
From 09/27/2012 to 10/26/2012


07:17 PM gvSIG bugs #1242 (Fixed): Wrong action name in menu item
Fixed action command
Juan Lucas Domínguez
07:07 PM gvSIG bugs #1297 (Fixed): Wrong tool tip (clear selection)
Fixed tooltip
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1240 (Fixed): Wrong position of menu items (Mapa)
Fixed position of menus/buttons.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:41 PM gvSIG bugs #1329 (Fixed): Does not assign the metadata CRS to the layer (gml, kml and dxf) after ...
This problem does not happen after previous bugfixes.
The metadata tab should show now the CRS of the view if the us...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:48 PM gvSIG bugs #1329 (Closed): Does not assign the metadata CRS to the layer (gml, kml and dxf) after...
Open gvSIG
New view
New layer
Add layer 'andalucia.kml' from '
Vicent Domenech
06:35 PM gvSIG bugs #1316 (Fixed): Trying to export gml to shape with out fill the new file name
Removed redundant dialog.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1186 (Fixed): Wrong layer name in ToC for GML files
This bug is fixed in gvsig-desktop:r39098
Sorry I did not mention this bug in the commit.
It should work now.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1185 (Fixed): Wrong layer name in ToC for KML files
This bug is fixed in gvsig-desktop:r39098
Sorry I did not mention this bug in the commit.
It should work now.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:27 PM gvSIG bugs #1322: Unable to export maps / No se pueden exportar mapas
En: If there is a points shape loaded as layer, displayed in the map. ps and pdf export does not work, get this mesag... Mario Fevre
02:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1322 (Awaiting response): Unable to export maps / No se pueden exportar mapas
Please, could you give us more information about this? Steps, error message, gvsig.log file? Manuel Madrid
04:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1328 (Fixed): The name of saved project does not persist
Refreshing properly main window title.
There is a confusion. The title must not have the n...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:07 PM gvSIG bugs #1328 (Closed): The name of saved project does not persist
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new view
3.- Click Save as project, apply folder and name (kkk)
4.- Up of the application a...
María Maluenda
04:04 PM gvSIG bugs #1327: Fails to save an existing project
I think this bug is the same as #1303 and is caused by some issue with the persistence of raster layers.
We cannot...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:49 AM gvSIG bugs #1327 (Closed): Fails to save an existing project
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open (project_basic_20_ok_mapa13.gvsproj)
3.- Click Save project or save project as (apply folde...
María Maluenda
03:56 PM gvSIG bugs #1319 (Fixed): Export from dwg layer to shape
This is actually the same bug as #1317 so it should now be fixed in gvsig-desktop:r39101
Test: the steps described...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:49 PM gvSIG bugs #1313 (Fixed): Export from dgn layer to shape
This is actually the same bug as #1317 so it should now be fixed in gvsig-desktop:r39101
Test: the steps described...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:49 PM gvSIG bugs #1313: Export from dgn layer to shape
This is actually the same bug as #1317 so it should now be fixed in gvsig-desktop:r39101
Test: the steps described...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:42 PM gvSIG bugs #1315 (Fixed): Export from gml layer to shape
This is actually the same bug as #1317 so it should now be fixed in gvsig-desktop:r39101
Test: the steps described...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:37 PM gvSIG bugs #1317 (Fixed): Export from kml layer to shape
Fixed management of geometries when exporting to SHP.
Test: the steps described should now...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:12 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1321 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
02:18 PM gvSIG feature requests #1331 (Closed): Change size in point layer not works
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new View (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add layer (
María Maluenda
01:16 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 36 (svn-document-layout): #1242 Fixed action command
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:05 PM Revision 39106 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1297 Fixed tooltip
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:05 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 35 (svn-document-layout): #1297 Fixed tooltip
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:59 PM gvSIG bugs #1330 (Closed): gvSIG is closed when working with an existing project
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open existing project (project_basic_20_ok_mapa12.gvsproj)
3.- Close the map that appears with ...
María Maluenda
12:54 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 34 (svn-document-layout): #1240 Fixed position of menus/buttons
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:34 PM Revision 39105 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1316 Removed redundant error dialog and added i18n
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:52 AM Revision 39104 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1328 Refreshing properly main window title
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:43 AM Revision 39103 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Added white spaces in title
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:27 AM Revision 39102 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fixed new layer name
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:32 AM Revision 39101 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1317 Fixed management of geometries when exporting to SHP
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:28 AM Revision 39100 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Setting attribute size in GPE to prevent 1-character attribut...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:27 AM Revision 39099 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Added toJTS operation for BaseMultiPrimitive
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:26 AM Revision 39098 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Replaced GPE icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez


05:39 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1320 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
04:08 PM gvSIG bugs #1126 (Fixed): The result of merge geometries of a dxf layer is an empty layer
Ignacio Brodín
04:07 PM gvSIG bugs #1126: The result of merge geometries of a dxf layer is an empty layer
gvsig-geoproces:r333 Ignacio Brodín
02:36 PM gvSIG bugs #1268 (Fixed): Open a template created in Map fails
Fixed extension used for map templates and initialized tool to prevent NPE in LayoutEvents.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:14 PM gvSIG bugs #1138 (Closed): The result of an intersection with points layer is empty
I thought those are the same layer. I check the intersection point with the same layers and run correctly Vicent Domenech
01:18 PM gvSIG bugs #1138 (Fixed): The result of an intersection with points layer is empty
Those two layers have not the points in the same place Ignacio Brodín
01:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1310 (Fixed): Persistence a map with text not works
Changed persisted value (Rectangle -> Rectangle2D) and persisted text.
Test: the s...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:06 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1319 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
12:38 PM gvSIG bugs #1226 (Fixed): on the fly reprojection doesn't work for DXF layers
Added case in getDynValue method (DXF store provider) to get CRS.
Test: the steps describe...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:24 PM gvSIG bugs #1326: Proplems in the legend with dxf, dgn, dwg
also with kml and gml format Vicent Domenech
12:22 PM gvSIG bugs #1326 (Closed): Proplems in the legend with dxf, dgn, dwg
Open gvSIg
New view
Load layer (any of them have the problem: dxf, dgn and dwg)
New map
Insert View botton from t...
Vicent Domenech
12:16 PM Revision 39097 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Añade las operaciones snapTo, closestPoints y isWithinDistanc...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:13 PM Revision 39096 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Arregla un error que impedia crear una OrientablePrimitiva2D ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:13 PM gvSIG bugs #1187 (Fixed): On the fly reprojection doesn't work with GML layers
This is actually the same bug as #1188 so it's already fixed in gvsig-desktop:r39093
the steps described ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:55 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 334 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1124 The result of reproject geometries of a dxf layer is an em...
Ignacio Brodín
10:12 AM gvSIG bugs #1325 (Closed): 'No active' link to inserted view in map does not work
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new view (EPSG23030)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
10:07 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 333 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1126 The result of merge geometries of a dxf layer is an empty ...
Ignacio Brodín
09:57 AM gvSIG bugs #1324 (Closed): Pam tool moves the inserted view in the map
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new view (EPSG23030)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
08:35 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 33 (svn-document-layout): #1268 Fixed extension used for map templates and initialized t...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:14 AM gvSIG bugs #1312: gvSIG installation error and project creation error
Hello Manuel,
thanks a lot! Yes - I've now access to redmine and reported the here there as well.
<i>So, please...
Klaus Schaefer
07:37 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 32 (svn-document-layout): #1310 Changed persisted value (Rectangle -> Rectangle2D) and p...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:36 AM Revision 39095 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1226 Added case in getDynValue method (DXF store provider) t...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:34 AM Revision 39094 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fixed icon reference
Juan Lucas Domínguez


11:47 PM gvSIG bugs #1323 (Closed): error saving project / error al gurada el proyecto
En: can't save when symbology line properties has an image in my server file (X:\Bases\bases graficas\svg\flechas). I... Mario Fevre
11:37 PM gvSIG bugs #1322 (Closed): Unable to export maps / No se pueden exportar mapas
Can't perform action 'application-export-to-pdf'. Mario Fevre
11:31 PM gvSIG bugs #1321 (Closed): different label sizes maps and print / tamaños de etiquetas distintos ...
En: printed or exported labels changes sizes
in the example labels are fixed size in 40 meters in the world
Es: a...
Mario Fevre
11:03 PM gvSIG bugs #1320 (Closed): click on symbology not working / click sobre simbología no acciona
*En:* If layer labeling is enabled: Doing click on TOC sybology (straight access to symbology editing) has no effects... Mario Fevre
05:18 PM gvSIG bugs #1188 (Fixed): On the fly reprojection doesn't work with KML layers
Adding getDynValue method in GPE store provider to get CRS.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:04 PM gvSIG bugs #847 (Fixed): Select a 'Field' in the the dialog box to Buffer geoprocess
gvsig-geoprocess:r332 Ignacio Brodín
03:50 PM gvSIG bugs #1171 (Fixed): Add postgis geoDB (EPSG 23030) to a View (EPSG 4326) and apply zoom fails
Add CRS selected by user to store parameters.
Test: the steps described should now work.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:34 PM gvSIG bugs #1308 (Fixed): Dissapears the cartography of the Locator when adding other elements o...
Using x,y shift from graphics when pasting cached image.
Test: the steps described should ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:14 AM gvSIG bugs #1308: Dissapears the cartography of the Locator when adding other elements on the Map.
1 -. Abrir gvSIG
2 -. Añadir nueva vista (EPSG 23030)
3 -. Añadir nueva capa (
María Maluenda
10:14 AM gvSIG bugs #1308: Dissapears the cartography of the Locator when adding other elements on the Map.
1 -. Abrir gvSIG
2 -. Añadir nueva vista (EPSG 23030)
3 -. Añadir nueva capa (
María Maluenda
10:13 AM gvSIG bugs #1308: Dissapears the cartography of the Locator when adding other elements on the Map.
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
10:12 AM gvSIG bugs #1308: Dissapears the cartography of the Locator when adding other elements on the Map.
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
10:07 AM gvSIG bugs #1308 (Closed): Dissapears the cartography of the Locator when adding other elements ...
1.- Open gvSIG (BN2056)
2.- Add new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
02:24 PM gvSIG bugs #1319 (Closed): Export from dwg layer to shape
Error exporting the store Vicent Domenech
02:17 PM gvSIG bugs #1318 (Closed): Persistence of a map with the view link inserted inactive, not works
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new view
3.- Insert new layer (
María Maluenda
02:16 PM gvSIG bugs #1317 (Closed): Export from kml layer to shape
open gvSIG
new view
add layer Huesca.kml (
Vicent Domenech
02:09 PM gvSIG bugs #1316 (Closed): Trying to export gml to shape with out fill the new file name
Error validating the form Vicent Domenech
02:02 PM gvSIG bugs #1315 (Closed): Export from gml layer to shape
open gvSIG
new view
add layer Comarques.gml (
Vicent Domenech
01:56 PM gvSIG bugs #1313 (Closed): Export from dgn layer to shape
open gvSIG
new view
add layer 44009000100_2000_01_1k.dgn (
Vicent Domenech
01:48 PM gvSIG bugs #1312 (Closed): gvSIG installation error and project creation error
Hello gvSIG 2.0 development team,
now I finally managed to get registered with redmine. So I like to add my test ...
Klaus Schaefer
01:22 PM gvSIG bugs #1118 (Fixed): In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a point shape...
gvsig-geoprocess:r331 Ignacio Brodín
01:22 PM gvSIG bugs #1117 (Fixed): In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a linear shap...
gvsig-geoprocess:r331 Ignacio Brodín
01:13 PM gvSIG bugs #1311 (Closed): Pesistence in Interval type on symbols properties
Open gvSIG
New view
Add shp layer Alicante_Comunicaciones_2_ICV_SHP2d.shp(
Vicent Domenech
01:10 PM gvSIG bugs #826 (Fixed): In the window 'Merge' appears an error in the text of [outputs]
gvsig-geoprocess:r312 Ignacio Brodín
01:08 PM gvSIG bugs #1238 (Fixed): After apply X and Y shift geoprocess the output layer is empty and the ...
gvsig-geoprocess:r330 Ignacio Brodín
12:06 PM gvSIG bugs #1310 (Closed): Persistence a map with text not works
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new map
3.- Click to Insert text tool
4.- Write text
5.- Save the project
6.- Open new p...
María Maluenda
11:17 AM Revision 39093 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1188 Adding getDynValue method in GPE store provider to get CRS
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM gvSIG bugs #1250 (Fixed): Fallo al explotar un polígono/Explode a polygon fails
If there is a possible conflict, user is asked to take decision.
- If you test it...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM gvSIG bugs #1309 (Closed): After deactivated columns of tables from geoDB, close project, open it...
Duplicated (#1305) Manuel Madrid
10:29 AM gvSIG bugs #1309 (Closed): After deactivated columns of tables from geoDB, close project, open it...
Open gvSIG
New view
Importing geoDB for Sercarlin (mySQL and postGIS)
Open the table
Modify the visibility of any...
Vicent Domenech
11:03 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 332 (gvsig-geoprocess): #847 Select a 'Field' in the the dialog box to Buffer geoprocess
Ignacio Brodín
10:31 AM gvSIG bugs #1305: visible/invisible fields setting (table properties) doesn't persists
This ticket can be related with #1309 Vicent Domenech
09:31 AM gvSIG bugs #1305: visible/invisible fields setting (table properties) doesn't persists
Having the same problem with mySQL and postGIS table conected to Sercarlin Vicent Domenech
09:48 AM Revision 39092 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1171 Add CRS selected by user to store parameters
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:46 AM Revision 39091 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Removed System.out.println
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:33 AM Revision 39090 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1308 Using x,y shift from graphics when pasting cached image
Juan Lucas Domínguez
07:22 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 331 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1117 and #1118 In spatial join tool we can not choose as input ...
Ignacio Brodín
07:07 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 330 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1238 After apply X and Y shift geoprocess the output layer is e...
Ignacio Brodín
05:30 AM Revision 39089 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fixed bad icon reference
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:49 AM Revision 39088 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1250 If there is a possible conflict, user is asked to take ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


09:45 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 360 (gvsig-scripting)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:43 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 359 (gvsig-scripting)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:54 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1318 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
05:32 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1317 (gvsig-raster): New constructor for PreviewPanel
Ignacio Brodín
04:08 PM gvSIG bugs #1294 (Fixed): To edit the symbology of a KML layer corrupts the gvSIG project
Added check to find out if user canceled multi-symbol selector.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1267 (Fixed): Move items of the simplified legend in Map fails
Check field is not null before cloning (that field is permanently being set, so it can be null).
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:32 PM gvSIG bugs #1230 (Fixed): Print map fails
Added missing methods to restore conventional printing.
A relevant test would be:...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:08 PM gvSIG bugs #1305 (Invalid): visible/invisible fields setting (table properties) doesn't persists
Open gvSIG
New table
Load concejos.navarra.dbf (from
Vicent Domenech
01:46 PM gvSIG bugs #1304 (Closed): In the box of 'generate file' in raster reprojection has not got icon ...
Open gvSIG
Add new view
Add new raster layer (
Vicent Domenech
12:46 PM gvSIG feature requests #1290: Add SQLite/SpatiaLite support
Hi Jorge,
many thanks for pointing its repository. Is it possible to release it as an experimental plugin in the Add...
Antonio Falciano
12:28 PM gvSIG feature requests #1290: Add SQLite/SpatiaLite support
There is some initial work on SQLite for gvSIG Desktop 2 at JoinUP from a summer of code.
Jorge Sanz
11:02 AM gvSIG bugs #1087 (Fixed): menus con repeticiones
Fixed i18n in config.xml files and java code. Also updated icon management.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:59 AM gvSIG bugs #1303 (Closed): Error in basic persistence
Attached .log María Maluenda
10:24 AM gvSIG bugs #1302 (Closed): 'Group layers' in Toc has not got icon (red square)
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer shp (
María Maluenda
10:11 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1301 (Closed): New testing plan for org.gvsig.timesupport.animation
This plungin is a part of sensors project Ignacio Brodín
10:06 AM Revision 39087 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1294 Added check to find out if user canceled multi-symbol s...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:56 AM Revision 39086 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Only added a comment
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:58 AM gvSIG bugs #1163 (Closed): Clear selection tool not works well
Closed in the gvSIG build 2056 María Maluenda
08:53 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 31 (svn-document-layout): #1267 Check field is not null before cloning (that field is pe...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:28 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 30 (svn-document-layout): #1230 Added missing methods to restore conventional printing
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:00 AM Revision 39085 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1087 Fixed i18n in config.xml files and java code. Also upda...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


07:04 PM gvSIG bugs #850 (Closed): No se filtran tipos de fichero no válidos al cargar tablas
Manuel Madrid
07:00 PM gvSIG bugs #850 (Fixed): No se filtran tipos de fichero no válidos al cargar tablas
Manuel Madrid
04:30 PM gvSIG bugs #926: Draw Polyline as arc fails / falla Dibujar una polilínea como arco
Showing error message in status bar when true arc cannot be created (not drawing, etc)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:42 PM gvSIG bugs #1002: No se pueden borrar registros/Can't remove rows
Improved deletion of selected rows. Deleting from fset and disabling listeners to prevent ref...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:06 PM gvSIG bugs #1297 (Closed): Wrong tool tip (clear selection)
The tool that deletes the selected objects in map has a tool tip called "clear selection", which usually means "unsel... Manuel Madrid
02:57 PM gvSIG bugs #1163 (Awaiting response): Clear selection tool not works well
I tested it and it works fine. Please could you test it again with BN2056 and let us know? Thanks. Manuel Madrid
02:29 PM gvSIG bugs #1296: Spanish Catastro WMS legend is not shown in gvSIG 2.0
I forgot to comment that it works fine in gvSIG 1.x Manuel Madrid
02:07 PM gvSIG bugs #1296 (Closed): Spanish Catastro WMS legend is not shown in gvSIG 2.0
1. Launch gvSIG.
2. Open a view.
3. Load the Spanish Catastro WMS layer (
Manuel Madrid
01:58 PM gvSIG bugs #1231: Insert legend of WMS layer to Map fails
The error forces to close gvSIG. Manuel Madrid
01:33 PM gvSIG bugs #1236: Wrong management of read-only layers at editing
Edition over read-only layers should be managed. Two options: 1) let the user export the layer to a writable format o... Manuel Madrid
10:29 AM Revision 39084 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #926 Showing error message in status bar when true arc cannot...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:01 AM gvSIG bugs #1294: To edit the symbology of a KML layer corrupts the gvSIG project
gvSIG build 2056
Operative ...
María Maluenda
09:55 AM gvSIG bugs #1294 (Closed): To edit the symbology of a KML layer corrupts the gvSIG project
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer (Huesca.kml), select CRS 4326, transformation with ...
María Maluenda
09:49 AM Revision 39083 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fixing management of null values and validation (related with...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:49 AM Library: Revision 717 (gvsig-tools): Fixing management of null values and validation (related with info-by...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:46 AM Revision 39082 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #926 Throwing exception from geometry model which must be man...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:40 AM Revision 39081 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1002 Improved deletion of selected rows. Deleting from fset ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


01:55 PM gvSIG bugs #825 (Fixed): In the window 'Reproject' an error appears in the text of [outputs]
gvsig-geoprocess:r310 Ignacio Brodín
01:53 PM gvSIG bugs #1238 (New): After apply X and Y shift geoprocess the output layer is empty and the or...
Ignacio Brodín
12:59 PM gvSIG bugs #1238 (Fixed): After apply X and Y shift geoprocess the output layer is empty and the ...
gvsig-geoprocess:r329 Ignacio Brodín
01:02 PM gvSIG bugs #1237 (Fixed): Warning message after apply an X and Y shift in a dgn layer
gvsig-geoprocess:r329 Ignacio Brodín
11:05 AM gvSIG bugs #1292 (Closed): Grid in Map is moves differently to the View
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
10:07 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1316 (gvsig-raster): Using the iterator remove
Ignacio Brodín
06:58 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 329 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1238 After apply X and Y shift geoprocess the output layer is e...
Ignacio Brodín
04:03 AM Revision 39080 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Removing elements in edited featureSet
Ignacio Brodín
03:55 AM Revision 39079 (svn-gvsig-desktop): fixes #1291
Francisco José Peñarrubia
03:54 AM Revision 39078 (svn-gvsig-desktop): fixes #1291
Francisco José Peñarrubia


06:39 PM gvSIG feature requests #1120 (Fixed): Etiquetado: opción por defecto en Color y Altura de texto
Changed initial boolean values, removed unnecessary code, fixed i18n.
- Create vi...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:57 PM gvSIG feature requests #1290 (Closed): Add SQLite/SpatiaLite support
Some interesting posts about it:
Antonio Falciano
04:14 PM gvSIG bugs #988 (Fixed): Missing Geoprocessing in Tools of menu bar
I think that this bug do not happen. Please test it and set more details. Ignacio Brodín
04:10 PM gvSIG bugs #977 (Fixed): "string translation missing" Proyeccion_Destino
gvsig-geoprocess:r310 Ignacio Brodín
04:09 PM gvSIG bugs #958 (Fixed): Impossible to calculate math operations in string fields in dissolve geo...
gvsig-geoprocess:r328 Ignacio Brodín
03:47 PM gvSIG bugs #1264 (Fixed): After cancel fuse spatially geoprocess during the process, it creates ...
gvsig-geoprocess:r320 Ignacio Brodín
03:46 PM gvSIG bugs #1204 (Fixed): After cancel X and Y shift geoprocess during the process, it creates a...
gvsig-geoprocess:r327 Ignacio Brodín
03:44 PM gvSIG bugs #1193 (Fixed): After cancel buffer geoprocess during the process, it creates a layer w...
gvsig-geoprocess:r321 Ignacio Brodín
03:43 PM gvSIG bugs #1194 (Fixed): After cancel difference geoprocess during the process, it creates a la...
gvsig-geoprocess:r322 Ignacio Brodín
03:42 PM gvSIG bugs #1198 (Fixed): After cancel instersection geoprocess during the process, it creates l...
gvsig-geoprocess:r323 Ignacio Brodín
03:42 PM gvSIG bugs #1199 (Fixed): After cancel merge geoprocess during the process, it creates a layer wi...
gvsig-geoprocess:r324 Ignacio Brodín
03:41 PM gvSIG bugs #1200 (Fixed): After cancel reproject geoprocess during the process, it creates a laye...
gvsig-geoprocess:r325 Ignacio Brodín
03:40 PM gvSIG bugs #1202 (Fixed): After cancel Union geoprocess during the process, it creates layers wit...
gvsig-geoprocess:r326 Ignacio Brodín
02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #1196 (Fixed): After cancel dissolve geoprocess during the process, it creates a laye...
gvsig-geoprocess:r319 Ignacio Brodín
01:52 PM gvSIG bugs #1133 (Fixed): Cancel during Dissolve process doesn't work
gvsig-geoprocess:r318 Ignacio Brodín
01:23 PM gvSIG bugs #1135 (Fixed): Wrong output layer name in Clip geoprocess
gvsig-geoprocess:r317 Ignacio Brodín
01:03 PM gvSIG bugs #1197 (Fixed): Cancel during fussy spatially process does not work
gvsig-geoprocess:r316 Ignacio Brodín
12:51 PM gvSIG bugs #1207 (Fixed): The help image in the info window of Fuse spatially geoprocess does not...
gvsig-geoprocess:r315 Ignacio Brodín
12:35 PM Revision 39077 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1120 Changed initial boolean values, removed unnecessary cod...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:45 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1315 (gvsig-raster): ImageDrawerService
Ignacio Brodín
10:09 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 328 (gvsig-geoprocess): #958 Impossible to calculate math operations in string fields in...
Ignacio Brodín
09:45 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 327 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1204
Ignacio Brodín
09:40 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 326 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1202
Ignacio Brodín
09:39 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 325 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1200
Ignacio Brodín
09:39 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 324 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1199
Ignacio Brodín
09:39 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 323 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1198
Ignacio Brodín
09:38 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 322 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1194
Ignacio Brodín
09:38 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 321 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1193
Ignacio Brodín
08:03 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 320 (gvsig-geoprocess): After cancel fuse spatially geoprocess during the process, it cr...
Ignacio Brodín
08:00 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 319 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1196 After cancel dissolve geoprocess during the process, it cr...
Ignacio Brodín
07:52 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 318 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1133 Cancel during Dissolve process doesn't work
Ignacio Brodín
07:22 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 317 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1135 Wrong output layer name in Clip geoprocess
Ignacio Brodín
07:02 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 316 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1197 Cancel during fussy spatially process does not work
Ignacio Brodín
06:57 AM Revision 39076 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Ensure returned class is OK in Multi-to-JTS operations
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:55 AM Revision 39075 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Changed loop when closing path in multi-line tool to get a tr...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:52 AM Revision 39074 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Allow null values in DBF fields by default to prevent issues ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:50 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 315 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1207 The help image in the info window of Fuse spatially geopro...
Ignacio Brodín
05:16 AM Library: Revision 716 (gvsig-tools)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


04:33 PM gvSIG bugs #1013 (Fixed): No se pueden insertar valores en campos nuevos/Can't insert values in n...
Prevent null pointer exception in DefaultFeature
(example: create new integer field in DBF a...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:58 PM gvSIG bugs #1010 (Fixed): No funciona DESHACER en tablas/UNDO in tables doesn't work
Prevented accumulation of deselectAll commands and added type in notification management.
This will probably cause t...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:49 PM gvSIG bugs #1209 (Fixed): In Union geoprocess options, the selected geometries checkbox is not cl...
gvsig-geoprocess:r314 Ignacio Brodín
03:47 PM gvSIG bugs #1208 (Fixed): In Spatial join geoprocess options, the selected geometries checkbox is...
gvsig-geoprocess:r313 Ignacio Brodín
02:48 PM gvSIG feature requests #1287 (Closed): Extend the "selected geometries" option to both layers in ...
In most of the gvSIG vector layers tools geoprocesses there is an option called "selected geometries" that in case it... Manuel Madrid
01:51 PM gvSIG bugs #1229 (Fixed): Se borra la información al renombrar columna/Information deleted when r...
Fixed renaming of field: duplicate field, copy value and delete old field.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:41 PM gvSIG bugs #1206 (Fixed): The output file text in merge geoprocess window is wrong
gvsig-geoprocess:r312 Ignacio Brodín
01:34 PM gvSIG bugs #1285 (Closed): The bottom box in the window of install_package (addons manager) chang...
Open gvSIG
Click on Addons Manager from Tools
Click on Next
Make a little bit bigger the install_package window
Vicent Domenech
01:17 PM gvSIG bugs #1247 (Fixed): Warning about menu item missing in the status bar
gvsig-raster:1313 Ignacio Brodín
01:16 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1314 (gvsig-raster): Reprojection on the fly not implemented
Ignacio Brodín
01:15 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1313 (gvsig-raster): #1247 Warning about menu item missing in the status bar
Ignacio Brodín
01:06 PM gvSIG bugs #1284 (Closed): In addons manager, the unstable plugins should show the State (if it i...
Vicent Domenech
01:01 PM gvSIG bugs #1283 (Closed): SEXTANTE plugin should not appear in geoprocess toolbox after normal g...
If we install gvSIG it is also install SEXTANTE geoprocess, when it is a unstable version. SEXTANTE should not be ins... Vicent Domenech
12:37 PM gvSIG bugs #1282 (Closed): 'Validate coordinates' button in filter area WFS has not got icon (red...
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer WFS (
María Maluenda
12:25 PM gvSIG bugs #1281 (Closed): Add WFS with filter area does not works
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer WFS (
María Maluenda
11:52 AM gvSIG feature requests #1280 (New): Adding a geoDB in view it is not necessary that appears table...
In the window option to add a geoDB in a view, there is a filter to discriminate the layers without geometry from the... Vicent Domenech
10:31 AM Revision 39073 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1013 Prevent null pointer exception in DefaultFeature
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:08 AM gvSIG bugs #707 (Closed): Mode filter to tables not working due a TODO pending change
Using gvSIG version 2056 (beta 1)
Vicent Domenech
09:54 AM Revision 39072 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1010 Prevented accumulation of deselectAll commands and adde...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:48 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 314 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1209 In Union geoprocess options, the selected geometries check...
Ignacio Brodín
09:47 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 313 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1208 In Spatial join geoprocess options, the selected geometrie...
Ignacio Brodín
09:21 AM gvSIG bugs #1205 (Fixed): The output file text of reproject geoprocess window is wrong
gvsig-geoprocess:r310 Ignacio Brodín
09:02 AM gvSIG feature requests #341 (Closed): Cambiar el tamaño de los simbolos de imagen a 18 pixels
Closed in the gvSIG build 2056. In the type 'picture marker symbol', width by default is 18. María Maluenda
08:51 AM gvSIG bugs #1269 (Fixed): Warning message after try to change the properties of a layer (view)
The bug #1248 is closed so this one should be resolved too. Ignacio Brodín
08:43 AM gvSIG bugs #1246 (Fixed): Installer wrongly says "unresolved dependency"
gvsig-geoprocess:r309 Ignacio Brodín
07:50 AM Revision 39071 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1229 Fixed renaming of field: duplicate field, copy value an...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
07:28 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 312 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1206 The output file text in merge geoprocess window is wrong
Ignacio Brodín
06:39 AM Revision 39070 (svn-gvsig-desktop)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:50 AM Library: Revision 715 (gvsig-tools): Add support to manage packages in tools library.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:42 AM Library: Revision 714 (gvsig-tools): Add subtype TEXT to suport long/multiline strings.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:41 AM Library: Revision 713 (gvsig-tools): Fix clone of taskstatus
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:26 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 311 (gvsig-geoprocess): translations
Ignacio Brodín
03:14 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 310 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1205 The output file text of reproject geoprocess window is wrong
Ignacio Brodín
02:43 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 309 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1246 Installer wrongly says "unresolved dependency"
Ignacio Brodín


06:06 PM gvSIG bugs #1260: Error assigning CRS EPSG:3035 on a gvSIG view
Note that this is a very relevant CRS as it is recommended by INSPIRE Specification on Coordinate Reference
Systems ...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
04:00 PM gvSIG bugs #1002 (Fixed): No se pueden borrar registros/Can't remove rows
Fixed bad use of iterators when deleting rows.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:10 PM gvSIG feature requests #848: Herramienta "Resumen de tabla" no aparece
That was a plugin created for CyL gov. in gvSIG 1.X
Still no decision about what to do with it.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:36 PM gvSIG bugs #1272: Missing icons in plugins: catalog, gazetteer, wfs
Added missing icons
Test: in the symbology dialog, choose new, then in the "line propertie...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:06 AM gvSIG bugs #1272: Missing icons in plugins: catalog, gazetteer, wfs
Fixed bad registration of icon.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:05 AM gvSIG bugs #1272 (Fixed): Missing icons in plugins: catalog, gazetteer, wfs
Added missing icons and updated registration.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:44 AM gvSIG bugs #1272 (Closed): Missing icons in plugins: catalog, gazetteer, wfs
Missing icons in plugins: catalog, gazetteer, wfs Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:15 PM gvSIG bugs #1278 (Closed): Does not possible select windows frome Window menu
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new View, change name: View 1 (restore window)
3.- Open other View, change name: View 2 (ma...
María Maluenda
02:05 PM gvSIG bugs #675 (Closed): Big raster layers using Sextante throw OutOfMemoryException
Vicent Domenech
01:49 PM gvSIG bugs #559 (Closed): Error en método WKTParser.readLineStringText
Vicent Domenech
01:31 PM gvSIG bugs #510 (Closed): Bad performance loading big vector layers (1mill features)
Vicent Domenech
01:29 PM gvSIG feature requests #341 (New): Cambiar el tamaño de los simbolos de imagen a 18 pixels
María Maluenda
01:26 PM gvSIG bugs #1166 (Closed): Install gvSIG build 2053 standard and click in Addons manager to chang...
Vicent Domenech
01:25 PM gvSIG feature requests #1201 (Closed): Add plugin creation console messages to gvSIG log file
Vicent Domenech
12:43 PM gvSIG bugs #588 (Closed): Update DAL PostgreSQL JDBC Driver
Closed in the gvSIG build 2056 María Maluenda
12:28 PM gvSIG bugs #455 (Closed): Addon Manager creates a never-ending download process in task manager
Closed with the gvSIG build 2056. The scripting plugin does not exist in the category Development. María Maluenda
10:22 AM gvSIG bugs #1277 (Closed): 'Undo ' tool on map for recover deleted items not working properly
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open Map
3.- Add a Line, rectangle, circle, north and grid
4.- Select rectangle and click to Cl...
María Maluenda
10:18 AM Revision 39069 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fixed translations in main menu options
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:18 AM gvSIG bugs #957: Union of multigeometry/dxf layer with selected records and save in temporary fil...
We have the same problem saving the file in a selected file, but in this case one "Null_layer" is created. Vicent Domenech
10:12 AM gvSIG bugs #1269: Warning message after try to change the properties of a layer (view)
This bug is probably the same as #1248 which is fixed Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:11 AM gvSIG bugs #1248 (Fixed): Warning message after try to change the properties of a rectangle in Ma...
Fixed bad management of null value, added logger message.
Before trying to reprod...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:59 AM Revision 39068 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1002 Fixed bad use of iterators when deleting rows
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:44 AM gvSIG bugs #1276 (Closed): 'Arrange vertically the space graphics' button has not got icon (red s...
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new Map
3.- Click Map menu/graphics/Align. You can check that appears a red square, is the ...
María Maluenda
09:37 AM gvSIG bugs #1275 (Closed): 'Toolbox' button has not got icon (red square) in Document Map
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new Map
3.- You can check that in tool bar appears a red square, is the Toolbox button. I t...
María Maluenda
09:29 AM gvSIG bugs #926 (Fixed): Draw Polyline as arc fails / falla Dibujar una polilínea como arco
Fixing method to get path iterator of multi-geometry and other saveguards to prevent null values.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:27 AM gvSIG bugs #1274 (Closed): Locator_setup "string translation missing"
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Click View menu
3.- Appears string = Locator_setup, translation missing .
María Maluenda
09:24 AM gvSIG bugs #1273 (Closed): Add_layer 'string translation missing'
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new view
3.- Click View menu, appears string = add_layer, missing translation, in the butto...
María Maluenda
09:21 AM gvSIG bugs #471 (Fixed): Editing polygon. Symmetry. Stange behaviour.
Adding i18n to expected user input (it was hard-coded as 'S' or 's').
Test in 2057 or high...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:07 AM Revision 39067 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1272 Moved icon to right place
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:00 AM gvSIG tools: Catalog Revision 10 (gvsig-catalog): #1272 Added missing icons and updated registration
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:32 AM Revision 39066 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1272 Added missing icons
Juan Lucas Domínguez
07:26 AM Revision 39065 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1262 Improved strings stating gvSIG version (main window, ab...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:08 AM Revision 39064 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1248 Fixed bad management of null value, added logger message
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:27 AM Revision 39063 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #926 Fixing method to get path iterator of multi-geometry and...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:17 AM Revision 39062 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #471 Adding i18n to expected user input (it was hard-coded as...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:15 AM Revision 39061 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Removing System.out.println
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:00 AM Revision 39060 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1272 Added missing icons and updated registration
Juan Lucas Domínguez


02:45 PM gvSIG bugs #1271 (Closed): Option to change size Font in text of the Map does not works
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Click New Map
3.- Click Insert text
4.- Draw a rectangle in Map
5.- Dialog box to Text opens
María Maluenda
02:18 PM gvSIG bugs #1270 (Closed): The result of merge geoprocess with DXF layers is an empty layer
Open gvsig
Add new view
Select 'Add layer' button
Add layer 'V0813_LaRioja_2.dxf' (
Vicent Domenech
01:58 PM gvSIG bugs #1269 (Closed): Warning message after try to change the properties of a layer (view)
Open gvSIG
Create a new view
Add any layer
Double click in the symbol of the name in ToC to change the symbology (...
Vicent Domenech
01:47 PM gvSIG bugs #1268 (Closed): Open a template created in Map fails
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Click New Map
3.- Click in insert rectangle
4.- Draw two rectangles in the Map
5.- Click inser...
María Maluenda
01:27 PM gvSIG bugs #1267 (Closed): Move items of the simplified legend in Map fails
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Create new view
3.- Add a layer (
María Maluenda
01:00 PM gvSIG bugs #1266 (Closed): The Zoom to selection tool in Map does not work
1.- Open gvSIG (2056)
2.- Open new Map
3.- Click Insert point tool
4.- Draw a point
5.- Select point
6.- Select ...
María Maluenda
12:50 PM gvSIG bugs #1265 (Closed): Change size in point added to Map not works
1.- Open gvSIG (2056)
2.- Open new Map
3.- Click Insert point tool
4.- Draw a point
5.- Select point and click ri...
María Maluenda
12:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1264 (Closed): After cancel fuse spatially geoprocess during the process, it creates...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer esp_comaut.shp (
Vicent Domenech
11:02 AM gvSIG bugs #446 (Fixed): error creating adding shp file / error al crear añadir archivo shp
This issue is already fixed (it's the same as #451)
The steps described by María (11/10/2012) should work in BN 20...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


02:25 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1312 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
01:52 PM gvSIG feature requests #782 (Closed): Add a shortcut to the view app preferences from the view pr...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2056 María Maluenda
01:44 PM gvSIG bugs #1260 (Closed): Error assigning CRS EPSG:3035 on a gvSIG view
Steps to reproduce:
1- Create a new view
2- Go to View properties, change current projection, search by code: 3035,...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1246: Installer wrongly says "unresolved dependency"
Same problem here using installer: gvSIG-desktop-2.0.0-2056-beta1-win-x86-standard-withjre.exe
I attach an snapshot ...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:21 PM gvSIG bugs #1077 (Closed): Five icon have red square in 'symbol property editor' window
Closed in the gvSIG build 2056 María Maluenda
01:13 PM gvSIG bugs #1239 (Fixed): Falla Zoom a la resolución del raster/Zoom to raster resolution fails
gvsig-raster:r1311 Ignacio Brodín
12:58 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1311 (gvsig-raster): #1239 Falla Zoom a la resolución del raster/Zoom to raster resoluti...
Ignacio Brodín
12:43 PM Revision 39059 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Añade al DefaultMapContextDrawer la habilidad de consultar si...
que cubre a las de detras de forma que se optimice el pintado, pintando solo
hasta donde toque.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:23 PM gvSIG bugs #1244 (Fixed): Delete some classes in ROI (polygon, line and point) of a shape works w...
gvsig-raster:r1310 Ignacio Brodín
12:23 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1310 (gvsig-raster): #1244 Delete some classes in ROI (polygon, line and point) of a sha...
Ignacio Brodín
12:09 PM Revision 39058 (svn-gvsig-desktop): - Correcciiones en DefaultGraphicLayer relacionadas con el ci...
iniciaba de forma automatica al modificar el GraphicLayer.
- Añadido el metodo protegido bindToDataStore a FLyrVect ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:33 AM Revision 39057 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fix message in exception.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:23 AM gvSIG bugs #446 (New): error creating adding shp file / error al crear añadir archivo shp
Tested in the gvSIG build 2056.
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new View (EPSG 22175)
3.- Create new shape (curve-2D)
María Maluenda
10:17 AM gvSIG bugs #1243 (Fixed): Falla Borrar clases en ROI/Delete classes fails in ROI
gvsig-raster:r1309 Ignacio Brodín
10:12 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1309 (gvsig-raster): #1243 Falla Borrar clases en ROI/Delete classes fails in ROI
Ignacio Brodín
10:12 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1308 (gvsig-raster): changes in process
Ignacio Brodín
10:11 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1307 (gvsig-raster): rastertools adds swing library
Ignacio Brodín
10:10 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1306 (gvsig-raster): New listener to detect changes in swing components
Ignacio Brodín
09:52 AM gvSIG bugs #1103 (Closed): "Stop Editing" fails if a plugin finishes edition explicitly (not via ...
Closed in gvSIG 2056 María Maluenda
09:38 AM gvSIG bugs #884: Create new User CRS 'From user definitions' fails

Still happens in build 2056
Sigue sin funcionar en el build 2056
Abenchara Socorro


04:22 PM gvSIG bugs #815 (Fixed): Little spelling mistake ("pixel" by "Pixel")
Using unit name 'Pixels' with capital P to keep consistency in combo box.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:00 PM gvSIG bugs #452 (Fixed): editing, array does not work / no funciona edicion, matriz
Added missing part (actually inserting features) and fixed deprecated use of getBounds2D().
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:03 PM gvSIG bugs #785 (Fixed): añadir a los menus las operaciones de edicion que solo tienen atajos de ...
Hello, Yes the GUI is not very good in this case. These are the recommended testing steps:
- Create a view, add a ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:58 PM gvSIG bugs #785 (New): añadir a los menus las operaciones de edicion que solo tienen atajos de te...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:14 PM gvSIG bugs #785 (Under review): añadir a los menus las operaciones de edicion que solo tienen ata...
Need instructions in order to check the bugfix. In menus appears the options that you say but I don't know if it works. María Maluenda
02:50 PM gvSIG bugs #551 (Fixed): Errores en el metodo setPoints de la clase Arc
Sorry I forgot instructions.
You can test it with beta1 also:
- Create view, add a SHP of lines, start editing mo...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:47 PM gvSIG bugs #551 (New): Errores en el metodo setPoints de la clase Arc
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:03 PM gvSIG bugs #551 (Under review): Errores en el metodo setPoints de la clase Arc
Need instructions in order to check the bugfix María Maluenda
02:46 PM gvSIG bugs #870 (Fixed): Eliminar uso de Converter de la clase MapControl
Sorry, I forgot the instructions.
You can test it with 2056:
- add a SHP layer, start editing mode
- Enable the ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:45 PM gvSIG bugs #870 (New): Eliminar uso de Converter de la clase MapControl
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:15 PM gvSIG bugs #870: Eliminar uso de Converter de la clase MapControl
Need instructions in order to check the bugfix María Maluenda
02:15 PM gvSIG bugs #870 (Under review): Eliminar uso de Converter de la clase MapControl
Need instructionsin order to check the bugfix María Maluenda
02:36 PM gvSIG bugs #451 (Fixed): error picking spline handler / error al tomar vertices de un spline
Fixed bad casting (Point2D, not geometry Point).
Test on BN 2057 or higher:
- add polyg...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:29 PM gvSIG bugs #1255 (Fixed): Missing icons in matrix dialog (editing tool)
Fixed icon names when getting icons.
Test on BN 2057 or higher:
- Create view, add SHP,...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:10 PM gvSIG bugs #1255 (Closed): Missing icons in matrix dialog (editing tool)
Missing icons in matrix dialog (editing tool) Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:25 PM gvSIG feature requests #547 (Closed): Añadir a Geometry los metodos scale, rotate y move.
Closed with gvSIG vuild 2056 Vicent Domenech
02:24 PM gvSIG bugs #1254 (Fixed): Missing icons in unsaved data dialog when closing project
Added missing icon and fixed icon names.
Test on BN 2057 or higher:
- create a view, ad...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:08 PM gvSIG bugs #1254 (Closed): Missing icons in unsaved data dialog when closing project
Missing icons in unsaved data dialog when closing project (red square) Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:18 PM gvSIG bugs #1256 (Closed): No se puede usar el SRC de 8 dígitos/Can't use the 8 digit CRS
_+ESP - No se puede usar el SRC de 8 dígitos+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir VISTA NUEVA en gestor de proyectos
Abenchara Socorro
02:02 PM gvSIG bugs #441 (Closed): Reading WFS feature type fails
Closed in the gvSIG build 2056.
I tested:
1.- Open gvSIG BN 2056
2.- Open new view (23030)
3.- Add new layer--> W...
María Maluenda
01:51 PM gvSIG bugs #1047 (Closed): Add north in map fails
Closed with gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
01:47 PM gvSIG bugs #998 (Closed): Change the language not possible
Closed with gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
01:42 PM gvSIG bugs #1253 (Closed): Exporting a layer reprojected on-the-fly does not produce a postgresql...
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new View (EPSG 4326)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
01:37 PM gvSIG bugs #1252 (Closed): Exporting a layer reprojected on-the-fly does not produce a DXF layer ...
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new View (EPSG 4326)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
11:01 AM gvSIG bugs #1251 (Fixed): 'Add X,Y' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon and updated declarations in config.xml
Test in BN 2057 or higher:
- ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:11 AM gvSIG bugs #1251 (Closed): 'Add X,Y' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile of type POINT
Open attribute table
'Add X,Y' button has not got icon (it appea...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:51 AM gvSIG bugs #1007 (Closed): '_Split_geometry' button has not got icon (red square)
Closed with gvSIG build 2056. Vicent Domenech
10:49 AM gvSIG bugs #1035 (Closed): 'Area' button has not got icon (red square)
Closed with gvSIG build 2056. Vicent Domenech
10:13 AM gvSIG bugs #1035 (Fixed): 'Area' button has not got icon (red square)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:13 AM gvSIG bugs #1035 (New): 'Area' button has not got icon (red square)
Hello, there are three buttons of that type:
- Area: this button adds a new column with the area, it only appears ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:40 AM gvSIG bugs #1035 (Under review): 'Area' button has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 the button disappears. Vicent Domenech
Closed with gvSIG build 2056. Vicent Domenech
10:21 AM Revision 39056 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #815 Using unit name 'Pixels' with capital P to keep consiste...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39055 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #452 Added missing part (actually inserting features) and fix...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM gvSIG bugs #1160 (Closed): The button to change the Current Projection in view properties
Closed with gvSIG build 2056. Vicent Domenech
09:51 AM gvSIG bugs #1039 (Closed): '_Remove_column' has not got icon (red square)
Closed with gvSIG build 2056. Vicent Domenech
09:50 AM gvSIG bugs #1044 (Closed): 'Remove_link' has not got icon (red square)
Closed with gvSIG build 2056. Vicent Domenech
09:49 AM gvSIG bugs #1041 (Closed): It has not got icon (red square) neither help text and it doesn't work
Closed with gvSIG build 2056. Vicent Domenech
09:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1043 (Closed): 'Add_row' has not got icon (red square)
Closed with gvSIG build 2056. Vicent Domenech
09:44 AM gvSIG bugs #1038 (Closed): '_Add_column' has not got icon (red square)
Closed with gvSIG build 2056. Vicent Domenech
09:43 AM gvSIG bugs #1037: '_Romeve_row' has not got icon (red square)
Closed with gvSIG build 2056. Vicent Domenech
09:43 AM gvSIG bugs #1037 (Closed): '_Romeve_row' has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 the button disappears. Vicent Domenech
09:42 AM gvSIG bugs #1036 (Closed): '_Show_column_manager' has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 the button disappears. Vicent Domenech
09:36 AM gvSIG bugs #1014 (Closed): '_Create_link_betwen_tables' button has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
09:36 AM gvSIG bugs #1034 (Closed): 'Perimeter' button has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
09:35 AM gvSIG bugs #1015 (Closed): '_Show_attributes_table' button has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
09:32 AM gvSIG bugs #1009 (Closed): '_Insert_polyline' button has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
09:32 AM gvSIG bugs #1012 (Closed): '_Insert_line' button has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
09:31 AM gvSIG bugs #1011 (Closed): '_Insert_arc' button has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
09:31 AM gvSIG bugs #1008 (Closed): '_Insert_polygon' button has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
09:27 AM gvSIG bugs #1006 (Closed): '_Modify_vertex' button has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
09:26 AM gvSIG bugs #1005 (Closed): 'select_all_info' button has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
09:25 AM gvSIG bugs #1004 (Closed): 'Finding by Gazetter' button has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
09:23 AM gvSIG bugs #1003 (Closed): Hyperlink button has not got icon (red square)
In gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
08:34 AM Revision 39054 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #451 Fixed bad casting (Point2D, not geometry Point)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:32 AM Revision 39053 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Related to #451 Catching strange JTS exception (and preventin...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:27 AM Revision 39052 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1255 Fixed icon names when getting icons
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:26 AM gvSIG bugs #1217 (Fixed): Applying Clip geoprocess appears an error message with line layer
gvsig-geoprocess:r308 Ignacio Brodín
08:20 AM Revision 39051 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1254 Added missing icon and fixed icon names
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:56 AM Revision 39050 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1251 Added missing icon and updated declarations in config.xml
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:25 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 308 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1217 Applying Clip geoprocess appears an error message with lin...
Ignacio Brodín


03:56 PM gvSIG feature requests #547: Añadir a Geometry los metodos scale, rotate y move.
Test in BN 2057 or higher:
- Create a view, add any SHP file
- Start editing mode
- Test the MOVE, ROTATE and SC...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:53 PM gvSIG feature requests #547 (Fixed): Añadir a Geometry los metodos scale, rotate y move.
Removed use of methods of deprecated UtilFunctions
Finally removed unwanted, unused methods ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:21 PM gvSIG feature requests #547: Añadir a Geometry los metodos scale, rotate y move.
Added rotate, move and rotate to Geometry API. Also some simple unit tests.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:21 PM gvSIG feature requests #547: Añadir a Geometry los metodos scale, rotate y move.
Those methods simply create an AffineTransform object and call the method transform(AffineTransform at) which is impl... Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:32 PM gvSIG feature requests #547 (In progress): Añadir a Geometry los metodos scale, rotate y move.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:25 PM gvSIG bugs #1250 (Closed): Fallo al explotar un polígono/Explode a polygon fails
_+ESP - Fallo al explotar un polígono+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
3.- Abrir capa snap_polygon.s...
Abenchara Socorro
02:12 PM gvSIG bugs #1249 (Closed): Fallo al explotar una curva/Explode a curve fails
_+ESP - Fallo al explotar una curva+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
3.- Abrir capa snap_lines.shp (...
Abenchara Socorro
01:03 PM gvSIG bugs #1248 (Closed): Warning message after try to change the properties of a rectangle in M...
Open gvSIG
Create a new map layout
Choose Insert rectangle tool form toolbar
Draw a rectangle in the map
Right cl...
Vicent Domenech
01:00 PM gvSIG bugs #1059: Límite de registros en memoria por defecto/Limit rows in memory by default

No curre en el build 2056
Doesn't happen in build 2056
Abenchara Socorro
01:00 PM gvSIG bugs #1059 (Closed): Límite de registros en memoria por defecto/Limit rows in memory by def...

No curre en el build 2056
Doesn't happen in build 2056
Abenchara Socorro
12:57 PM gvSIG bugs #907 (Invalid): Restoring defaults in Snapping don't work / Restaurar valores por defe...
Abenchara Socorro
12:50 PM gvSIG bugs #1247 (Closed): Warning about menu item missing in the status bar
1. Install gvSIG 2.0 2056 (typical)
2. Launch gvSIG
3. Create a new view
4. The following warning is shown in the ...
Manuel Madrid
11:52 AM gvSIG bugs #1213 (Closed): Fallo al descartar en guardar edición/Discard changes in edition fails

No pasa en el build 2056
Doesn't happen in build 2056
Abenchara Socorro
10:41 AM gvSIG bugs #1246 (Closed): Installer wrongly says "unresolved dependency"
Installer wrongly says "unresolved dependency" (stardard installer without JRE, typical installation) Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:51 AM Revision 39049 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #547 Finally removed unwanted, unused methods in deprecated U...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:49 AM Revision 39048 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #547 Removed use of methods of deprecated UtilFunctions
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:16 AM Revision 39047 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #547 Added rotate, move and rotate to Geometry API. Also some...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:14 AM Revision 39046 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fixed author hehehe
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:12 AM Revision 39045 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Removed unused methods, related to #547
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:00 AM Revision 39044 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:00 AM Revision 39043 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39042 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39041 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39040 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39039 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39038 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39037 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39036 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39035 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39034 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39033 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39032 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39031 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39030 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39029 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39028 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39027 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39026 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39025 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39024 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39023 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39022 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39021 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39020 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39019 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39018 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39017 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39016 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39015 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39014 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39013 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39012 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39011 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39010 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39009 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39008 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39007 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39006 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39005 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39004 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39003 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39002 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39001 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39000 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 38999 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 38998 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 38997 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 38996 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2056 (beta1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:51 AM Revision 38995 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1218 Updating files and pom.xml for m...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


09:25 PM gvSIG bugs #1232: Sextante toolbox help missing
Duplicate ticket. See #491. Antonio Falciano


02:50 PM gvSIG bugs #1244 (Closed): Delete some classes in ROI (polygon, line and point) of a shape works ...
1 -. Open gvSIG
2.- Open new View
3 -. Add raster
4 -. Create Roi's
Class 1: contains lines and polygon
María Maluenda
02:49 PM gvSIG bugs #1110 (Closed): Empty layer after apply XY shift to a multigeometry/dxf layer
Now, in version 2055, we have other problem. #1238 Vicent Domenech
02:41 PM gvSIG bugs #1243 (Closed): Falla Borrar clases en ROI/Delete classes fails in ROI
_+ESP - Falla Borrar clases en ROI+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
3.- Abrir raster Costa1.tif (htt...
Abenchara Socorro
02:37 PM gvSIG bugs #1242 (Closed): Wrong action name in menu item
Position;Current action (wrong);Proposed action
Manuel Madrid
02:30 PM gvSIG bugs #1241 (Closed): Wrong text in menu items
Position;Current text (wrong);Proposed text
Manuel Madrid
02:17 PM gvSIG bugs #1240 (Closed): Wrong position of menu items (Mapa)
Current position (wrong);Proposed position;Text
Manuel Madrid
01:54 PM gvSIG bugs #1239 (Closed): Falla Zoom a la resolución del raster/Zoom to raster resolution fails
_+ESP - Falla Zoom a la resolución del raster+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
3.- Abrir raster Cost...
Abenchara Socorro
01:30 PM gvSIG bugs #1216 (Fixed): Applying an Intersection geoprocess appears an error message
gvsig-geoprocess:r307 Ignacio Brodín
12:36 PM gvSIG bugs #1238 (Closed): After apply X and Y shift geoprocess the output layer is empty and the...
Open gvSIG
New view
Add layer V0813_LaRioja.dxf (
Vicent Domenech
12:21 PM gvSIG bugs #1237 (Closed): Warning message after apply an X and Y shift in a dgn layer
Open gvSIG
New view
Add layer Albarracin1_SITAR_DGN.dgn (
Vicent Domenech
11:47 AM gvSIG bugs #1236 (Closed): Wrong management of read-only layers at editing
Open gvSIG
Create a new view
Add layer (
Vicent Domenech
10:56 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1224 (Fixed): Update geoprocess packages
Done. Manuel Madrid
10:55 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1221 (Fixed): Update raster packages
Done. Manuel Madrid
10:52 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1221: Update raster packages
OK! Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:08 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1221: Update raster packages
New URL for reprojection package
Ignacio Brodín
10:20 AM gvSIG bugs #846: Output layer geoprocess Intersection
Can be related with #1135 Vicent Domenech
10:20 AM gvSIG bugs #1135: Wrong output layer name in Clip geoprocess
Can be related with #846 Vicent Domenech
10:04 AM gvSIG bugs #1235 (Invalid): Update reprojection packages
Ignacio Brodín
10:03 AM gvSIG bugs #1235 (Invalid): Update reprojection packages
Ignacio Brodín
09:54 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1305 (gvsig-raster): download url
Ignacio Brodín
07:29 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 307 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1216 Applying an Intersection geoprocess appears an error message
Ignacio Brodín


04:01 PM gvSIG bugs #1232 (Closed): Sextante toolbox help missing
Within the Sextante tool box, when we click on the help button (i) we get an empty window.
Just in case it has to ...
Manuel Madrid
02:15 PM gvSIG bugs #1231 (Closed): Insert legend of WMS layer to Map fails
1.-Open gvSIG
2.-Open a new view (EPSG 23030)
3.-Add new layer WMS(
María Maluenda
02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #1230 (Closed): Print map fails
1.-Open gvSIG
2.-Open a new map
3.-Click print tool
4.-Select printer
5.-Click button print
A message appears '...
María Maluenda
01:12 PM gvSIG bugs #1229 (Closed): Se borra la información al renombrar columna/Information deleted when ...
_+ESP - Se borra la información al renombrar columna+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir TABLA
3.- Abrir concejos.n...
Abenchara Socorro
12:45 PM gvSIG bugs #1010: No funciona DESHACER en tablas/UNDO in tables doesn't work
Tampoco funciona rehacer en el build 2055
Nor does Redo in build 2055
Abenchara Socorro
12:31 PM gvSIG bugs #1125 (Closed): Rename column not works

Works well in build 2055
Abenchara Socorro
12:31 PM gvSIG bugs #1013: No se pueden insertar valores en campos nuevos/Can't insert values in new fields
Problem persists in build 2055 Abenchara Socorro
11:08 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 306 (gvsig-geoprocess): FuseSpatially dependencies
Ignacio Brodín
10:40 AM gvSIG bugs #1227 (Closed): Problema al añadir un vértice/
+_ESP - Problema al añadir un vértice_+
1.- Abrir gvSIG
3.- Abrir capa snap_polygon.s...
Abenchara Socorro
10:24 AM gvSIG bugs #1226 (Closed): on the fly reprojection doesn't work for DXF layers
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new View (EPSG 4326)
3.- Add new layer (WMS:
María Maluenda
10:19 AM gvSIG bugs #1225 (Closed): Falla Autoplígono entre pentágonos/Autopolygon between pentagons fails
+_ESP - Falla Autoplígono entre pentágonos_+
1.- Abrir gvSIG
3.- Abrir capa snap_poly...
Abenchara Socorro
09:05 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1224 (Closed): Update geoprocess packages Ignacio Brodín
02:56 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 305 (gvsig-geoprocess): Last build number
Ignacio Brodín
02:54 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 304 (gvsig-geoprocess): Deleting distribution directory from libraries
Ignacio Brodín


06:20 PM gvSIG feature requests #1175: Add support for CSW 2.0.2
I have created 2 tickets with the patches:
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:58 PM gvSIG feature requests #1175: Add support for CSW 2.0.2
Note that I have a patch to support CSW 2.0.2 in gvSIG 1.9 version. I will create a separate feature request, as this... Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:15 PM gvSIG add-on requests #1221 (Closed): Update raster packages Ignacio Brodín
05:13 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1304 (gvsig-raster): new version
Ignacio Brodín
05:11 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1303 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 9
Ignacio Brodín
05:11 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1302 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 16
Ignacio Brodín
05:11 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1301 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 21
Ignacio Brodín
05:11 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1300 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 50
Ignacio Brodín
05:11 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1299 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 22
Ignacio Brodín
05:11 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1298 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 22
Ignacio Brodín
05:11 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1297 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 22
Ignacio Brodín
05:10 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1296 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 13
Ignacio Brodín
05:10 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1295 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 28
Ignacio Brodín
05:10 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1294 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 17
Ignacio Brodín
05:10 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1293 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 28
Ignacio Brodín
05:10 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1292 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 28
Ignacio Brodín
05:09 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1291 (gvsig-raster): new build number
Ignacio Brodín
04:14 PM gvSIG bugs #1213 (Fixed): Fallo al descartar en guardar edición/Discard changes in edition fails
Clearing selection when editing stops to prevent conflicts with selection.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:47 AM gvSIG bugs #1213 (Closed): Fallo al descartar en guardar edición/Discard changes in edition fails
_+ESP - Fallo al descartar en guardar edición+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
3.- Abrir capa snap_p...
Abenchara Socorro
03:21 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1290 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
02:54 PM gvSIG bugs #1220 (Won't fix): An strange window appear after accept the union geoprocess
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add shape polgonal layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/esp_provincias/esp_provincias.shp)
Add sh...
Vicent Domenech
02:49 PM gvSIG bugs #1219 (Closed): Doesn't persist a View with WMS
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new View (EPSG 4326)
3.- Add new layer WMS (
María Maluenda
01:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1217 (Closed): Applying Clip geoprocess appears an error message with line layer
Open gvSIg
Add new view
Add layer (geodata/vector/SHP2D/Alicante_Cultivo_ICV_SHP2D_cultivo_recorte/Alicante_Cultivo...
Vicent Domenech
01:49 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1289 (gvsig-raster): Mask threshold tests
Ignacio Brodín
01:10 PM gvSIG bugs #1216 (Closed): Applying an Intersection geoprocess appears an error message
Open gvSIG
Add new view
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/municipiosAndal/municipiosAndal.shp)
Add layer (/geodata/...
Vicent Domenech
12:56 PM gvSIG bugs #1061 (Fixed): If a request is interrupted the view is blocked
Ignacio Brodín
12:50 PM gvSIG bugs #1215 (Closed): Filter tool doesn't work with double fields
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new View (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
12:40 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1288 (gvsig-raster): Throwing the exception to top
Ignacio Brodín
12:27 PM gvSIG bugs #1212 (Fixed): Error when the layer crashes
gvsig-desktop:r38989 Ignacio Brodín
10:43 AM gvSIG bugs #1212 (Under review): Error when the layer crashes
When you load a layer in the TOC and it crashes the icon that represents a image unavailable cannot be loaded. GvSIG ... Ignacio Brodín
11:25 AM gvSIG bugs #1128 (Fixed): Persistence of dbf tables links not works
Adding feature store as observer of feature selection when instantiating persisted feature se...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:24 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 303 (gvsig-geoprocess): Adapting to the new API in SimpleTaskStatus
Ignacio Brodín
10:12 AM Revision 38994 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1213 Clearing selection when editing stops to prevent confli...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:51 AM Revision 38993 (svn-gvsig-desktop): instead of System.out
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:26 AM gvSIG bugs #1101 (Fixed): 'Toolbox' has not got icon (red square)
gvsig-geoprocess:r302 Ignacio Brodín
09:05 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1287 (gvsig-raster): Layer name in list of layers
Ignacio Brodín
06:38 AM Revision 38992 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Throwing the exception to top
Ignacio Brodín
06:27 AM Revision 38991 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1212 Error when the layer crashes
Ignacio Brodín
05:23 AM Revision 38990 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1128 Adding feature store as observer of feature selection w...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:08 AM gvSIG projections Revision 64: Deleting target folder in repo
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:46 AM Revision 38989 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1212 Error when the layer crashes
Ignacio Brodín
03:25 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 302 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1101 'Toolbox' has not got icon (red square)
Ignacio Brodín


05:52 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1286 (gvsig-raster): output panel adjust
Ignacio Brodín
02:05 PM gvSIG bugs #1188: On the fly reprojection doesn't work with KML layers
The layer is not placed correctly (easily checkable if there is a background layer in the view projection) and the co... Manuel Madrid
02:05 PM gvSIG bugs #1187: On the fly reprojection doesn't work with GML layers
The layer is not placed correctly (easily checkable if there is a background layer in the view projection) and the co... Manuel Madrid
01:16 PM gvSIG bugs #1209 (Closed): In Union geoprocess options, the selected geometries checkbox is not c...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add lineal shape layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/comunicaciones_andalucia/comunicaciones_anda...
Vicent Domenech
12:56 PM gvSIG bugs #998: Change the language not possible
Fixed constant name
- open the app preferences - Language
- Tables and texts mus...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:05 PM gvSIG bugs #1208 (Closed): In Spatial join geoprocess options, the selected geometries checkbox i...
The Spatial join geoprocess option window has the option to refers this to the selected geometries. I understand this... Vicent Domenech
11:50 AM gvSIG bugs #1207 (Closed): The help image in the info window of Fuse spatially geoprocess does no...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/provincias_andalucia/provincias_andalucia.shp)
Click on ...
Vicent Domenech
11:48 AM gvSIG feature requests #1201 (Fixed): Add plugin creation console messages to gvSIG log file
Writing plugin creation console messages to gvSIG log file.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:29 AM gvSIG feature requests #1201 (Closed): Add plugin creation console messages to gvSIG log file
Add plugin createion console messages to standard gvSIG log file Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:45 AM gvSIG bugs #1206 (Closed): The output file text in merge geoprocess window is wrong
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/provincias_andalucia/provincias_andalucia.shp)
Add layer...
Vicent Domenech
11:45 AM gvSIG bugs #1203 (Fixed): Reprojection with GSB grid does not work
Removing bad double quotes in launch4j XML files (Windows)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:31 AM gvSIG bugs #1203 (Closed): Reprojection with GSB grid does not work
Reprojection with GSB grid does not work, at least in Windows. Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:43 AM gvSIG bugs #1205 (Closed): The output file text of reproject geoprocess window is wrong
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/hidro_andalucia/hidro_andalucia.shp)
Click on reproject ...
Vicent Domenech
11:34 AM gvSIG bugs #1204 (Closed): After cancel X and Y shift geoprocess during the process, it creates ...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/hidro_andalucia/hidro_andalucia.shp)
Click on X and Y sh...
Vicent Domenech
11:30 AM gvSIG bugs #1202 (Closed): After cancel Union geoprocess during the process, it creates layers wi...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/hidro_andalucia/hidro_andalucia.shp)
Add layer (/geodata...
Vicent Domenech
11:11 AM gvSIG bugs #1200 (Closed): After cancel reproject geoprocess during the process, it creates a lay...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/hidro_andalucia/hidro_andalucia.shp)
Click on reproject ...
Vicent Domenech
11:07 AM gvSIG bugs #1199 (Closed): After cancel merge geoprocess during the process, it creates a layer w...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/provincias_andalucia/provincias_andalucia.shp)
Add layer...
Vicent Domenech
11:00 AM gvSIG bugs #1198 (Closed): After cancel instersection geoprocess during the process, it creates ...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/esp_provincias/esp_provincias.shp)
Add layer (/geodata/v...
Vicent Domenech
10:54 AM gvSIG bugs #1197 (Closed): Cancel during fussy spatially process does not work
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/esp_provincias/esp_provincias.shp)
Click on Fussy spatia...
Vicent Domenech
10:40 AM gvSIG bugs #962 (Fixed): insertar_localizador "string translation missing"
Added missing translations.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:36 AM gvSIG bugs #1195: Line and polygon symbology doesn't work for KML layers
Si seleccionas una segunda vez las propiedades de simbología de la capa KML, abres la opción de seleccionar símbolo p... María Maluenda
10:24 AM gvSIG bugs #1195 (Closed): Line and polygon symbology doesn't work for KML layers
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new View (EPSG 4326)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
10:30 AM gvSIG bugs #1196 (Closed): After cancel dissolve geoprocess during the process, it creates a lay...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/hidro_andalucia/hidro_andalucia.shp)
Click in dissolve t...
Vicent Domenech
10:24 AM gvSIG bugs #1194 (Closed): After cancel difference geoprocess during the process, it creates a l...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/provincias_andalucia/provincias_andalucia.shp)
Add layer...
Vicent Domenech
10:19 AM gvSIG bugs #1193 (Closed): After cancel buffer geoprocess during the process, it creates a layer ...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/hidro_andalucia/hidro_andalucia.shp)
Click in buffer too...
Vicent Domenech
10:07 AM gvSIG bugs #1192 (Invalid): In Intersection geoprocess options, the selected geometries checkbox ...
Vicent Domenech
09:53 AM gvSIG bugs #1192 (Invalid): In Intersection geoprocess options, the selected geometries checkbox ...
The intersection geoprocess option window has the option to refers this to the selected geometries. I understand this... Vicent Domenech
09:43 AM gvSIG bugs #1047 (Fixed): Add north in map fails
Added folder with SVG north symbols and fixed path in code.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:03 AM gvSIG bugs #1191: Installer should allow install the icon for all user or the current user
Copy of bug #1190 from the 1.12 version. Cesar Ordiñana
08:57 AM gvSIG bugs #1191 (Closed): Installer should allow install the icon for all user or the current user
By Jose Manuel Mora Fallas on this thread
Cesar Ordiñana
08:09 AM Revision 38988 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38987 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38986 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38985 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38984 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38983 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38982 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38981 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38980 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38979 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38978 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38977 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38976 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38975 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38974 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38973 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38972 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38971 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38970 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38969 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38968 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38967 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38966 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38965 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38964 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38963 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38962 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38961 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38960 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38959 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38958 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38957 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38956 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38955 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38954 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38953 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38952 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38951 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38950 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38949 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38948 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38947 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:09 AM Revision 38946 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:08 AM Revision 38945 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:08 AM Revision 38944 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:08 AM Revision 38943 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:08 AM Revision 38942 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:08 AM Revision 38941 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:08 AM Revision 38940 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:08 AM Revision 38939 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2055 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:01 AM Revision 38938 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1211 Updating build number properties files for gvSIG BN 205...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
07:41 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 29 (svn-document-layout): Updating particular build number properties files before gvSIG...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
07:41 AM gvSIG projections Revision 63: Updating particular build number properties files before gvSIG BN 2055
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:55 AM Revision 38937 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #998 Fixed constant name
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:47 AM Revision 38936 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1201 Writing plugin creation console messages to gvSIG log file
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:44 AM Revision 38935 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1203 Removing bad double quotes in launch4j XML files (Windows)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:10 AM Revision 38934 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #962 Added missing translations
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:10 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 28 (svn-document-layout): #962 Added missing translations
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:39 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 27 (svn-document-layout): #1047 Added folder with SVG north symbols and fixed path in code
Juan Lucas Domínguez


05:48 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1285 (gvsig-raster): Mask threshold process
Ignacio Brodín
04:44 PM gvSIG bugs #951 (Fixed): Copy, paste and move a point, in Map, does not work well.
Effectively cloning bbox and geometry (adapter) of graphics frame. There are probabl...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:19 PM gvSIG bugs #1165 (Closed): Herramienta desconocida en edición de tablas de atributos/Unknown tool...
Manuel Madrid
10:48 AM gvSIG bugs #1165: Herramienta desconocida en edición de tablas de atributos/Unknown tool when edi...
Yes, it's the "rename column" button. This bug is the same as #1041 and is already fixed. I have added it as "duplica... Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:55 PM gvSIG bugs #998 (Fixed): Change the language not possible
Improved language selection panel. The reason why this did not happen before is unknown.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:18 PM gvSIG bugs #1188 (Closed): On the fly reprojection doesn't work with KML layers
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new View (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer
María Maluenda
02:13 PM gvSIG bugs #1187 (Closed): On the fly reprojection doesn't work with GML layers
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new View (EPSG 4326)
3.- Add new layer
María Maluenda
01:17 PM gvSIG bugs #1186 (Closed): Wrong layer name in ToC for GML files
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new View (EPSG 23031)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
01:14 PM gvSIG bugs #1185 (Closed): Wrong layer name in ToC for KML files
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new View (EPSG 4326)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
01:01 PM gvSIG bugs #1103 (Fixed): "Stop Editing" fails if a plugin finishes edition explicitly (not via m...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:01 PM gvSIG bugs #1103 (New): "Stop Editing" fails if a plugin finishes edition explicitly (not via menu)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:00 PM gvSIG bugs #1103: "Stop Editing" fails if a plugin finishes edition explicitly (not via menu)
We cannot test this properly because the "bad situation" cannot be reproduced. All we can do is:
- create view
- ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1160 (Fixed): The button to change the Current Projection in view properties
Fixed finally I hope.
Improved layout in view properties dialog.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:37 PM gvSIG bugs #1160 (New): The button to change the Current Projection in view properties
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:47 AM gvSIG bugs #1160: The button to change the Current Projection in view properties
This problem is related to a recent change . I did not expect that in Linux the font was so big, I'll fix it soon Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:14 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1284 (gvsig-raster): tests mask threshold
Ignacio Brodín
10:41 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 26 (svn-document-layout): #951 Effectively cloning bbox and geometry (adapter) of graphi...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:37 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1283 (gvsig-raster): tests mask threshold
Ignacio Brodín
10:10 AM gvSIG feature requests #506 (Closed): modificar el addonsmanager para que intente descargar prime...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:53 AM Revision 38933 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #998 Improved language selection panel. The reason why this d...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
07:24 AM Revision 38932 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Añadido que muestre informacion sobre de que repositorio de s...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:55 AM Revision 38931 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Replacing bad PNG file (corrupt?)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:33 AM Revision 38930 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1160 Improved layout in view properties dialog
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:33 AM gvSIG projections Revision 62: #1160 Improved layout in view properties dialog
Juan Lucas Domínguez


12:52 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1282 (gvsig-raster): Creating points and lines as ROIs
Ignacio Brodín


12:39 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1281 (gvsig-raster): Removing ROI panels from the extension
Ignacio Brodín
12:37 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1280 (gvsig-raster): New raster TOC entries
Ignacio Brodín
12:36 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1279 (gvsig-raster): Adding ROI panel to the swing library
Ignacio Brodín
06:35 AM Revision 38929 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Check icons
Ignacio Brodín
06:34 AM Revision 38928 (svn-gvsig-desktop): New Constructor
Ignacio Brodín


03:11 PM gvSIG bugs #1183 (Closed): View refresh fails after exporting a layer
1. Launch gvSIG
2. Open a view
3. Load a vector layer (shp, e.g.)
4. Activate the layer
5. Export the layer to sh...
Manuel Madrid
02:35 PM gvSIG bugs #1132 (Fixed): ROIs should be adjusted to the extent of the layer
gvsig-raster:r1278 Ignacio Brodín
09:41 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1278 (gvsig-raster): #1132 ROIs should be adjusted to the extent of the layer
Ignacio Brodín
08:42 AM gvSIG bugs #1131 (Fixed): Problems changing the ROI color
gvsig-raster:r1275 Ignacio Brodín


05:36 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1277 (gvsig-raster): Preparing reprojection on the fly
Ignacio Brodín
05:34 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1276 (gvsig-raster): Method convert to reproject corners
Ignacio Brodín
05:34 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1275 (gvsig-raster): #1131 Problems changing the ROI color
Ignacio Brodín
04:28 PM gvSIG bugs #1155 (Won't fix): Geolocation tool does not work with coordinates in degrees
I cannot reproduce this bug Ignacio Brodín
03:28 PM gvSIG bugs #1106 (Fixed): GUI tests in postgis raster does not work
gvsig-raster:r1274 Ignacio Brodín
03:27 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1274 (gvsig-raster): #1106 GUI tests in postgis raster does not work
Ignacio Brodín
03:23 PM gvSIG bugs #649 (Fixed): Server messages are not shown in WMS
gvsig-raster:r1273 Ignacio Brodín
03:22 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1273 (gvsig-raster): #649 Server messages are not shown in WMS
Ignacio Brodín
02:14 PM gvSIG bugs #1181 (Fixed): NullPointerException when the layer is not valid
Ignacio Brodín
02:14 PM gvSIG bugs #1181: NullPointerException when the layer is not valid
That NullPointerException did not permit to visualize the real error message
Ignacio Brodín
02:12 PM gvSIG bugs #1181 (Under review): NullPointerException when the layer is not valid
Opening a corrupt raster file the call prepareOpenDataStoreParameters in FilesystemExplorerWizardPanel throws an exce... Ignacio Brodín
01:05 PM gvSIG bugs #418 (Fixed): Raster Reprojection feature is not working
New plugin for raster reprojection Ignacio Brodín
08:13 AM Revision 38927 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1181 NullPointerException when the layer is not valid
Ignacio Brodín

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