campos
Abenchara Socorro
02:25 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #75 (Closed): Installation: "Finish" button appears before than it should.
Abenchara Socorro
02:24 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #234 (Closed): Error calculating raster statistics
Abenchara Socorro
02:15 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1117 (New): In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a linear shape ...
Abenchara Socorro
02:14 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1118 (New): In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a point shape l...
Abenchara Socorro
01:41 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #867 (Closed): Cut or copy a vector layer
Abenchara Socorro
01:37 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #262 (Closed): Add any object to the layout
Abenchara Socorro
01:35 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1268 (Closed): Open a template created in Map fails
Abenchara Socorro
01:23 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1238 (New): After apply X and Y shift geoprocess the output layer is empty and the or...
Abenchara Socorro
01:15 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #446 (Closed): error creating adding shp file / error al crear añadir archivo shp
Abenchara Socorro
01:08 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #910 (Closed): Link between two tables fails
Abenchara Socorro
12:55 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #307 (Closed): Corregir la ordenacion de los menus
Abenchara Socorro
12:54 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #114 (Closed): Update the URL to download the source code
Abenchara Socorro
12:51 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #316 (Closed): Error in the addons installer with the Installation from URL option
Already solved, I have installed a raster plugin with no problems Abenchara Socorro
12:20 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1087 (New): menus con repeticiones
Al abrir una Vista, Tabla o Mapa, al final de la barra de menús aparece 'Vista', es decir, aparece después del menú A... Abenchara Socorro
10:55 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #922 (Closed): Can't use JOIN tool / No se puede usar la herramienta JOIN
Abenchara Socorro
10:17 AM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1230 (Closed): Print map fails
Abenchara Socorro


02:58 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1250 (Closed): Fallo al explotar un polígono/Explode a polygon fails
Abenchara Socorro
02:53 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1319 (Closed): Export from dwg layer to shape
Abenchara Socorro
02:25 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1316 (Closed): Trying to export gml to shape with out fill the new file name
Abenchara Socorro
02:23 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1329 (Closed): Does not assign the metadata CRS to the layer (gml, kml and dxf) after...
Abenchara Socorro
02:13 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1313 (Closed): Export from dgn layer to shape
Abenchara Socorro
02:06 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1320 (Closed): click on symbology not working / click sobre simbología no acciona
Abenchara Socorro
01:44 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1294 (New): To edit the symbology of a KML layer corrupts the gvSIG project
Abenchara Socorro
01:38 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1317 (Closed): Export from kml layer to shape
Abenchara Socorro
01:35 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1315 (Closed): Export from gml layer to shape
Abenchara Socorro
01:27 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1251 (Closed): 'Add X,Y' button has not got icon (red square)
Abenchara Socorro
01:25 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1249 (Closed): Fallo al explotar una curva/Explode a curve fails
Abenchara Socorro
01:11 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1345 (Closed): Can't copy a layer
Abenchara Socorro
01:10 PM Application: gvSIG desktop gvSIG bugs #1346 (Closed): Can't cut a layer
Abenchara Socorro


02:18 PM | gvSIG desktop 1 gvSIG bugs #1335 (New): Fallo en la ruta de imagen de salida en georreferenciación/Output route f...
+_Fallo en la ruta de imagen de salida en georreferenciación_+
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Crear Vista Nueva (Georr...
Abenchara Socorro
02:02 PM | gvSIG desktop 1 gvSIG bugs #1334: Fallo al abrir proyecto después de georreferenciar/Open project fails after geo...

Si le digo que NO en el paso 11.- g) y cargo la imagen manualmente, guardo el proyecto, vuelvo a abrir y no da erro...
Abenchara Socorro
01:59 PM | gvSIG desktop 1 gvSIG bugs #1334 (New): Fallo al abrir proyecto después de georreferenciar/Open project fails aft...
_+Fallo al abrir proyecto después de georreferenciar+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Crear Vista Nueva (Georref)
Abenchara Socorro

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